
Entrance Exam

We had arrived at the examination area at sundown and we had to search for a place to spend the night, luckily there were several inns available due to the nobles capitalising on the massive influx of Souls trying to become Shinigami. The area surrounding the examination area becomes a bustling town for one to two weeks every year. Moving through this massive crowd of people while trying to find an affordable inn was more annoying than it needed to be, mostly because we had to fend off so many pickpocketing attempts. After what felt like several hours we finally came across a relatively affordable and well kept inn called "Hanabatake"(Flower Fields). The receptionist was a pleasant old lady who offered us some cookies, while we waited for her to find our room key. We paid 1000 Kan for one of the larger rooms with three beds and dinner and breakfast included. After dinner we went to sleep early so we wouldn't be late for the exam tomorrow.

I woke up before the sunrise and began my daily Tai Chi routine in an attempt to get my mind and body ready for today's events. Shortly after I finished my routine I shook Gin and Rangiku awake and then went to arrange our bathroom schedule. Roughly an hour later we stood outside the examination area surrounded by a few hundred people who had also decided that showing up early was a good idea. A few hours passed, as the area began to be filled by thousands of Shinigami hopefuls, before some movement was seen on the stage.

Several Shinigami walked onto the stage, grabbing everyone's undivided attention, led by someone I recognised as Shiba Kaien. He isn't wearing his lieutenant armband, and if I remember correctly he doesn't become a lieutenant until a few years after Gin graduates in canon. He takes advantage of everyone's focus on the stage to begin his explanation of what the tests consist of. A test of our reiryoku, reiatsu, Asauchi compatibility and potential. Each Shinigami is in charge of a booth that tests these attributes, they collect your results and determine whether or not you get accepted to Shin'ō Academy. Also based on your talent they determine which class you are assigned to.

In my estimation of our trio's talent, Gin and I would easily make it into the first class while Rangiku would end up being a member of the average class. Even though she ends up becoming a lieutenant, she doesn't show high potential while at the academy. There are quite a large number of individuals who will be in the first class and never become anyone significant in the story of 'Bleach'. Meaning they either die, slack off, their starting point is close to their full potential or they stagnate from not having encounters that push them to improve. Having difficult battles or having a concrete goal to achieve can mean the difference between mediocrity and excellence. Her desire to follow Gin is probably the reason she was able to achieve that level of power. Gin having the desire to kill Aizen ( also while being around Aizen he witnessed his power and it gave him a clear image of what type of power to strive for) propelled him to be one of the stronger Captains of the Seireitei. Though with Kenpachi Zaraki his desire for a great battle,and lack thereof, caused him to subconsciously seal his own power and stagnate in growth. Even with all those mental blocks he still remains one of the most dangerous Captains, someone that even Yhwach warned his subordinates to be extremely wary of.

The peace Head Captain Genryūsai Shigekuni Yamamoto and his first iterations of the 'Gotei 13' had fostered caused Captains who are possibly more talented to not grow as powerful. It is heavily implied that the first 'Gotei 13' were able to handle Yhwach and his Sternritter. Yamamoto himself was able to kill several of their members single handedly, including Hubert the then Vice-Captain of the Sternritter. Their combined might was enough to force the Sternritter to turn tail and run. Yhwach even had to rest for 999 years, because he lost his powers, before he could attack again. Yhwach laments the 'weakness' of the current Seireitei, though he mainly speaks of their attempt to uphold justice and honor, I believe he does also mean their fighting power. When canon begins their rapid progression only confirms the theory that difficult conflict constantly grows a Shinigami's power. With my meta knowledge there are several events I could stop, but some of these events give certain characters a reason to progress. So for example the 'Hollowfication Incident' is one such event I won't try to stop because of how useful their strength will be. There are characters who slacked off during the 100 years before 'Canon' began like Yoruichi, I can't allow that to happen this time. Fighting Yhwach is not something I will leave to chance.

