
Reincarnated by a R.O.B. in the Multiverse (Dropped)

I am a very new author first ever book I'll try to keep an upload rate of 1 chapter a week if I make any mistakes please tell me and please give constructive criticism This is a gender bender MC was male In her first life and was reincarnated as a female but that won't be the story's main focus the main focus will be fricking up the plot of every world we visit but not too much as I am very new to writing and I need a sort of gentle hand pushing me in the right plot direction.

25 Chs

Saying hello to Frenchmen,trolling the vatican, and adopting a daughter

As Kushina was standing in the middle of a room filled with frenchmen who looked like they had seen a ghost Kushina just turned to look at Alucard who had said "hey kids wanna see a dead body" as Kushina came in.

Integra just yelled at the frenchmen who were screaming "Stop Screaming!" and they started whimpering like dogs as Alucard said "So what's up with the bride meeting and welcome back Ash how was your walk." Kushina just said "oh it was good I fixed the majority of my issues but you know sadness and shits still there along with my damned curse that makes me hate as much as I love. How was your week Alucard"

Alucard just Shrugged and said "oh you know the usual went on a few walks." Kushina just shrugged a little as Integra said "Wait Ash was gone also why did I forget you existed for a while there."

Kushina just shrugged and said "oh yeah about that I was super depressed back then also I was gone for 20 years my time cause time travels a b**ch." as Walter ran into the room and said "Sir Integra I apologize I tried to stop him but he just said and mind my french no offence." the frenchmen replied "some taken." as Wter continued "f**k the police he then proceeded to tilt every painting to tilt every painting he passed on the way here." which caused Kushina and Alucard to chuckle

Integra then said "Oh G*d walking through that hallway is going to give me such a headache now." as walter said "Speaking of headaches a very curious letter arrived for you in the mail." while handing Integra a letter. as Integra looked at the letter she said "Enricho Maxwell that filthy slimy arrogant Italian peice of Shi."

Kushina was currently walking away from a private Vatican jet with a big smile on her face as she called 911 and and made her voice that into one of a little boys and she said "911? um I'm I need help m-m-m-y-y pastor um kidnapped me from my home and he touched me in my no-no square we landed at an airport and he said he will be back soon because he had a meeting with a nobleman ahaha no hes back I have to go or hell punish me." and ended the call on her disposable phone that she bought and dropped it an de crushed it with her foot.

Kushina then started walking back to the mansion to wait for the good news.

<a few hours later>

Kushina was sitting down on a chair in the mansion considering what to do until the Nazis attack and decided she would just time travel there so she decided to tell Alucard as she walked to the basement.

Kushina soon arrived at the basement and walked down the stairs and arrived at the bottom and said "oh Alucard Please tell sir integra I'm going for a walk and will be back in a few weeks oh and did you check the news I saved some children from the vatican it was hilarious." Kushina then jumped into her Void space before Alucard could respond.

Kushina then appeared in her void space and looked around and thinking aloud said "you know I can just come back and kill some vampire nazi's whenever I'm in the mood for it but I'm not really into killing a whole bunch of Nazi's right now so where do I go instead hmm."

Kushina then sat down and thought for a while and decided to go the world of Darling and the Franxx. so that's just what she did and she decided to go there when Hiro met Zero two.

Kushina then appeared right outside of a lab that had a few humans standing above a little girl who was on a table stabbing her index finger with her thumb wareing a helmet connected to a big machine. Kushina seeing this was slightly pissed off as she walked in and said "You should stop hurting that child before I kill you."

everyone in the room then turned towards Kushina as the guard's pointed there guns at her as Frank observed Kushina with a fanatical expression. Kushina just looked at doctor Frank and he was a disgusting pervert as she said "Take the memory altering headset off the girl before I burn this building to the ground."

Kushina's tail tips then caught fire along with the tips of her horns which didn't cause Kushina too much surprise since she had touched upon her pyrokinesis with Whis briefly but they didn't spend too much time on it and only got Kushina to a basic master level of a pyrokinesis user only spending a week on it.

Doctor Frank tries to start a conversation with Kushina but she just ignores him and walks towards the table holding Zero two on it Kushina activated her Sharingan and learned how to safely take Zero two out of the memory altering machine and immediately does so.

