
Reincarnated Into Another World With... Myself?!

What would you do...if you met a copy of yourself, but they're the opposite gender? Well their thought process was "We're both lonely, so why not fuck?" Alex & Alexa

UWinzumULosezum · แฟนตาซี
27 Chs

Chapter 8

Alex and Alexa sat alone in the carriage surrounded by all sorts of merchandise and goods. There wasn't a whole lot of space so Roxy opted to let them be alone for a bit so they had some time to process about their 'situation' while she sat with the coach driver.

And currently, Alexa was on top of Alex again sitting...grinding on his lap as they talked in their own language. Just so if anyone were to secretly listen to them they wouldn't understand sheeeet.

"Okay, now we have a way to get to the city. What's next smarty-pants" Alexa asked Alex as she had her arm around his neck and his lap as her seat. Alex gave her a slightly annoyed look "Why I'm I the one making the plans- you're also me! so that means you can also make a plan"

Alexa gave him a sly smirk as she patted his cheek "And BECAUSE I'm you~ I'm also lazy, I'll do the thinking later on and I'll pamper you in repayment~" She whole heartedly promised as she sealed it with a kiss on his cheek

Alex in return groaned but ultimately let her be...since he wasn't inherently hating the fact that she was on his lap and giving him some physical affection, and she was definitely loving how she was also getting physical attention back as he hugged her close to his body.

They were both ultimately touch starved and wouldn't even refuse a hug if someone asked them too. And they're exploiting the fact that they have a person...who knows exactly what's wrong with them and wants to help them in return for them helping the other them-

Confusing shit but it's a Win-Win-Win situation for them anyway so they didn't care.

"Okay...we have our mode of transportation" "Uhuh~" "We also have an excuse for not knowing anything, although it may not convince alot of people it's still technically the truth since we actually have no idea about anything here" "mhmmm~" "So all that's left is too get more information about the world and also getting ready for any problems we might encounter, Luckily! we have a system, and that means that we have a way to get stronger" "Ooooh~"

"Are you even listening!?" Alex exclaimed because the entire time he was busy talking and using his single braincell, Seems like he borrowed the braincell from Alexa since she was just busy groping Alex's body and grinding her butt against his crotch with a dumb and perverted look in her face

"Okay I am not used to seeing that expression on a girl- Isn't supposed to be me that's lusting over you or something?! I am the guy here!" Alexa giggled and cooed at his reaction. Because of their pale complexion, a blush was very visible on both of their faces.

"Yeah you are~ But since you're the guy, you took the lead by being the worrywart and making the plans" They're breathing slowly started to intensify as they gazed into each other's eyes. With a smooth and silky tone of voice she whispered "And as a girl...I find it very hot and smexy when a guy takes charge... exactly what you're doing~"

This made Alex hold in his breath... before he slowly started to chuckle "Goddammit- I should have known that a female version of me would be even more effective with their teasing-" he sighed while putting a hand on his face "And the fact that you also know that I'm into dominant woman is unfair!"

"Heheh~ You're into all women don't even lie... especially tomboy's~ And what can I be described as?" She said drawling out her words

"A tomboy...one of the boy's...a boyfriend with tiddies, A best friend with a coochie" Alex listed out quite accurately with a quiet voice.

"Correct! and we both know we're going to take advantage of this situation we're in to have fun and cash in our virginity with someone we trust and love before we die an inevitable painful death~!"

She said with such a happy expression on her face it could be considered quite morbid for a 'little' girl like her to say-

Alex nodded in agreement as he just accepted her words as if they were his own...which was technically the truth. ughh this was confusing even for him.

With a sigh, he brought her in close and kissed her on the lips, leaving Alexa to be in sudden shock as she felt his oddly soft pair of lips against her own. She didn't have enough time to reciprocate as the kiss was shorter then she thought it felt.

With a serious look on his face...even though his face was also red, he said "There...since you like me being in charge, I'm sure you enjoyed that no?" Alexa didn't respond as a big smile slowly grew on her face as she put both her hands on her Rosy cheeks as she gushed

"Eheheh~... I just got my first kiss~ and it was from myself, whose handsome~" she muttered to herself while she wriggled from glee on his lap.

Alex had a soft smile on his face as he watched, thinking 'Oh she's definitely out of it-...can't blame her though, if a girl as beautiful as her kissed me on her own free will I'd definitely react like that-'

He chuckled as he rolled his eyes, going back into his thoughts as Alexa giggled and snuggled up against his body.

'As I was saying err- thinking, we already have a guaranteed way of getting stronger from having a system. Although it would have been very convenient if we actually got reincarnated as kids again so we had time to prepare and practice, can't have everything after all' he shrugged to himself.

The thought lead him to wonder out loud "Hmmm I wonder if the download is done". He brought back up the Hologram only for his eyes to widen in shook and yelled as silently as he could under his breath.

"whaaaat the fuuuuuuuck-"

[𝙎𝙔𝙎𝙏𝙀𝙈 𝘿𝙊𝙒𝙉𝙇𝙊𝘼𝘿...99% E̵͈͆̑͐͗̈́̕R̴̺̒̿͌̽̾̀̈́͠R̵̡̰̩̺̫̦͖̯̾̓̄̑̑̃̇͘̚Ö̷̙͖̱͖̹́͜R̴̢̧̫̗̦̯̰̀͋̾ ̷̡̨̜̼̗̬̙̏̓̀̂C̸̥͍̫̤̹̭̺̱͎̓̇̿͐̀̇͠Ò̷̡̜̌͊̎̈́͂̆͠Ḏ̵̈́̏̄Ė̴̹̪̺̾̀̋̈͐̎ͅ:̵̦̘͔̪̃̋̍͗́͊̌̇̌̑ ̵̤̝͍͇̺̪̲̰͓̲͋͊̏͗̇́͂͝͝4̸̬̫̩̣͙̜̘̣̔̑̏̅͗͜͝2̵̢̞̹͉̘̀͑̃̎̚3̵̻͚̈́̈̾͐̌̓͝]