
Reincarnated as Saitama in OPM

First fic made by me so it's inevitable for it to have mistakes.

Zoomshoe · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
26 Chs

Chapter 19: Welcome Back, Hair.

Hmm, I feel like I'm forgetting something. I thought while scratching my head. Wait, head? Oh right! I still haven't gotten my hair back.

Alright! System, I want to redeem my rewards.


[Hunt down 1,000 Monsters in under 24 hours.]


[Instant Hair Growth Pill Obtained!]

[Clear the Monster's Den.]


[Dimensional Travel Ticket Obtained!]

Two semi-translucent holographic screens appeared in front of me. And after I've read the contents, I felt something suddenly come into existence in my hand. The first one was a red-colored pill and the one beside that was a golden-colored ticket.

System, how do I use this ticket? I asked in my mind while playing with the ticket in my hand.

[To traverse the Universe, the host must tear the ticket apart and everything that is in physical contact with you would be included. And if you're worried about the current universe, you are in continuing to pass time. Do not fret, host, as time would stop for the time being.

And please refrain from fooling around with the Dimensional Ticket in your hand as you might accidentally activate it and waste the only ticket you have.]

Well, I guess that is a relief; I said and inwardly sigh at the System's warning.

I lied down on my futon and went deep into my thoughts. Everything's been going smoothly, and I'm still far from canon. Fuck, I might have raised a flag now that I said that. Though, I hope that this peaceful time goes on for a while longer.

I went into a sitting position and picked up the Hair Growth Pill that I placed on the coffee table earlier. I gulped it down my throat in one swift motion and laid back on the futon, and not long after, I succumb to boredness and fell asleep.


I woke up early in the morning as always and walked to the bathroom lazily. I was still feeling drowsy. This always happens in the morning, although I don't know the reason. With both my eyes still half-closed, I brushed my teeth while staring at myself in the mirror.

I only realized this now, but I had my hair back! Yes, finally! After 10 agonizing years without my hair. I finally had it back. I thought while caressing my hair with care. My drowsiness was already gone, and I was up and running.

I quickly did all of my morning routines and, of course, my daily training because while I got overwhelmingly powerful. I will not slack off my training, because, who knows? My powers might disappear someday and I wouldn't be able to do anything about it.

Alright! Time to head out and hunt some monsters for fun- I mean, so this town would be peaceful! Yeah... That was the worst possible word choice right there because City-Z is the least peaceful town in this world.

Well, I'm not going to lie. Strolling around the town early in the morning is quite enjoyable. Birds chirping, the cool breeze passing by my skin, and the quietness of the city that I am quite fond of. I already exited the perimeters of City-Z and am currently somewhere in City-A, which is the busiest City out there considering you can fit three City-Z inside City-A.

Though, it surprised me how quiet it was here early in the morning. That quickly got ruined by a robber making a ruckus, though. It was a slug monster that reeks of sewer wastes. God, he stinks. I can smell him all the way here and I am at least some hundred meters away from the store of the victim.

I'm currently in my casual clothing because I thought I would look trash if I wore my hero suit. I entered the store and ignored the foul smell that permeated every inch of the store. And started browsing for high-quality meat, still ignoring the robber.

Though he noticed me and threatened me. But I didn't even glance at him and continued searching for the best meat I could find. And that did it. He got infuriated and slammed the store clerk hard to the ground, marking him unconscious.

And he trudged straight to me. Now I was wondering where were the damned heroes?! Why aren't they doing their jobs? Wait, I forgot I was a hero too. Never mind that, since the time I got out of City-Z and walked all the way here, I haven't seen a single hero yet.

Maybe they're in some sort of meeting? Eh, I'll throw that in the back of my mind for now. Hmm, now what should I have for lunch? I kept on browsing the meat section, ignoring the presence I felt behind me.

He's been standing right behind me for a minute now, maybe waiting for me to notice him. Now, the foul smell irked me and so I urged myself to turn around and slap that slug monster into pieces. You can see a visible irk mark on my forehead.

The slug monster had a grin that reached his eye. And he started splashing me with bullshit that I don't even want to talk about. I had my nose pinched the entire time. I didn't have time to listen to this guy's bullshit, so I slapped him so fast you wouldn't even see my hand move.

That slap created a small shock wave, kind of like that time when he was having a hard time killing a mosquito in the Anime. And now all the items are on the floor. Fuck, I sighed and picked the items that fell and put them back on their respective shelf.

I picked the best meat I could find and left the required money on the counter where the poor store clerk fell unconscious. Then left the store. Now, I should search for more monsters. I'm pretty bored. Again, I was deep in my thoughts but interrupted by the familiar chime in my head.


[Host has killed a villain that held a significant role.]

[The System will now undergo an upgrade.]

[The System will be unavailable for one week.]

[6 days, 23 hours, 59 minutes remaining.]

Huh, That guy was important? Are you serious? Then did that mean I just change some events in this timeline? Hopefully, nothing too serious happens and ruins this peacefulness. Though that was naïve of me because this world is anything but peaceful.

Well, it will not affect me in the slightest considering my current strength that would continue to grow as time passes. Though, I will not get overconfident in my ability as there might be someone out there in this universe that is considerably more powerful than me.


A week later.


[System has been successfully updated.]

[Booting up...]

[The System is now online.]

[New features unlocked.]

[Inventory - A personal storage made for the host and can store an endless amount of items.]

[System Points - SP or System Points is a currency that could only be used inside the System.]

[Shop - This new feature allows you to buy anything available in the multiverse.]

[Spin of Wheel - Spend SP to spin the wheel and try your luck.]

Hmm, interesting. How do I get SP?

[acquiring SP requires the host to finish quests from the System, or by simply killing monsters. You can gain more SP depending on the monsters' threat level.]

[ Wolf - 10 SP

Tiger - 50 SP

Demon - 100 SP

Dragon - 1,000 SP

God - 1,000,000 SP

??? - 1,000,000,000 SP]

What? Why can't I read that last one's threat level?

[Inuficient level.]

Will I be fighting a being like that in the future?

[Inuficient level.]

Ugh, never mind. Guess I'll hunt some monsters for now and see what happens next.


I changed the System layout and I will only let him use the sword from time to time because it's not his thing to use a sword to kill monsters.