Kushina then takes Zero two out of the machine taking the helmet off with Zero two having fallen asleep Kushina then looked at one of the guards that were pointing their guns at her and as he looked at her eyes she put him under a genjutsu and said "take my to this girls room." the guard with a blank look says "of course follow me."

the rest of the guards and Doctor Frank got freaked out by what Kushina just did as Kushina looked at them and said "this is the only time I'm going to let you live for pointing a fire arm at me the next time that happens I'll kill the one who does it." Kushina then uses her haki to crush the guns as a tiny display of strength.

Kushina then follows the guard that she put under a genjutsu to Zero twos room. as they walked Kushina said "Alexa start an analysis on everything you see while we are here and once you do that start infiltrating the network that they have set up and downloading everything they have in every division into one of the data chips."

Alexa replied saying "of course Kushina-sama." and started recording everything around them with 3 percent of her processing power and using the rest on on infiltrating the network here and downloading everything in it.

Kushina and the guard soon arrived at Zero two's room and looked inside and saw that there wasn't even a bed inside so she looked at the guard and said "go tell your boss to bring daily living supplies for me and the girl and tell them I said give or I'll kill a a entire plantation." the guard then walked away

Kushina then started petting Zero twos head while bringing out her bed from her void space and moved sit on it while putting Zero two in her lap. As soon as Kushina sat down Zero two woke up and started yelling and trying to get out of Kushina's embrace

Kushina just continued petting Zero two even through she was constantly yelling and trying to get away and said "Zero two you are safe currently." and moved Zero Two to face her while not moving her from her lap

Zero two was still struggling trying to scratch and punch Kushina, Kushina just smiled at Zero two thinking she was adorable as she said "Well aren't you a adorable little girl." Kushina then hugged Zero two burying her in her bosom

(A/N ok I've been trying to find a chart for breast sizes and couldn't find any so I'm going to tell you MC's bust size now, MC's bust size is 103 cm.)

Kushina then said "I'm gonna adopt you because you're cute." while Zero two tried to push Kushina away and get out of her bosom since Kushina was suffocating her in her bosom and she also was trying to get away from her.

Kushina just looked at her and thought she was being cute so she turned her around and took her book and opened it saying "Well since you are my daughter you need the last name uchiha but that can be arranged later for now let's read this book."

Zero two then realized Kushina had her book and started trying to take it back but Kushina kept her on her lap petting her as she said "honey let me read this to you while I stabilize your memories." As she activated her E.M.S and Rineegan and looked at Zero twos head while reading her book aloud to her.

Kushina saw that Zero two's was focused on the book so she handed her it and continued petting her as she put a small amount of her chakra inside Zero two's head and started stabilizing her memories but couldn't restore them completely due to her not wanting to accidentally wipe out Zero two's Ego since her Ego is very weak currently.

Kushina soon finished 'repairing' Kushina's mind as she said "honey I couldn't completely heal your memories so I'm gonna give you two gifts instead." as she looked at Zero two who had fallen asleep while Kushina had been healing her mind.

Kushina then used her left claws to cut her neck and draw some blood. Kushina then used her vampiric powers to dilute her supernatural bloodlines and made her human part the dominant one in the drop of blood she extracted from herself.

Kushina then looked at the little girl she decided to adopt on a whim and realized and she had probably awakened something like motherly instincts but thought that it was a good thing. Kushina then used her hemokinesis to make Zero Two absorb her bloodline as her blood entered Zero two's chest and entered her heart combining with it.

As soon Kushinas blood combined with Zero-two, Zero-two woke up and started screaming in pain due to Kushina's bloodline merging with her own to make Zero-two Kushina's blood daughter.

Zero-two's skin color then changed to be white while her hair gained a streak of black and her horns becomeing incredibly hard while becomeing blood red. Kushina then guided the energy she left in the drop of blood that merged with Kushina to form a circuit in her body to follow because if the circuit wasn't formed Zero-two would explode.

After about ten minutes passed the bloodline infusion and energy circuit finished forming inside Zerotwo as Zerotwo was sweating and panting on Kushina's lap without the strength to move as Kushina said "Honey I have one more thing to give you but you need to give me a moment."

Kushina then separated 1% of her chakra which was about 100x more then the ten tails and turned it into a small foxlike shape and then Kushina tried something she hasn't tried before and spoke in the language of the dragon's "Live." and spent 10% of her total energy to breath live into the energy she shaped into a fox as it turned into a more lifelike fox and opened its eyes.

Kushina then said "your name shall be twilight." and then she used the eight trigram seal she learned from scroll of sealing to seal the fox into Zero-two as Zero-two entered another fit of pain.

Kushina observed what was happening to Zero-two and said "now you will never be alone my daughter."