
Reincarnated as the Original Werewolf

Ever since the Awakening of Supernatural, humanity has been enslaved and conquered. No matter where we hide, the Vampires, the Werewolves, the Demons, and countless other races keep finding us. In this world, humans have become a delicacy for them. Unlike the stories in books, this dire time doesn't produce any miracles amongst humanity. Everybody was hoping for a savior, someone that can save them from this suppression. But reality has slapped them hard, there's nobody that can save them. Mathias is one of the surviving humans, he was a part of the last group of humans. Both he and his sister met this group after escaping a stray Werewolf. It was supposed to be the end of the pursuit as the night passes by and nothing happened but turns out he was wrong and the time of his death arrived. Waking up in a foreign place, Mathias finds himself being reincarnated in a frail body of a teen. It's not his world, but this world also experiences the same thing as his previous world. Supernaturals are dominating the world, but this world has a way to fight back. Everything went okay for him until the full moon arrived. It was then his fate completely turned around, his life would start to be filled with obstacles one after another. Will Mathias be able to adapt to this new world? Will he exact revenge for what the Supernatural has done in his previous world or will he crumble in fear of the Supernatural? Will he help humanity or will he let the same thing happen all over again? Follow Mathias's journey as he lived his new life as the Original Werewolf.

TheAlpha · แฟนตาซี
18 Chs

Bealey's Strong Front

Mathias looked at his sister with clear eyes, unable to believe that they actually did it.

Out of some miracle, they managed to flee from a Werewolf that was known to be impossible to escape from, it probably sensed that there are more people at the front and decided that it was not worth it fighting against this many.

Even with its superior physique, fighting twenty-abled men would probably be bad for it.

Soon enough the man in armor sprinting towards them arrived, he looks around warily before his eyes shifted to Bealey, "Where are you guys from? and What's chasing after you?", the man asked immediately without any pleasantries.

"Our group about three miles northeast was attacked, and we're chased by a Werewolf"

Knowing that she has brought trouble to the man's group by luring the Werewolf here, Bealey decided not to lie and be truthful about it. From the looks of it, the man should be one of the good ones since he rushes to their rescue quickly.

Upon hearing this, the man frowns as Werewolves are not a joke.

Swords and spears would not be able to injure a Werewolf if not crafted by the finest blacksmith, and to kill a Werewolf needs a silver weapon which is very scarce in these days. If they fought a Werewolf then many would definitely die before eventually forcing it to run away.

Bealey saw the conflicted expression on the man's face after hearing what she said.

At the back, more people came wearing the same armor as the man in front of them. It was an undeniable fact that by running towards them, Bealey and Mathias threatened the safety of the group by luring the Werewolf here.

If Bealey was on the other side, she would also be angry.

"What color are its eyes? Tell me right now", the man asked again demandingly.

But since Bealey was focusing on searching for a way out she hasn't got a chance to look the Werewolf right in the eyes, she can only glance at Mathias asking if he knew the eye color of the Werewolf that is chasing them earlier.

Stuttering for a bit, Mathias finally forced a word out of his mouth nervously, "R-Red..."

Upon hearing that the man's tense expression soften knowing that the Werewolf chasing after these two has red eyes, a sense of relief appeared on his face. In this world, the Werewolves were differentiated by their eye color.

Although there are deviations, the main eye colors they have were yellow, red, and blue.

Yellow means that they are the Omega of the pack and usually are the most aggressive towards humans, Omega is also the most diabolical as they are used to being oppressed and wanted to vent out their anger to humans for once. Due to that, they really like to play with their food before killing it brutally.

Red means Beta, the next in line for the Alpha of the pack. They are the most common Werewolves.

As for the last one, Blue means Alpha, the top dog of the pack and is usually way bigger than normal Werewolves. Smelling fear is an ability possessed by an Alpha, and their senses are way more acute than other Werewolves.