I'm brought out of my musings by an order to line up for the examination. We don't wait all that long for our turn to arrive. Gin and Rangiku got tested before me, there was a small commotion during Gin's examination,prompting Shiba Kaien to come document the incident. Seeing Kaien's actions it appears he was sent here on the lookout for any outstanding recruit. Meaning that if someone is outstanding enough their results may be brought to the Captain Commander. Even if my results don't garner that type of attention, I will work until my talent cannot be ignored and hopefully become his third student.

The commotion dies down fairly quickly and Rangiku is called up for her own examination. No extra noise came from the tent, so it would appear her results weren't extraordinary as expected.

My turn comes and I enter one of the tents, looking around I notice three pedestals with a crystal ball on each of them. Standing behind these pedestals was a Shinigami, who I don't believe was shown in canon, holding the brush from a 'yatate'₁ and a scroll in hand ready to record my results. He looks really grumpy like he doesn't want to be here. His expression becomes increasingly angry when he thinks I'm not moving fast enough. This Shinigami has probably been on exam duty for several years and feels it a waste of his time. I just smile slightly and move to stand before the pedestals. "State your name and age.", he grunted out. "Yokaze Ryū. Age 14.", I answered.

"Place your hand on the Crystals and inject your reiatsu in each one going from left to right.", he ordered. Placing my right hand on the leftmost Crystal ball designed to record my reiryoku and reiatsu levels. The levels of reiryoku and reiatsu are divided into 5 categories: Basic, Average, High, Great and Immense.Basic is the most common level in the Soul Society, used to describe the power of a regular human as they possess the bare minimum level of reiryoku and reiatsu(Below Average class).

Average is the most common level in the Seireitei, used to describe power equivalent to non-seated and low ranked seated officers (Average Class).

High is the common level of power among High ranked seated officers and regular lieutenants in the Seireitei (Lieutenant Class).

Great is the common level of power among elite lieutenants and those of average captain rank in the Seireitei (Captain Class).

Lastly, Immense is the common level of power among those of elite captain rank in the Seireitei. This level of spiritual power is reflected in its ability to enhance a user during a combat as well as its ability to affect the surrounding environment on a controlled level, allowing the wielder to use it in combat to startling degrees (Advanced Captain Class).

A sixth category is rumored to exist but I have no knowledge of its effects.

They are then categorised into low, mid, high and peak.

Furthermore, they can also be categorised into 'Orderly' and 'Chaotic' which represents the amount of control a Shinigami possesses over their reiatsu. Orderly being very well controlled and Chaotic being little to having no control at all.

The minimum amount of reiatsu and reiryoku required for admission is Basic-peak. I began to pour out all my reiatsu without holding back. The crystal ball started to shine lightly for a few moments before words were plastered across the surface.

|Average- mid/ High-mid|

The Shinigami's face morphed into one of mild shock before he continued.

"Place your hand on the crystal in the middle as it will test your Asauchi compatibility,'' he explained.

The ability to use an Asauchi is paramount to becoming a Shinigami, members of the Ise clan are the only known exceptions to this rule. Asauchi (浅打, Shallow Hit) are the nameless Zanpakutō which all low-class Shinigami wield. Shinigami who are still in training - those who do not yet belong to any of the Gotei 13 - and Shinigami who are unable to communicate with their Zanpakutō all wield generic Zanpakutō. "Shallow hit" refers to the grossly reduced power of a Zanpakutō whose wielder cannot connect with it properly. This way of thinking is partly inaccurate.

Asauchi are actually the ultimate Zanpakutō, for they have the potential to become anything. Being unable to awaken a Zanpakutō usually means leading a Shinigami career of mediocrity. By possessing exceptional talent in other areas Shinigami can become powerful despite this limitation like Kenpachi Zaraki and Tsukabishi Tessai. Though becoming powerful without an awakened Zanpakutō is a possibility, especially with the amount of reiryoku and reiatsu I possess. My ambition is to become the perfect Shinigami by mastering every facet of the Shinigami. So with conviction I placed my hand on the crystal ball and watched it shine for a few moments before a number appeared on its surface.


"What!? 100% impossible!" he exclaimed in shock.

