

"My handsome brother, time to get up."


"Wait a minute."

"Wasn't I sleeping alone? Who's talking?"

Surprised and bewildered, Su Ping quickly opened his eyes. He turned around to take a look. Just one glance almost scared him half to death!

Leaning against his pillow was a ghost that was bleeding from all seven openings of her face. A twisted smile was ripping her mouth open, revealing ghastly white teeth.


Trembling, Su Ping gave the ghost a backhand slap.

His hand went straight through the ghost's face and landed on the soft pillow. It was just like fanning the air!

The ghost grinned a bit and stuck out her scarlet tongue.

Panic gripped him as he jumped back, falling from the other side of the bed.


Su Ping felt his head hit the ground and the pain caused a close his eyes instinctively.

That being said, he then felt cold all over his body once he thought about the horrifying ghost again.

"Um, pff..."

It seemed as if someone was trying to hold back but failed. There was a burst of laughter coming from the side.

Su Ping shivered from fear. Was the ghost laughing?!

"Ha, ha, ha... Su Ping, are you trying to kill me with laughter? How hopelessly spineless can you be, to be frightened like this!"

The laughter came from the side of the room.

Su Ping was startled.

He turned around.

At the foot of the bed stood a delicate and cute girl with bright eyes and white teeth, wearing orange pajamas with cartoon characters. She was pretty, but at the moment she was laughing so hard that the word beauty no longer had anything to do with her.

"What is going on?"

Su Ping was confused. Then, he suddenly felt his head ache so much that he thought he would die.


All kind of images started flashing in front of his eyes , some bright some dull in a chaotic fashion, his ears started ringing with jumbled , messed up noises, in the end he felt so dizzy that he passed out, the last thing he heard was a girl's laughter.


[Unexpected memories detected]

[Sealing memories jugged to be dangerous]

[Sealing in progress…]

[Sealing successful]

A while later Su Ping woke up to what seemed to be a voice of a women, sitll a bit disoriented , he felt like he has been punched on the chin, shaking his head a vigorously, he took a few deep breaths finally feeling a bit normal and slowly opened his eyes.

The first thing he saw was a beautiful woman looking at him with a worried face and a girl and a fucking jaguar standing behind her. They looked like they will devour him the moment he pissed them off.

This was not his room! And yet he recognized the woman in front of him as his? Mother and the girl his sister?

Su Ping was in a daze. He was just about to ask about the situation he is in when he heard the woman in front of him speak.

"Su ping, are you alright? Does your head hurt? , Your sister told me you fell back suddenly?"

Instead of answering he once again closed his eyes.

Now he doesn't consider himself smart, but from the headache to the jumbled memories two entirely different people living in entirely different world, something which made him feel like he was a personality disorder, he made an exaggerated guess that either he has transmigrated , gone completely mad or somehow humans made memory transplanting technology and he ended up as a guinea pig.

In any case , the first thing to do now was to ressure the woman or his mother in front of him.

"Don't worry mom its just a bump, you should go down I will come for breakfast in bit"

"Are you sure you are fine ?"

" I am fine mom, don't worry about it"

"if you say so, come down soon or the breakfast will get cool"

"Kay mom"

After the lady left the room , a black beast suddenly came in his vision which was the jaguar or a big cat in this case, this time still bewildered by the size but he wasn't as scared as before.

The cat was so chubby that it was practically a ball.

"Snowball, come here," the girl said to the black cat.

Hearing her voice, the black cat spared no effort in struggling with its four limbs to stand, finally turning around from its belly-up position. The cat shook its fur for a bit, threw a glance to Su Ping who was still looking at it walked toward the girl with graceful little steps.

Maybe he was just imagining things, but Su Ping thought he was being despised by a cat.

According to the information that he can recall this is the world of Astral Pet Store, a world he once read about in a novel, in this world human can form contract with supernatural beast called astral beast and keep them by their side as pets.

Weather its humans or beast can cultivate using a special energy called astral power and become astral pet warriors or battle pets , increasing their strength to near godly levels. In essence this was a kind of world where individual power of a person can triumph the power of masses.

"Well, what are you doing there? You didn't damage your head with the fall, did you?"

Su Lingyue felt something was unusual as she stared at the Su Ping who was staring at them in daze. She frowned, since she remembered that he fell head first.

She wasn't worried about Su Ping's safety, but she might get scolded if something really happened to him.


Su Ping came back to his senses. He threw a look at the proud girl who was there holding her head high with her arms folded in front of her chest. He didn't know what to do with her.

The relation between Su ping , the previous owner of the body and his sister weren't that good as he used to bully her in their childhood and now that she became an Astral pet warrior he is facing the karma.

Since he had taken over this body, he didn't want to continue with this sour relationship and considering the future he know about this kind of situation is really nothing.

"I am sorry for the past okay, don't play these jokes anymore from now on , we are still siblings"

Su Lingyue was truly stunned now, not only by his calm reply but the fact that he actually apologized.

This has never happened , even in her dreams.

"Wouldn't he usually jump right up and give vent to a torrent of abuse to call me a shrew?

