
Reincarnated In Mahabharat with Seven Deadly Sins System

Greek × Indian × Norse mythology) This is the journey of a man from the end of Kaliyug, named Aryan, who got Lord Vishnu's boon and survived the end of the world by reincarnating to Mahabharat period in a parallel universe with a seven deadly sins system. Now Aryan has to navigate in this dangerous world, all the while trying to figure out how to use this system of his to gain the seven abilities from the famous anime seven deadly sins. May be this time, the ending will be slightly different with the addition of a man from Kaliyug into Dwaparyug? But wait, why are there Greek gods and Norse gods in this world too? A total of three Pantheons? Follow Aryan on his journey and see what different choices he will make and how are they going to change the bigger picture? * [ Those who don't know the story of Mahabharat can also read. I have tried my best to make you understand everything. ] [ PS - This is only for entertainment purpose and I don't want to hurt anyone's beliefs and religion. So if you have any problems with these then please don't read further. ] * I'll try to make 5 chaps / week, unless something urgent comes up like exams and all. *********************** Hungry for more chapters? Support me on Patreon and read 5 advance chapters, along with advance chapters of my other novels .  patreon.com/Daddy_strikes_

Daddy_strikes_ · ภาพยนตร์
102 Chs

Bheem Vs Duryodhan : the epic battle

Both of them were locked in an epic struggle. Their weapons clashed, and sweat poured down their faces as they pushed their bodies to the limits.

The crowd's cheers and roars of encouragement filled the arena, adding to the intensity of the battle. Each strike, each parry, was met with thunderous applause.

Duryodhan, refusing to yield, launched a powerful overhead swing with his mace, aiming to crush Bheem's defenses once and for all. The force behind the blow was staggering, and the very ground seemed to tremble in response.

Bheem, however, had other plans. With an earth-shattering roar, he raised his massive club to meet Duryodhan's attack head-on. The collision of their weapons created a shockwave that rippled outward, causing the arena's walls to shake.

In that moment, something extraordinary happened. The impact of the clash sent shockwaves through Duryodhan's body, and his grip on his mace faltered. Bheem, drawing upon his advantage, pushed forward, his club driving Duryodhan to the brink of defeat.

The crowd fell into stunned silence as they watched Duryodhan, the mighty Kaurava prince, being gradually overpowered by Bheem's sheer force before the cheers for Bheem erupted throughout the arena. 

Duryodhan's face contorted with frustration and disbelief as he struggled to maintain his ground.

Bheem, his eyes burning with determination, continued to press forward. With one final, monumental effort, he pushed Duryodhan's mace aside and struck him with a powerful blow from his club. The impact sent Duryodhan sprawling to the ground, his mace clattering out of reach.

* clank *

"Is this how you defeated Nakul, Duryodhan? Now I'll help my younger brother to take revenge. "

The arena erupted in cheers as Bheem stepped towards Duryodhan with a wild grin on his face. 

Seeing this unfavorable situation and the cheers for Bheem, instead of getting angry, Duryodhan calmed down instead. 

He remembered his uncle's advice before the tournament. 

"Duryodhan, Sam, Dam, Dand , Bhed, no matter what you do but you have to win this tournament. Only then can you become the crown prince of Hastinapur. "

Immediately Duryodhan looked at Bheem and whisphered in a low voice that only the two of them could hear. 

"Tell me something Bheem. How the hell is Nakul your brother. I mean, you both have different mothers and different fathers right? You two are just children of two characterless women, nothing more. Pttt, you guys don't even have the Kuru blood flowing in your blood. Pandu putra Bheem, oh sorry, sorry. It should be Vayu Putra Bheem. Hahaha Ahahaha. "

{ Pandu putra = Son of Pandu, Vayu Putra = Son of the God of wind, since he was Bheem's spiritual father. }

"Duryodhan! " Bheem was enraged beyond bounds after hearing his words and roared deafeningly, "Today, no one can save you from me. "

The next moment, Bheem attacked Duryodhan with all his strength. And as the club landed straight on Duryodhan's face who was already lying powerless on the ground, it became the last straw that crushed the camel. 