A grin formed on my face. Based on his reaction this result is incredibly rare among Shinigami. He stayed in that position for quite a few seconds, even while I tried getting his attention, he cleared his throat in an attempt to play off his reaction," Ahem. P-place your hand on the crystal to your right, it will test your potential."

Placing my hand on the crystal ball I noticed four circles increasing in size across its diameter.

"Based on the number of circles that light up determines your max potential. One is 'Average class' and four is 'Advanced Captain Class'," The Shinigami explained.

This is probably a rough estimate and there must be Shinigami who can either surpass expectations or underachieve. The four circles lit up instantly as I poured in my reiatsu. Just as he was about to record my result the light brightened intensely and exploded akin to a flashbang. A wave of concussive force pushed me away before I was able to stabilize my footing with reiatsu. When the light died down and my eyes recovered I noticed the crystal ball disintegrated. Looking across the room I noticed the Shinigami stood frozen in shock a few feet away from his previous position. Drag marks along the ground indicated he was also pushed back by the explosion. The tent is in absolute disarray, the only objects that were in their original position are the pedestals and the crystals on top of them.

After hearing the explosion Shiba Kaien opened the other side of the tent and asked, "Oy, what's going on here?". The Shinigami remained frozen despite Kaien's intrusion. He scanned the room and walked over to the Shinigami and began to shake him after his initial attempts to get his attention failed. After hearing the Shinigami's recollection of events, he turned to me with a hint of curiosity present in his aqua-green eyes.

"I understand, finish his report and continue the examination. Another crystal ball will be delivered shortly," Kaien ordered.

He turned to address me, "Congratulations, Ryu-kun, you've passed with flying colors. Will you please follow me to the waiting area where your photographic I.D. will be taken. You will later be escorted to the academy."

On the way to the waiting area Kaien and I struck up a conversation. I really liked Kaien's energy, he is someone with a cheerful personality who wears his heart on his sleeve. When we finally arrived at the waiting area I noticed around fifty people, including Gin and Rangiku, who had passed the examination. I thanked Kaien with a smile and then went over to Gin and Rangiku.

Several booths were set up in the centre of the waiting area. After all our pictures were taken, by a camera from the 1900s, the examinees who passed stood around waiting for our escorts.

Five individuals, three girls and two boys, entered the waiting area dressed in the garb of students of the Shin'ō Academy. They wore the standard Shinigami shihakushō, with a different color scheme.The women's style consists of a red shitagi (under shirt), a white kosode (shirt) with red stripes, red hakama (trousers), white socks and sandals. For the male version of the uniform, the red is replaced with blue. There is a circular symbol on both breasts of the outer shirt. This appears to be the emblem of the Academy. They also had swords on their waists, I couldn't tell if they were Ausachis or named Zanpakutos.

They had us form a procession five people wide. Once we were all grouped together, I saw Kaien and a girl, who appeared to be the leader of our escorts, speak for several minutes. They appeared to be very familiar with each other, Kaien then handed her a stack of papers before he left with the examiners.

The girl in question turned to us and introduced herself as Shiba Aiko, which explained their familiarity with Kaien being a member of the Shiba clan. We entered the Seireitei through the Northern Gate and then walked several hours before we got to the academy entrance.

What greeted our view was a massive multi-story building with eaves jutting out. A three-layered roof could be seen in the middle with the bottom floor extending out of either side. The building was surrounded by walls about 10 feet high with the emblem of the school littered across it. Once we crossed the gate, we were directed to an auditorium.

Three other groups were already there, presumably from the Eastern,Western and Southern Rukon districts (Rukongai). Another group of recruits walked out, based on their luxurious clothing and their incredible disdain for us, they belong to the noble houses of the Seireitei. Around fifteen minutes before some movement was noticed on the stage present in the auditorium. A group of people, who I assumed to be teachers, walked out onto the stage. The group of teachers had a similar dress code to the students but wore a grey outer shirt, black trousers and had a black robe draped over it. Leading them is a large and muscular old man with a rather fearsome expression. He's wearing a large Buddha bead necklace and has white facial hair reaching to his waist. (Guan Yu from SMITE in his Master Guan Fu skin.) Four different stands are being set up. Each of them being respectively labelled Class 1, Class 2 and so on. Roughly a hundred names are on each list.