Since the one chasing after Bealey and Mathias has red eyes, that means the Werewolf is a Beta.

What gives the man a sense of relief knowing this was because Betas usually always roam together and stayed close to the pack. If there's a stray Beta then usually they are an outcast, one that challenged the Alpha and failed.

Looking to the side, the man also finds traces of blood on the ground and leaves.

It confirms that the Werewolf is in fact an injured Beta after fighting against the Alpha that has been kicked out of the pack, the blood shows that clearly. Now the man takes one last look around the place before he turns around.

Putting both of his hands on his waist, the man then ponders for a second.

Mathias and Bealey watch as the man talks with another person whisperingly at their front.

Despite not being able to hear what they are saying, the two of them know that the man is talking about what they are going to do with them. Bealey then can't help but said, "Please let us join your group, we'll not be a burden! Managing to escape from a Werewolf should prove that we will not be a burden"

The man looks over his shoulder slightly with his bright brown eyes.

"Okay, we'll let you stick with our group for the meantime", the man said while nodding slightly.

Just when Mathias and Bealey wanted to express their happiness, the man then continues, "Don't be happy yet, you're not a part of the group until you prove yourself. You're lucky to even get this chance, but we're running short on people so I'll give you this one chance"

"We've already stalked a Black Unicorn for a week, and we're hunting it this night"

After saying that the man gives a signal to a person beside him before the person threw something at Mathias and Bealey, they both swiftly caught the thing and realized that it's a very sharp dagger coated with green liquid on the sharp edge.

Looking at this, Mathias and Bealey frowned for a moment. But then they realized what this means.

"I think you both know what to do. If you want to join our group permanently, you're going to prove yourself by killing the Black Unicorn tomorrow when the time comes", the man added, he didn't wait for Mathias and Bealey to reply as he went back to the camp.

Most of the other people also went back to the camp, leaving Mathias and Bealey.

One particular bearded man that is quite beefy and big stayed behind, he's munching on some roasted meat in his hand as he watches the two standing in place, "Come on, you probably haven't eaten yet. My name is Richard, pleased to meet ya!"

Upon hearing this, Mathias and Bealey smiled in return before they both followed Richard.

As Mathias followed Richard while holding his sister's hand, he can't help but look back once again. It startled him to see that the pair of red eyes are still stalking from the darkness, the Werewolf still here watching them.

But soon enough the pair of red eyes moved and vanished in the darkness.

Mathias felt his throat dry upon seeing that, he gulps harshly before he picks up his pace.

Reaching back to the camp Bealey and Mathias find that the group is filled with fighters, they all are wearing steel armor and have at least one weapon beside them. When the two arrived, they instantly become the center of attention.

It was silent for a brief moment as the people here gives them unfriendly gazes.

But Richard sensed the awkwardness and a little bit of tension in the air before he glared at the people, "What are you pricks looking at? Eat your food and go sleep, the fire will attract other creatures if it kept burning like that so it's gone going to be gone in five minutes"

With that, the people instantly averted their eyes away before finishing their meals.

From the looks of it, Richard has some standing in this group just like the man that saved them earlier. Bealey and Mathias then sit on the corner of the camp after taking roasted meat from the campfire for themselves.

"Eat your fill, and don't worry about tomorrow. It's more about trying rather than actually killing it"

Looking at Richard's smile that is welcoming despite them luring a Werewolf straight to the group, Bealey can't help but mutters with a tone filled with guilt, "Thanks for your help and hospitality, but I don't think we deserve this. We lured the Werewolf here, to you guys..."

"Don't sweat about it, you're just trying to survive", Richard immediately replied.

Straightening his back, he then continues, "Humans are scarce these days, I don't think there are many more of us left. It's common sense to help each other, who knows... maybe you're the last two humans aside from us"

"On top of that, I'm quite an expert in killing Werewolves", Richard added.

