
Chapter 1

James was a normal college student otaku. He read plenty of webtoons and manga throughout his life. Which he enjoyed, it was one of the only pleasures he had in his life. He loved them so much in fact that he died reading them. Whilst walking home from his classes he was reading his favorite webtoon, Lookism. Without paying proper attention to his surroundings he had ended up walking across a busy road without even noticing. Before he could run across fully a gigantic mack truck had squashed him like a bug in an instant.

James woke up inside a vast dark sea of nothingness. He had waited and waited for what seemed like eternity until a white light flashed and a figure emerged. James instinctively felt as if that this person was the highest of high, God.

He instantly bowed his head in front of his holy father. God seeing this smiled and said,

"Stand up boy, it is time for your reincarnation ceremony."

James stood up reluctantly and stared at the perfect man as he guided him towards what seemed like a completely white room. It was almost blinding how pure the room was, not a single shadow or spot of darkness.

"James, take a seat."

Instantly a pillow like cushion was spawned out of thin air on the what's supposed to be floor of this room, of course James obligated and sat on the pillow. God also offered tea to James which he also accepted.

Somehow God knew exactly what type of tea James had liked.

"Green ginseng tea, I remember when you first had it. Back when you used to live with your grandmother, she had always treated you so well. Fear not she is living comfortably up in Heaven."

James could do nothing but be thankful towards God. James didn't even need to say anything, God knew exactly how he felt.

"James now its time to get to the serious matter at hand. You have died. You're also probably wondering why were here in this white room instead of you resting eternally in Heaven. The reason why is because there was a certain someone who took your life before it was originally supposed to end. Hence why you're going through the reincarnation ceremony instead of going to Heaven."

James was appalled, was it the truck that God was referring to? Why was he referring to a truck as a "someone"? Before James could continue these thoughts God had continued with his speech.

"Now with the Reincarnation Ceremony you can either chose 3 wishes and get a random world or chose the world you want to go to and get no wishes. You choose."

James thought if he chose the first option he could just use one of his 3 wishes to wish to go to a certain webtoon world. Which is exactly what he did. God sensed which he had chose and then continued,

"First option it is! Now what are your 3 wishes?"

James already knew what world he wanted to go to so he said,

"For my first wish I would like to be reincarnated into the world of Lookism."

God had smiled knowing that James figured out the trick, although it was simple many people get lost in thought about all the other things they could wish for when the simple trick is right in front of their face.

"My second wish will be Perfect Copy. I can see anything and perfectly copy it."

God had expected it, many people chose the same thing. Its not unexpected but where most people go wrong is by not saying the perfect part, if you just copy something imperfectly it wont have the same effect. Hence why it's important to add the perfect part.

"My third wish will be Extreme Intelligence. So that I can apply the things that I've copied in the right situations and so that I don't forget the things I've learned of copied. That will be it then."

"Whew you really did a good job on your wishes, I'm so proud that I'll just give you one more gift."

As soon as God said that a screen popped up right in front of James. It was a screen where he could choose his appearance. James was deep in thought about if he should make himself look extremely intimidating or the opposite. From reading the Webtoon James had realized that all the stronger people in the webtoon only fight people who look strong, hence why James came to the conclusion of making himself look tall but skinny because it was the perfect mix in between.

If your tall and fat people will be scared of you, if your short and skinny nobody will be afraid of you and you'll be looked down upon. Plus theres plenty of people in the series who are tall and skinny who are extremely strong. He also made his hair black and made himself relatively handsome, not Daniel Park handsome though.

Once finished he nodded his head towards God and God did the same back in reply. God waved his hand and a portal was opened. James stepped in it after saying his final goodbye.
