
Reincarnated into Harry Potter world as Harry

The protagonist is full of intelligence, full of charm, full of force. He reincarnated as harry potter. In this fanfic With Hermoine and Neville and Yes no Ron Weasley. My native language is not English so if you find any mistake please mention. PS. Poster is not mine its fanart i downloaded.

shaizada · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
3 Chs

Chapter 1 Reincarnation

Sharp pain woke him There is a splitting headache and some foreign memory bashing into his head.

Few minutes later he jolted awake but there is still headache going on but that's not a biggest concern.

He didn't know if this is real or his imagination making him mental.

He is in disbelief because he reincarnated into magical Harry Potter world and he knew this because he is f**king Harry Potter himself.

He was fan of Harry Potter novels, movies, fan-fiction and fantastic beasts so he knows about this magical and dangerous world.

He thought 'Is this really happening to me, yes I always wanted to this happen, to reincarnate into another magic world or wuxia/xianxia world but now this is happening to me' he nearly cried from happiness while thinking about this.

Harry tried to stand up but


He bashed his head into stairways ceiling and plopped back into his so called bed.

'Oh shit how can i forget, let me first review my memories'

He closed his eyes and concentrate on his recent received memories. Few minutes later he recalled all his memories and also few Harry potter story plots from books and movies.

'Today is 21 july 1991. So i am still 10days away from eleven and 3 days away from Hogwarts letter. In Harry Potter story Harry mistakenly showed his letter to Dursley family and after that his life became hell.'

He slowly stood up preventing his head from bashing and open his stairway closet slowly.

There is not a single soul outside. He quietly go to kitchen pathway, Dursley's kitchen and living room is attached.he saw time on clock its 5 am he strides towards the mirror in living room and noticed himself little malnourished 10-11 old boy with Pale face, messy Black hairs , round broken glasses, green eyes and on his forehead a famous lightning bolt mark. A big old shirt and pair of rough light coloured jeans.

He stares at himself still not believing that he is reincarnated as Harry Potter.

After few minutes from staring he sighed and slowly walked back to his small stairways cupboard and layback on his so called bed.

Lets plan next few days

He has still 3 days from Hogwarts letter arriving but now if he think about how will he send back the letter. School didn't know that Dursley's are not willing to send him to Hogwarts so nobody will come to talk to his family like teacher did to muggle students.

First he can go to pub leaky cauldron where there is passageway to Diagon alley. Then he can go to Gringotts bank to take inheritance test or show his famous lightning bolt mark to gain access to his vault and to know about his inheritance will, if there is any like many fanfics.

'From my prospective there will be because Potter family was one of the ancient family and there was no way that James and lily Potter did not left behind there 'WILL' knowing that Voldemort was after them. Second he can read the letter but not reply back and wait for Hagrid to arrive then can go with him. First will be dangerous. Even if he has a knowledge about Diagon alley, Hogwarts and also future knowledge but reading books or watching movies but living is different. Reading a fictional story and living in a story world is huge matter. Second method is safe he can wait for Hagrid to arrive then there will be only one little problem.

In novel Dursley family refuse to send harry to Hogwarts and even go the lengths from blocking the post to leaving the house.'

He thought for a moment

'Second it is, I cannot risk going there alone now because there is only three days for wait and 10 for Hagrid to arrive and if somehow they got the letter I can blackmail them into believing that if he didn't go to Hogwarts, wizard will come and make them pigs if they didn't agree. At 24th july he will get Hogwarts acceptance letter. Then it is all settled he will go with second plan.

Now all small problems settled let see where is golden finger' Harry decided.

He closed his eyes and said









After few more tries but still NO.

He opened his eyes irritatingly. "What the f*ck. Where is my golden finger did i even have any."

After hour of tries but answer is still no after calming himself he thought 'lets just forget about golden finger my own talent is enough'

In his previous life he was topper in studies because he has eidetic memory ,pretty good in basketball with regular gym activities and good in boxing.

'Lets just First check his main talent eidetic memory'

He lit up lit up the light in his cupboard. Then picked up his old school book an read few paragraphs the he closed his eyes repeat the words slowly. Smile on his face visibly available he still has his eidetic memory talent. This will make his life little easy.

He smirked ' so what if he didn't have any golden finger. With his photographic memory learning complicated spells, charms, hex's, wards and runes will be easy or at least he didn't have to worry about learning them fast'

He smiling stupidly while thinking about how he will greatest wizard all time. Then something clicked in his mind his stupid smile vanished replaced with serious heavy expression.

'Dumbledore is going to be pain in the ass. F*cking manipulative bastard thinks himself a saint but in reality most evil person he does evil things and manipulating while claiming This is for greater goods. This greater goods will be destroying his life if didn't do anything. Only his Guardian Sirius black can help him with Dursley's and Dumbledore but he is still in Azkaban prison and he also have to learn Occlumency to protect his mind from legiiimency attacks but i still didn't know the which type of person Dumbledore is, so let's decide after going to school'

(# Occlumency is the magical defence of the mind against external penetration . An obscure branch of magic, but a highly useful one. Occlumency is the art of protecting your mind. It can prevent a Legilimens, a person who knows how to perform Legilimency, from accessing one's thoughts and feelings or influencing them. A person who practices this art as an Occlumens. Occlumens can also control there thoughts and felling from influencing them they can build there dream scape and organise there memories to get better access behind there Occlumency shield.