The old man began to speak in a powerful and deep voice, "My name is Hayakawa Tamotsu, the headmaster of Shin'ō Academy. You have been accepted to this academy with the expectation that you will be able to support the Soul Society after your graduation. To achieve that we require your utmost effort in all your endeavours. On these lists are your names detailing which class you will be a part of. Once you find your name, line up in front of that stand and wait for a teacher to give you your I.D. cards and the dormitory you will be assigned to."

Once his speech was finished the recruits moved towards the stands, most recruits moved towards the Class 1 stand hoping that they would get in. Class 1 is considered the elite, Class 2 and 3 are considered average and Class 4 is considered to be the worst. Amidst disappointed sighs my friends and I forced our way through and searched for our names.


Yokaze Ryū- 1st

Ichimaru Gin- 2nd

Gin and I were considered the top talents among this batch of students and Rangiku's name was nowhere to be found on this list. These results were all within my expectations. Rangiku looked crestfallen that she was not a part of our class, before her mood sank any lower I directed us to the Class 2 stand.

Class 2:

Matsumoto Rangiku-1st

She is considered the top talent in Class 2. It doesn't matter where she ends up because her desire to follow Gin, and now me, will push her to be a lieutenant. I plan to help her surpass her canon self.

After promising to meet up in the morning we lined up in front of our respective stands. The teachers issued our IDs and then directed us to First year dormitories. Male and female dormitories of each year are on separate sides of the academy. Gin and I are roommates, we were both so relieved we didn't get stuck with someone annoying. This entire day has been tiring so I drifted off to sleep quickly.


1st Division Headquarters, Seireitei.

Captain-Commander's Office.

Soft grumbling could be heard as an extremely frail-looking old man sat behind a mountain of paperwork. Occasionally one could make out the words, 'Ryūjin Jakka' and 'Turn it to ashes'. As if sensing someone's approach his face relaxed and he called out for someone to enter. The door opens and in steps a man with pupil-less eyes, short silver-gray hair and a small black handlebar mustache with lightly tanned skin. Residents of the Soul Society would recognise him as Sasakibe Chōjirō Tadaoki Lieutenant of the First Division.

(Yamamoto Genryūsai Shigekuni)

Chōjirō approached my desk with a small almost unnoticeable smirk when he laid eyes on my disgruntled visage behind this mountain of paperwork. He placed a folder on my desk with the kanji for the Shin'ō Academy (真央霊術院) on it.

" What about the Shin'ō Academy could possibly require my attention while Tamotsu-san is still in charge?", I asked.

"A candidate for your replacement has appeared once again after 30 years.", Chojiro replied.

A frown appeared on my face as I remembered the search. Two hundred years ago I had proposed the idea of finding a Shinigami with enough potential to match or surpass my combat ability, and if we were lucky my successor. The slow but noticeable decline of my powers had sparked this search, but the previous 10 candidates were unsuitable. Seven of them died, two of them are barely capable Shinigami due to their laziness, and the other, Isshin Shiba, became a captain. He is capable of growing more powerful but he will never match me nor is his personality up to my standards. This report does not fill me with confidence, he or she will disappoint me like all the rest .

As I began to read the information placed before me I noticed he shattered the crystal ball that tested something that's never been done before. After reading this I decided to try something different from the rest.

"Have Tamotsu-san single him out and put him through the wringer. If he folds within a year leave him be.", I stated with finality.

"And if he thrives Captain-Commander?"Chojiro asked.

"Then you bring him to me."

[1]Yatate (矢立) are small personal smoking-pipe-shaped writing sets from medieval Japan which provided a carrying box for the ink cotton, and a shaft for a brush (and possibly a letter opener).

I apologise for being gone so long. Some personal issues came up that made me lose interest in writing. I feel a lot better now and I won't ever be gone this long again.

Oberon9creators' thoughts