
Reincarnated into a world of clichés

Guy died, reincarnated into an isekai world full of clichés from a novel. Like a certain red haired noble, he also dreams of living life as a slacker, and maybe get rich along the way. "This author must be really lazy to write such a short summary" said a voice "Cut him some slack, he created us" said another voice "You're saying that because you're the protagonist and he bribed you with money" "I don't turn down a $5 bill" "Cheapskate" "Shush" |Vote with all your power stones and give me good reviews or else I will eat all your cookies.| Author's note : As carefree and free spirit as the protagonist is, I don't plan on making him a hero, but a selfish person who does things only for his own gain. The novel will also end with a harem since the protagonist is a greedy bastard and want a semi cliché ending. P.S. The illustration belongs to the original owner and in no way do I own it, copyright infringement is not intended. if you want it removed, contact me. Disclaimer: This novel contains depictions of various views, beliefs, and ideologies that are solely for fictional and narrative purposes. They do not necessarily reflect the personal views, beliefs, or opinions of the author. This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to real events, persons, living or dead, is coincidental. The author's intent is purely to create a work of fiction and not to endorse or promote any particular viewpoint or belief.

PerseusSilver · แฟนตาซี
518 Chs

Chapter 281: Lucifer, YES! (2)

-Too bad he doesn't look like Tom Ellis-

I then use illusion magic to make a mirage of 4 attractive men walking through the door, hoping that they would attract the girls and make the guy jealous. They did give glances but are still talking with the dense guy.

-Damon, use your good human looks, steal one of the girls-

-You do realize looks aren't everything right?- Diana asked

-Then why is the phrase 'love at first sight' a thing?-

-He has a point- Siege agreed -As much as humans say that looks aren't a factor they look for in a person, it is.-

-Though I agree that personality still play a huge role, Lia got both, Eliza too-

-Damn it- Diana cursed -Brother...just do what you have to do-

-Yeah, even if I have looks, I do not want to talk to strange women who have weird taste- Damon argued -Perseus, use charm and lure them here, I'll help when they're here-

-Fine, can't believe you guys are using me to flirt with women again, I'm sort of tired-

I then activated 'charm' at a high level, I can then see the effects affecting Stella, Jasper and Maska. Even the female staff couldn't help but glance over.

-Dabria, help-

-Got it- Dabria replied as she use her goddess magic or whatever to protect 'charm' from affecting the 3.

I can then see the girls glancing over while quietly whispering discussing about me and Damon. They think we can't hear them, but we can.

"Well Jasper, take over please, hopefully you learn something from Urie and use them to make the guy over there jealous, the first girl he defends is the one he cares for most, the others will realize that and try to help the one he defends first because as much as they like him, they want him to be happy"

Lucifer smiled at my attempt, but did nothing to stop it.

"Alright, they'll definitely approach after this, Jasper, Damon, you flirt while I convince the guy to choose one of the girls, or all 4, the god doesn't really care either way"


We left the diner and the girls approached us.

"Say, would you gentlemen mind to join us?" Girl #3 asked as she then linked her arm through Damon's earning a glare from Diana. These siblings really are overprotective of each other, they have too high a standard for their siblings partner.

As the girls were talking, I went to talk with the lone dense guy.

"I'm Perseus, nice to meet you"

"I'm Nikki" he replied as he shook my hand "Your name sounds foreign"

"That's because I am"

"That would explain your accent and your slightly foreign look"

< Luckily the author write people in every world to speak English, otherwise this would be a lot more different >

"Which one of them is your girlfriend?"

"W-We're just friends" he stuttered as the girls glared at him

"What? So nothing happened between you and them, maybe an incident maybe? Trapped in the storage room alone? Slipped and fall on one of em while accidently touching something, maybe?"

"H-How'd you- I mean we have not done things of the sort" he coughed

-Too obvious- Dabria sighs -This might take a while-

-No need to state the obvious, let us be done quick- Siege said -We go back to your world, get revenge and prepare to battle with Eros and his army-

-We need to go to the demon world first, we need to know more about Diana's parents-

-Well we don't need to- Diana said -But if we go, we should make it only a short visit, we have many things to prepare-

"Do you not like any of them? I mean, they could just be hanging out with us to make you jealous, if you want them, go for them now before Damon and Jasper steal them from you"

"What about those 2 girls in your group?" He tried to change the subject

"They're like my sisters"

"I am your sister" Stella corrected

"Sorry sis, but that's not the point, do you like them, Nikki? The romantic kind?"

"No, we're just friends" he answered "I don't have a crush on anyone here"

We all detected that last statement as a lie

"He's lying" Jasper said aloud

"Yeah, so one of them, which is it?"

He then ran off ahead.

"Well girls, if you want to know who he likes, play along, we'll help you"

"Why are you helping us?" Girl #4 asked

"Well we hate indecisive people and we aim to change it"

I then sensed a familiar presence approaching us quick, I then turned to see Lucifer in casual clothing running towards us while waving his hand.

-Fuck, he doesn't look like good luck-


3rd person view

In the original world...

"If it's a boy, we name him Aiden" Luke requested

"Um, that's auntie's Mary's decision to make since he promise that his first child to be named by her" Eliza responded

"Wow, after his last speech, I never thought we would get one so soon" Mary cheered "Will your child be a celestial too?"

"You've seen his kids, none of them are" John answered "They'll have to go through the stupid test too"

"Well our son will get rid of every problems there is so that no one will have to do the test again" Axel laughed

"Yeah, I'm supposed to make him a weapon that is able to do that" Eliza responded "We got him a sword, but it's definitely not as good as his previous one, I wouldn't be able to work a lot either after this"

"Yeah, a few months in, you're going to need to stop" Olivia nodded

"Well you can work afterwards, we'll help take care of the baby during day while Luke can take care of him at night if he's willing" Axel reassured "Oh man, this is exciting"

"His face when we tell him would be priceless" Olivia laughed "Oh man, I'll prepare the polaroid thing nearby to take a picture"

"You Silvers are evil sometimes" Eliza commented

"Well you should have know what you gotten into the moment you date him" Cordelia laughed "You don't just get Perseus, you get his bond and family as a bonus"