
Reincarnated In A Galaxy Far Far Away

This story is about a man who dies and ends up in the Star Wars universe.

Carson_Goddard_6628 · ภาพยนตร์
6 Chs


Coruscant, 32 BBY.

Level 1313 Ban's Repair Shop.

A couple hours pass and Alema comes into my office, before she says anything I look at her and asked "have you ever thought about what your life would be like if you never became a Sith."

Alema just shook her head no, I look at her and say "in many instances in my previous life many people talk or theorized what would happen to someone who could walk with both sides of the force." Alema looked at me in confusion.

I said "in history of the Old Republic time there was a person who was once a Jedi forced to become a Sith, then later he was caught by the Jedi who wiped his memories, eventually became a Jedi again, after his memories as a Sith came back, he used both sides of the force."

She looked shocked because in her time it was just one side or the other.

I looked at her and said "maybe you could try that with the help of your sister, I don't know anything about the force so I can only give you ideas, but it is ultimately up to you."

After saying that I look at her and said "I am releasing your sister now and you must talk with her." I released her sister and walked out of the room to give them space.

Alema looked at her sister and wanted to run over and hug her but she held back as she didn't know if her sister would recognize her.

Numa Rar appeared she knew why she was back to life as the system told her she would help the one who summoned her and she would not be in her own time line.

Numa looked up and was shocked because her sister was there, she didn't know what to say, as Alema looks quite different.

But then she noticed that Almea was looking at the ground as to not look her in the eye, Instead of saying anything she walked up to her sister and gave her a big hug and said "I seem to have missed much of your life would you like to talk about what happened?"

Alema then proceeded to tell her sister about her life with out her and the two talked for hours.

Back with Ban he is currently thinking about what to do in the future as there are many things he wants to do but he will need more help as with out more skilled and trustful people it will be hard to get everything done. 

Maybe in the future I could recruit Darth Maul, but thats a thing to worry about later.

Heading to the hanger I went to talk to Cortana to ask if she needed anything that would help secure the level 1313 as she is working on that. 

Standing in front of Cortana I ask "is there anything you need help with?" Cortana just smiled and said "no but when we encroach upon the syndicate territory in the future it would be helpful if you were there."

I nodded and walked away not bothering to bug her when she was busy.

I decided that while I wait for Alema and Numa to catch up I might as well go man the repair shop, over the past year we have had many people stop by the repair shop, we got the reputation of being fast and efficient.

Making my way over to the hanger I hear some of the customers talking about a blockade of Naboo, saying that there are rumors that it is the Trade Federations doing.

Walking over to the droid we have doing the repair work to make it look like I am not listening, the group went on to talk about how the planet is supposedly being blockaded be cause of some trade disagreement.

I stop listening because I know it is not just a rumor, now to decide if I want to intervene or not.

I could help and stop Padme from meeting Anakin the Chosen One, but that would set off many many ripples and I would no longer know much of the future. 

If I decided not to interfere it would go the same way in the movie or animation, and I could use that to my advantage as knowing most of the big points of the future could be a big help.

Now that I think about it I wont interfere as I don't have enough strength to be high profile so I will start interfering when the clone wars comes around or when I feel I have enough strength. 

Maybe I should start planning to build a massive fleet so if the empire still comes around I will be ready.

Thinking about the future is hard as I can change so many things and I wont be able to keep up with the changes so I guess I will wait and discuss plans with Alema as she can provide more input. 

With that out of the way I walk over to the Amban phase-pulse blaster/Amban sniper rifle, to upgrade it.

After spending like thirty minutes learning and upgrading the schematics for the weapon I started building the upgraded version of the rifle.

It came out very satisfactory, I upgraded the range, the taser, and basically everything about the rifle is better then it originally was.

With that done I go to check up on the two sisters, walking to my office I could hear them talking, I decided not to hide that I am here as they could probably sense me through the force.

Knocking on the door and opening it, I start to walk in and am tackled to the ground by Alema. 

lying on the ground I hear laughing and look over to see Numa laughing at me, I look at Alema and ask "are you ok?" Alema just got up and tried hard to pretend nothing just happened.

Seeing no one talking I decide to ask "so are you two ok, I mean you to look ok." They both nod and Numa says "we are good."

I nod and before I can say anything Numa says "we would like to try your idea of balancing the force." 

Looking at Numa I pull out the extra Immortality potion and hand it to her while freeing her from the summoning thing.

I looked at them and said "take your time and work hard, as we have ten years before the clone wars happens and I believe that the two of you working together you can balance the force."

I then led them to the meditation room I made for them it looks like a really nice garden and I thought about it and added the yin and yang symbol, I personally don't know what that symbol means but I thought it might help them.

After leaving them in the meditation room I went to bed.