
The Date and Reincarnated Again

I don't own My Hero Academia, High School DxD or anything else I use.

(Except for My Own Character)

Please Don't Sue Me.


'And because of Midoriya, I won't make any of his fuck ups.' Thought Izuku gleefully.

"If I had to put a number by it, it would be 10%." Says Izuku happily.

"That's pretty good so far, but there are two days before the 'date'. I need to get It at a higher percentage by then." Izuku says with more determination then he has ever had before.



'Ok, I boosted up one for all to 20%. I would be able to do more but it's already Sunday.' Thought Izuku While dressing in nice clothes.

Izuku is wearing a white dress shirt, black dress pants ,and some black dress shoes.

"I look good." said Izuku while looking at the mirror.

"Narcissist." said Momo peeking at Izuku through his door.

"Ah! Don't Scary Me Like That!." Said Izuku Jumping a little bit.

"Anyways, how do I look?" asks Izuku.

"You look ok," said Momo.

"Oh come on, can't you be more nice?" Izuku asks.

"No." said Momo with a dead-pan.

"*Sighs* Well I gotta get going." said Izuku moving towards the door and down stairs.

"Ok, Have fun on your date and be careful." said Momo with hidden worry.

"DATE?!" said Eri and a recently off work Ken.

"My baby's got a date! Who is she? When did you meet? Are you boyfriend and girlfriend yet?" Eri asks rapidly.

"My boy's got a date! Is she pretty?" Ken asks Excitedly.

"Yes I have a date. It's my first one, and yes dad she's pretty." Izuku embarrassed.

"Atta boy!" Ken yells.

"Ken!" Eri yells.

"Sorry dear." Ken whimpers.

"I gotta get going now." Izuku says going to the front door.

"Ok have fun!" both Ken and Eri say.

"Ok, I will". said Izuku going through the door.

Momo shoots their parents a look.

The both widen their eyes.

"And be careful Izuku!" Izuku hears both parents yell.

"Alright I best be on my way" Izuku says starting to walk.


Izuku arrives at the agreed upon time.

He just waiting.

Suddenly he hears.

"Izuku!" Izuku turns around and sees Yuuma running to him waving her hand.

She's wearing a black strapless dress and high heels.

"Did you wait long?" Yuuma asks.

"No, not really." Izuku says.

"You look beautiful." Izuku says like the smooth person he is.

Yuuma blushes hard and says."Thank you! You look handsome yourself."

"Why thank you". Izuku says smiling.

"Shall we be on our way?" Izuku asks.

"Yes, lets get going!". Yuuma says excitedly.

While their walking to the movies, a cosplay wearing girl says "Take a flyer! Your wishes will be granted." and hands him a flyer.

'He he. Rias your already making your move huh.' Izuku thinks inwardly smirking.


After the movie they go to a restaurant. After that they go shopping. After shopping they go on a walk in the park by Yuuma's request.

"Hey Yuuma" says Izuku.

"Yes Izuku-kun?" Yuuma asks.

"Here you go." Izuku hands her a box.

She opens the box and gasps.

"Izuku where did you-"

"I got this while you were shopping." Izuku said smiling.

Inside the box was a beautiful bracelet with a purple gem in it.

"Izuku you didn't have to-"

"It's purple just like your eyes" said Izuku still smiling.

Yuuma starts crying and whispers "I'm sorry Izuku."

Izuku worriedly says "Yuuma are you o-"


Izuku looks down and sees a light spear in his gut.

"Y-Yuuma why?" Izuku says in pain.

"I'm sorry." Yuuma says fully crying.

She then turns into an attractive young woman with violet eyes having a slender body, that has long silky black hair down to her hips and possessed two black feathered wings. With an attire consisted of a short black dress with a small, light purple jacket on top.

"I'm sorry Izuku". She says sadly and flys far away.

Izuku wound on Izuku's stomach heals up Immanently after she leaves.

Izuku grabs the flyer from his pocket and says "I wish for Rias Gremory".

A magic circle appears and from it Rias come out and says. "It seems like he is hurt I'll-"

"Sup Rias." Izuku says while cleaning the blood from his shirt.

Rias eyes widen almost comically and Yells "Y-Your suppose to be Injured! And where is the Fallen Angel!"

"She stabbed me then left. See the blood?" Izuku shows her the bloody shirt.

"How are you not Injured?!" Rias yells out.

"I healed." Izuku said simply.

Rias sighed.

"You were going to wait until I died and then Reincarnated me right." Izuku asks with a dangerous glint.

Rias gulped.

"N-No I was going to-"

"I'll join". Izuku says.


"I'll join." Izuku said again.

"W-why" Rias shakily asks.

Izuku looks at her with a glare and then said "Because I want to." simply.

'I won't tell her that it'll boost the power of One for All.' Izuku thought sharply.

Rias did an anime fall.

"Well do it!" Izuku said.


Rias then takes out a pawn piece and tries to do the chant.

"Huh, It's not working, maybe I need more." she then adds 3 more.

"It's still not working." She says confused.

"Maybe you should add all of them." Izuku Suggests.

It works and Rias does the chant."In the name of Rias Gremory, I revive Izuku Hanakai as my Pawn. Now rise and live for my sake as my servant"

"Ok it's done." Rias said

"How did you know about by Peerage? How did you Heal so fast?" Rias questions sharply.

"All questions for later my dear." Izuku said mysteriously.

"Come and get me tomorrow at lunch Ok?" said Izuku.

"Ok." Once Rias said that he started walking off.

"Wait! Where are you going!" Yells out Rias.

"Home, It's pretty late and I need to get changed. See you tomorrow." said Izuku not looking back.

If you don't know, Ken has affiliation with the Sitri Clan. I just made it so he wouldn't tell them until they got involved themselves. I don't know if Eri's involved herself, but it would make since if she was.

He won't be controlled by Rias. He only did it so he could get the body of the devil. I even made it so he won't be controlled by Rias by him finding out about the plan to reincarnate him. He'll basically just guilt trip her.

Chaarcreators' thoughts