
Reincarnated Berserker

After witnessing his parents murder. Yuri, fueled by rage and sorrow, trains as a warrior under his grandfather. As fate would have it, tragedy strikes again years later as he watches his grandfather and comrades killed in battle. With the rage and fury hidden deep within him seeping out, Yuri gave devastation to his foes, eventually leaving him fatally injured. However, Death granted Yuri rebirth in a magical realm as a mighty berserker. Swearing to defend his new family, as he grows stronger with each conflict. patreon.com/XovizrTheWriter

XovizrTheWriter · แฟนตาซี
17 Chs

A Night To Be Remembered

The moon ascended into the night sky, bathing the land in a silvery glow. It had been 9 years since Yuri was reincarnated into the world of Xerov, and tomorrow would be his 10th year, his birthday.

Yuri stood on the brink of his birthday with grim determination, not for celebration but for the power he sought. 'The only way to keep everyone I care about safe is to become a top powerhouse. A person no one would dare mess with and if that means me becoming a ruthless killer, so be it. I'll do whatever it takes.' He vowed as his eyes closed and the snores of his sleeping could be heard.

The morning sun finally rose over the horizon, casting a golden glow over the grand estate of the Kaguno family. Today was no ordinary day; it was the day Yuri would join the world in cultivation.

The air was filled with a palpable sense of anticipation, for turning ten was a milestone celebrated with grandeur in the world of Xerov.

Yuri awoke to the sound of melodious birdsong and the gentle touch of his mother, Yuki, brushing his hair. "Happy birthday, my baby," she whispered, her voice as soft as the morning breeze. Yuri's eyes fluttered open, revealing a spark of excitement that mirrored the twinkle of the stars the night before.T

The estate was abuzz with activity, servants scurrying about with platters of delicacies and decorations that shimmered like jewels.

The birthday gala they were going to have was not merely a celebration; it was a declaration to the world that another Kaguno was ready to embrace their destiny.

As the sun reached its peak, guests began to arrive in a fleet of carriages and mounts. Nobles and aristocrats from all corners of Xerov, adorned in their finest attire, came to witness the auspicious occasion.

Yuri, dressed in ceremonial robes that accentuated his youthful features, greeted each guest with poise beyond his years.His sister, Aurora, stood by his side, her presence a comforting anchor amidst the sea of faces. Grandfather Ren, the patriarch whose tales of valor were etched into the walls of history, watched over the proceedings with a proud gleam in his eye.

As the evening approached, the gala reached a peak. Laughter and music filled the air, mingling with the clinking of glasses and the soft rustle of silk. Yuri, the perfect host, moved through the crowd of friends and admirers with ease. Each conversation was a smooth exchange of pleasantries and mutual esteem. Yuri was in his element, effortlessly commanding the room with a warmth and grace that captivated all those present.

His charm and charisma were undeniable, his smile a beacon of warmth and optimism.

After a while, he got a little tired of talking and exchanging pleasantries with so many people. So he politely bowed out and made his escape from the bustling hall.The cool night air embraced him as he stepped into the estate's expansive gardens.

The moon, a silent sentinel, cast a silver glow upon the world, turning the dew-kissed flora into a tapestry of diamonds. Yuri took a deep breath, the scent of jasmine and pine cleansing the fatigue from his spirit.

He wandered through the garden, each step a liberation from the shackles of ceremony. The whispers of the leaves seemed to speak to him, sharing secrets of a world that was about to unfold before his very eyes. It was here, under the watchful gaze of the moon, that Yuri felt the first stirrings of the energy that lay dormant within him.

The Preliminary Realm awaited, a realm where he would build the foundations for his cultivation path. Yuri closed his eyes, envisioning the path that lay ahead, a path of discovery, mastery, and the eternal dance of the blade.

After a while, Yuri returned to the gala. As he mingled with the guests, a voice called out to him, "Yuri, my boy, you look like a true Kaguno tonight." It was his grandfather Ren, his eyes twinkling with pride. Yuri bowed respectfully, "Thank you, Grandpa. I only hope to live up to our name." Ren chuckled, placing a firm hand on Yuri's shoulder. "You will, Yuri. You have the blood of our ancestors in your veins. Tomorrow, you begin a journey that will forge your entire future."

Yuri nodded, feeling the weight of his grandfather's words. "I am ready, Grandfather. I will not falter."

Their exchange was interrupted by a soft clearing of the throat.Aurora stood there, her eyes dancing with mischief. "If you two are done with your vows, maybe Yuri would like to dance?" she teased.

Before Yuri could protest, Aurora had whisked him away to the center of the ballroom. The guests parted for them, their eyes drawn to the young Kaguno heir.

Yuri moved with a grace that belied his years, his charm evident in his confident steps and warm smile. Whispers of admiration floated through the air, the nobles enchanted by the boy.

As the dance ended, applause filled the room, and Yuri's father, Mizuno, ascended the dais.

The room hushed in anticipation. Mizuno's voice resonated through the hall, "Friends, family, and honored guests, we gather here to celebrate not just my son's birthday, but the continuation of a legacy." He gestured to Yuri, who stood tall beside him. "Yuri represents the future of our family and our bond with the elemental forces that govern our world. His journey into the Preliminary Realm marks the beginning of a new chapter for the Kaguno lineage." Mizuno's gaze swept over the crowd, his presence commanding and assured. "Let us raise our glasses to Yuri, to the adventures that await him, and to the prosperity of Xerov. To cultivation, to legacy, to life!"The guests echoed his toast, their voices a chorus of goodwill.

Yuri felt a surge of pride, his father's words igniting a spark within him. He was ready to embrace his destiny, to delve into the mysteries of cultivation, and to rise to the top of this world's food chain, while protecting his family in the process.

As the night wore on, the gala remained a whirlwind of celebration.Yet, for Yuri, the true journey was just beginning. A journey filled with discovery and growth.