"what happened?"

"Could it be... he really lost it? Did I go too far?"

"it seems you have become smarter with your head smashed, given your poor intelligence." Su Lingyue sneered. She turned around and left right away. "Don't dawdle and don't you dare snitch to mom"


She smashed the door behind her.

Su Ping could only smile bitterly.he doesn't really want to continue this toxic relationship since for better or worse she is his sister now, he has tried to remember but it seem any memory that could point out his previous social identity has been removed , he knows what kind of person he was, what he use to like but who he was , his name , his parents ect is all blank.

Now he only has two choices , either be stubborn and reject all kind of ties and live alone or accept his current family and frankly he was never the kind to live a lonely life , although he was introvert but he loved those who were close to him.

Considering he has all the memories of the previous guy he didn't have any aversion to accept this family as his own.

He glanced around the room and saw many action figures and posters of Astral Pets. While he was a normal person in this world he knew he would soon get the Astral Pet Store system , hopefully.

Now he definitely had to find a chance to reconcile with this sister, if he didn't wanna lose her in the upcoming hard times.

Su Ping got himself ready, then he put on his slippers and headed downstairs.

"Are you feeling better now? The congee is getting cold. Come and sit" his mother, Li Qingru, said. She seemed to be in her forties, gentle and refined.

Su Lingyue had already dug in and remained by the table. She had placed the Phantom Flame Beast named "Snowball" on the chair next to hers, which was supposed to be his spot.

Su Ping curled his lips. Even at a simple breakfast, he could still feel her anger.


Su Ping went to the living room to get another chair. He took a look at the substantial breakfast with congee, meat pies, and soybean milk. He was getting hungry.

She deliberately let Snowball take his seat to get a rise out of him , it was still hard for her to believe that he apologized.

There was some alertness in Su Lingyue's looks. Was this guy up to something by acting out of character? Or did actually meant it?

"Mom, I'm done. I'll be heading to the academy now." She was quiet confused right now so she was no longer in the mood to stay. She finished her breakfast quickly and bid farewell to her mom.

When she was about to leave, Li Qingru stopped her, "Xiao Yue, wait."

"Ah?" Su Lingyue turned around.

"Recently, your brother's store hasn't been performing very well, it's not quite popular. How about you put Snowball there just to put on the show?"LiQingru tried to sound her out.

Su Lingyue was surprised. She threw a glance at Su Ping who was swallowing down the congee.

"I will think about it, but Mom you already know the store's current situation, this guy is not fit to run the store"

"Snowball could rise upto eighth Rank and it was you who bought me Snowball, if you don't mind the risk I will consider it"

Li Qingru was rendered speechless. She opened her mouth but ended up sighing.

If it weren't for the fact that she had to rest quietly to recuperate since she was under the weather, she wouldn't have asked Su Ping to take over the store so early.

Su Ping could sense his sister staring at him but decided to keep silent. He lowered his head and continued eating the congee while considering his follow up moves after the system gets bound to the store.

"Hmm!" she snorted, after sensing that Su Ping knew how to behave in a delicate situation. She picked up Snowball who was still eating bones and went back to her room to get changed and head out.

A moment later, Su Ping had also finished his breakfast.

"Mom I am goanna go to the store"

"Are you sure? You could take rest for today"

"I told you I am fine mom, don't worry about it"

After changing, he rode his bike to the store

It was an Astral Pets store.

These kinds of store usually provide all kind of services for Astral pets to the people.

In this world Astral warriors can be categorize into three types.

Battle pet warriors- Professionals who use their contracted pets for battle.

General- People who don't really use their pets professionally for battle but in general walk of life such as entertainment, crafting, construction etc.

Trainers-Professionals who deal with all kind of things related to pets.

Su Ping the original owner of the body was a dabbler trainer. His work was more related to Astral Pets' servicing than to actual training.

"I am indeed in another world..." Su Ping exclaimed. Everything was like a dream but it was every bit as real.

Soon, he had arrived at his family's Astral Pet store.

The store was at the end of a commercial street, a relatively remote location, but it used to be pretty popular. Su Ping's mother Li Qingru was an official Astral Pet trainer of the Federation. While she was only an elementary trainer, she was more than capable of opening a small store like this. She had loads of repeated customers.

But things turned south quickly when the original Su Ping took over the store, with no professional training and his general dislike towards pets due to his sister it wasn't really surprising that the store declined.


Su Ping opened the roller shutter door. He could see dust stirring up in the air when sunshine reached the interior of the store.

It seemed the store hadn't been cleaned in a long time. There was a pungent smell of animal urine and feces coming from the inside.

Su Ping looked around and held his breath for a bit when a cold mechanic sounds emerged in Su Ping's mind.

[Pet store detected]

[ Initiating System]

"Thank Goodness"

Su Ping paused then sighed in relief, although he already knew that he would get the system but not being the actual protagonist chosen by the system there was still that little bit of doubt after all from what he remembered, this system was saientient and it was the system who chose the original protagonist of the novel and strangely even though he remembered finishing the novel there are still a lot of blanks in memories regarding the future he should know about.