* Blergh *

A mouthful of blood spurted out of Duryodhan's mouth. But Bheem didn't stop at this. He simply threw away his club and rode on Duryodhan's chest while beating him like a dough. 

Seeing this scene, a cunning gleam flashed through Shakuni's eyes and he immediately stood up to interject. 

"Guru Dronacharya, what are you doing? Isn't it obvious that Bheem has already been disqualified from the tournament. He has clearly broken the rule of the tournament by making his opponent bleed, which is against the friendly theme of this tournament. So hurry up stop him. "

Guru Dronacharya, the overseer of the tournament, watched the unfolding chaos in the arena. Bheem's relentless attack on Duryodhan had indeed drawn blood, and Shakuni's interruption added a new layer of complexity to the situation.

The audience fell into a hushed murmur, uncertain of how Guru Dronacharya would respond to Shakuni's claim. The friendly theme of the tournament had been emphasized from the beginning, and any violation of this rule was taken seriously.

Dronacharya, a respected figure known for his wisdom and fairness, approached the scene where Bheem continued to pummel Duryodhan. He raised his hand, signaling for a pause in the battle.

"Enough, Bheem!" he called out in a commanding voice, his tone carrying the weight of authority. "Release your opponent immediately."

Bheem, caught in the heat of the moment, hesitated for a brief second before complying with Guru Dronacharya's order. He stepped away from Duryodhan, his chest heaving with exertion, and allowed Dronacharya to approach his fallen opponent.

Dronacharya knelt beside Duryodhan, who was now struggling to rise. Blood trickled down from his split lip, staining his teeth crimson. The Kaurava prince's pride was wounded more deeply than his face.

Shakuni, still wearing a sly smile, spoke up again. "Guru Dronacharya, it's clear that Bheem violated the rules of the tournament by causing harm to his opponent. According to the friendly theme, such actions should not be tolerated. I request that Duryodhan be declared the winner."

The crowd's murmurs grew louder, divided between those who supported Duryodhan's apparent victory and those who believed in fair competition.

Guru Dronacharya, known for his impartiality, carefully assessed the situation. He then addressed the spectators, his voice carrying over the arena. "Ladies and gentlemen, it is true that Bheem's actions have violated the spirit of this friendly tournament. "

Dronacharya continued, "Therefore, I have decided that Bheem is disqualified from this tournament and the victory belongs to Duryodhan."

This announcement brought a mixed reaction from the crowd, with some expressing relief at the fair judgment and others disappointed by the lack of a clear victor. 

The crowd erupted into a cacophony of cheers and protests, with some celebrating Duryodhan's unexpected victory and others contesting Guru Dronacharya's decision. Shakuni wore a triumphant smirk, believing his cunning ploy had succeeded in securing the win for Duryodhan.

Bheem, though disqualified, glared at Duryodhan with an intense fury in his eyes. His pride had been wounded not by the defeat itself but by the underhanded tactics employed by his cousin and the mockery he had endured.

As Duryodhan struggled to his feet, still nursing his injuries, he couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. He had won, but the victory was tainted. The Kaurava prince knew that the battle hadn't truly been won through strength alone but through manipulation.

Meanwhile, Aryan watched from the stands, his thoughts racing. He couldn't help but admire Bheem's incredible strength and determination, even in the face of adversity. The Mahabharata was filled with complex characters, each with their own motivations and flaws.

As the arena cleared, the tension between the Pandavas and Kauravas lingered. This duel had only deepened the rivalry between the two sides, setting the stage for more intense conflicts to come.

Aryan contemplated the timeless lessons embedded in this epic tale of the Mahabharata. It was a reminder that strength alone did not guarantee victory, and that the pursuit of power could lead to deceit and betrayal. 

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