With one fluid motion he unsheathed one of his swords strapped on his waist, it was a beautiful longsword that is not made of metal, but silver instead. Its color gave it away almost instantly, and it brims under the moonlight.

Just from seeing a silver sword, Mathias and Bealey feel safer already.

Material such as Silver is very scarce due to the Supernatural races aiming them so humans can't fight back. Every silver mine got destroyed and guarded, it pummeled humans' ability to defend themselves because of that.

Richard swings the silver sword for a little bit, showing its majesticness before sheathing it again.

"So don't worry about a stray Werewolf, we can deal with it"

After saying that, Richard taps his big tummy before he excuses himself.

Since it was his turn to keep on guard while the others sleep, he needed to be on his post. Mathias and Bealey look at each other before they started eating the roasted meat, and after that, Mathias wanted to rest but his sister excuses herself for a bit.

Bealey said that she was going to attend her nature business for a bit, but Mathias didn't buy it.

Despite always needing to lean on his sister to survive all this while, he also learned what his sister is thinking just from looking at her face. Now he knows that Bealey is lying, and he decided to follow her.

Not only does he know that Bealey is lying, but he's also afraid that she would be ambushed.

Mathias puts a good distance between himself and Bealey, but as he walked a bit further his hand was grabbed by someone he looks back and finds that it was Richard, "What are you doing? It's dangerous to go out alone"

"Sister, I'm following my sister. She said she wanted to pee, but I know she's lying", Mathias replied.

Upon hearing this Richard can't help but sigh before he finally said, "Fine, I'll come with you"

With that the two of them followed Bealey for a minute before she finally stopped, both of them hides behind a tree when she suddenly looks around to see if there was anyone following her which is a good thing.

Giving a couple of seconds, Mathias then peeked from behind the tree.

'What are you doing sister...', he thought with a frown.

But as soon as he poked his head out of the tree he saw Bealey leaning her head against a tree stiffly, Mathias was confused by this but he then heard a light sob coming from her. It seems like she's crying.

Richard also saw this before he sighs lightly, he then pulled Mathias away from the place.

When they both reach back to the camp, Richard lets go of Mathias' hand before he stopped in his tracks, "Let your sister have her alone time, I'm sure she has been keeping it to herself all this while. You go and sleep, rest your body for tomorrow"

Mathias nodded lightly before he walks away with his head held down.

Just as he takes a couple of steps away, Richard suddenly added from behind, "There will be a time when you need to protect your sister, it's your duty as a brother and a man to fight and protect. Make sure to grow stronger so your sister doesn't need to do that anymore"

Clenching his hands, Mathias then resumes his walk and leaves.

About an hour later.

Even though he tried to sleep, Mathias' eyes were opened wide all the way.

Richard's words that he said earlier keep on replaying in his mind and the picture of Bealey crying alone prickles his heart, his mind was too active that he can't go to sleep. Bealey has already come back a while ago and is asleep right now.

Looking at his sister's strand of brown hair covering her sleeping face, Mathias felt his heart aching.

It never reaches his mind the feeling Bealey must've felt keeping him safe all this time moving from place to place, she must've felt absolutely tired of keeping a strong front so Mathias can keep on trying to survive.

Just like they did earlier, they escaped the grasp of death miraculously. It probably strains her too.

While looking at Bealey's beautiful face Mathias makes a promise inside his heart, 'No matter what from today onwards, I will try to be strong so that she doesn't have to be. I'll be the one protecting her, I swear I'll do it...'

Dwelling in the epiphany of Bealey's beautiful face, Mathias' eyelids started to become heavy.

It only takes a couple of slow blinks for him to close his eyes and fell asleep.

Mathias doesn't know how much time has passed from the moment he fell asleep, but his eyes jolted open when he heard a painful scream penetrating his ears. Upon opening his eyes, he was greeted by a red liquid that he has been so familiar with ever since the world collapsed.

Pausing for a little, he realized that the blood is right where his sister was sleeping earlier.


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