# Legilimency is art where one could dive into their target's mind and see their memories, experiences, and anything that the mind offers. They could know your every secret in a matter of minutes. while Imperius Curse makes people do things against their will, a legilimen could plant suggestions inside target subconscious, making the target do their bidding and make it seem like the target did it out of their own free will. An Imperius Curse leaves traces on the mind, but a grandmaster legilimen wouldn't leave any trace of their presence.)

'What to do, Urgh this a headache. Lets just do things step by step'

'First lets just do the most fun part MAGIC. I am still in age where magical kid prone to accidental magic'

He had read fanfiction characters doing wandless magic, and he wanted to accomplish that, at least basic things before Hogwarts.

He closed his eyes trying to feel magic inside his body. First there is nothing but harry calms his mind stops any necessary thoughts harry felt something moving inside him but in erratic manner he tried to control this erratic thing but no matter what he do. This erratic thing still moving around inside his body from irritation of can't do anything harry started to search main source after carefully studying the erratic thing Harry found the most dense part is centre of his body.

He opened his eyes ' At least this is a start i can assume this erratic thing is magic moving inside my body but I can't control this thing. Lets try first spell 'Lightning charm Lumos' that illuminates to allow caster to see in dark and there is lot darkness inside this cupboard'

He knows magic needs intent and imagination. Harry concentrated on intention to magic and imagin to lightning up.

"Lumos" harry said in hushed voice








"Lumos" said in little irritation

Little sparks produced in darkness but only for instant then 'puff' sparks vanishes.

"Yes i can do magic" harry shouted forgetting that he still lives with Dursley's and it's morning time.

Heavy footsteps sounded it's like something big is striding downstairs. Uncle Vernon open the with fuming expressions "boy what are you shouting early in morning and didn't I already told you there is no such thing is magic"

He is a big, beefy man with hardly any neck, although he did have a very large mustache.

Harry shuttered " uncle it's just nightmare "

" yes it's a nightmare at least you know what is right" uncle Vernon said.

"Yes uncle Vernon" harry replied.

"Now go make some breakfast or i am going to late for my work" uncle Vernon ordered and walked back upstairs.

"Yes" harry said while out of cupboard with calm face.

'What a pig, he really look-like actor in movie, just few days you old beefy pig when Hagrid arrives i will surly ask him to transfigure a pig tail with his pig brain son Dudley' Harry sneered while walking towards kitchen. First he make himself omelette with bread and ate with warm milk. He did this first because he knew after nobody will care about his meal and ordered him to house work. Yes he was like house elf in this house but not anymore.

He hurriedly make another fried egg with bacon.

He heard someone walking toward kitchen. He looked up and saw uncle Vernon and aunt Petunia approaching.

Aunt Petunia was thin and blonde and had nearly twice the usual amount of neck, which came in very useful as she spent so much of her time craning over garden fences, spying on the neighbors.

"Why didn't you combed your hair" aunt Petunia screeched.

"I am making breakfast for uncle Vernon " harry replied with fake fear on his face. While he smirking inside 'lets see if your dared to eat this' feeling giddy inside put breakfast in the plate then walked towards uncle Vernon who is already on sofa seat watching morning news.

Harry slowly walks front with his fried egg and bacon and make he sees his plats in hands.

Harry muttered "lumos"

Sparks lit up on breakfast in plate but only for split second but for harry and uncle Vernon that is enough.

Uncle Vernon shot up from his seat backed few steps "boy what have you done with my breakfast what was that sparks" asked with little fear in his voice.

"Honey what happened what did he do" Aunt Petunia walked towards uncle Vernon.

"I did nothing" Harry replied with confusion on face. He looked like little confused kid who didn't know what he did.

" boy I am asking you what was that sparks on my breakfast when you going to put plate on the table" uncle Vernon asked.

"What sparks what did he do honey" Aunt Petunia asked warily looking at breakfast plate and harry who stood there with confused face.

Uncle Vernon looked at Harry's face for few moments then whisper's something in his wife's ear.

They both looked at harry the uncle Vernon ordered "boy go back to your room and do not come out until i said so"

"But that's a cupboard " harry muttered slowly.

"Boy did you not heard properly go now" aunt Petunia said in almost screeching voice.

Harry quietly turned back while smile almost break down from his face he controlled his facial expression's and hurriedly walked back to his stairways cupboard.

'Ahh bed sweet bed now do not have to anything or even if there any chance they asked me to do something i can again do some magic that'll scare them into believing them that i can so something to them' Harry thinking while smiling heartedly.

'Now i can practice some magic until letter arrives nobody is gonna disturb me' Harry smirked.