
Time skip

(A/N I couldn't find any information time when Shirou did his high jump. The only thing that was mentioned was that he and Rin were in junior high and in original Fate Stay Night he was 16 years old so I'll make 3 years worth of time skip.)

(Shirou's pov)

Finally after 3 years of hard work I'm seeing some results. I didn't have any problems with Bakuya and Kanshou. Fighting with them was like second nature to me but mastering overedge did take me a few days.

Besides my two main swords I trained fighting with bows, spears, two handed swords and don't forget our favourite shield Rho Aias.

I manage to recreate it in all of it's glory. All 7 flower petals with all 7 layered bounded field.

I didn't have such luck with weapons though. For my main two handed sword I decided to go with Balmung. Little cliche but it does it's job well. I didn't fire it's full power working that Mage's Association will notice me but I'm pretty sure that Zelerth already knows about me. Nothing can escape this old troll's eyes but knowing him he won't interfere unless I really fuck up something badly.

Going back to Balmung, I know even without big sword beam that this sword is is inferior to original. in my estimation it has 40% of original power, 50% if I realy push it which still is stronger than most swords.

For a spear I of course chose Gae Bolg.

(A/N I'm open for suggestions for another spear type weapon.)

Not only it tracks your opponent after being thrown, it also never misses, it can be blocked though.

For a bow I used Archer's Emiya bow.

(A/N Need a name for his bow)

I am not as proficient at using it as him and joing archery club in high school didn't help improve much. Combination of Mind's eye and Hawkeye help me hit targets without much effort. The only thing that it helped me is to get in the so called zone. During it I empty my head and focusing solely on hitting a target.

Apart from training with weapons I also exercise. I wouldn't like to wield powerful artifacts just to be doomed by my weak stamina.

Everyday for past 3 years I went to that forest to work out and practice projection and today after I went back home to my room I notice very familiar looking piece of paper on my pillow. The only difference was that this time there was a kiss mark and the only thing I could think of was how the hell did that truck manage to fo it. Does she have lips under that mask of hers or has she human form.

I shouldn't think about useless stuff but audacity of this bitch. Because of her I developed some kind of truck trauma. Every time I see or even hear a truck I start sweating and my hands keep shaking. Is it what PTSD feels like?

Nevermind that I should read the letter.

Truck-chan: "Did you expect love letter because of that kiss mark. Sorry it's just your friendly neighbourhood magical girl, Truck-chan."

How could I think anyone but you would deliver a letter to my room while I was gone. I don't have any stalkers... at least I hope not. I think Sakura is not at that level just yet.

Truck-chan: "Today's letter is nothing important, just a reminder that main storyline starts today and if I were you I would avoid going to bathroom or maybe, just maybe knock on the door to avoid being smashed by a magical stick and while being unconscious said stick show your manhood to your little sister.

It's pretty unique experience you would get but not the one I would recommend but you do you, I wont judge... much."

Did she really need to remind me something i was preparing myself for 3 years... and it's good that she did because I forgot what happened at the beginning of the story and who can blame me. It was at least 3 years since I watched or read Fate/kaleid and the only thing on my mind was getting stronger.

Truck-chan: "The only thing I'll tell you that soon you will have use of these clothes of yours. I hope that you are not angry about misinformating you about your powers hehehe."

The time we meet is the time I will shove Gae Bolg up yours ass and I won't be satisfied with just one. If I could project Rhongomyniad it would be even better. I thought as sadistic smile formed on my face.

Meanwhile someone shivered knowing exactly why and hoping that that day will never come.

Next day I confirmed that Illya was forced to make a contract with Ruby. that means that today at midnight Illya will fight Medusa.

They are not going to needed my help but it won't hurt to watch over them in case something unexpected happens.

Fifteen minutes before midnight I get in my seat of clothes, gel my hair back in Archer's Emiya style and wore mask that I bought to hide my face.

(A/N It looks like Hei's mask from anime Darker than Black)

I was ready to go. Normally you wouldn't be able to get in the mirror world without the help of Ruby or Sapphire but I had something called Rule breaker and it allows me to dispel any kind of thaumaturgy or in simpler terms destroy all spells by making contact with item, person etc. Using this blade I'll make an entrance for myself. So basically I'll break rules.

Following Illya and Rin we arrived at school and they teleported inside and I followed after them using the Rule breaker. When I opened my eyes after I momentary closed because of light caused by teleportation I saw Medusa attacking Illya. All my little sister was doing was running away but suddenly she started blasting some kind of magic attack and it was working. Medusa was visibly hurt and she decided to use her Noble Phantom.

I was ready to shield Illya and Rin with Rho Aias but it wasn't needed as Miyu used her lancer card and materialized Gae Bolg defeating Medusa and taking her servant card.

???: "Hohoho!

Hearing that iconic laughter I knew that Luvia is also nearby.

After a short fight between Rin and Luvia the mirror world started crumbling and Miyu teleported all of them back to the original one and I did the same.

While I was ready to leave I heard something.

Ruby: "How long are you going to hide?"

I was little shocked but I should have expected that she and Sapphire would know that someone broke into the other world.

What should I do. Should I reveal myself or escape. Considering both pros and cons for both option. Ultimately I showed myself to them.

Ruby: "So what is your goal in observing us like that?

Ruby is talking in unusually serious tone.

Shirou: "Bothing much. Just looking if my help is needed. I wanted to leave but you called me out and here I am."

Rin: "Stop right here!!! What do you mean if your help is needed what could you do if even my magic couldn't hurt her?"

Shirou: "I'm quite strong but unorthodox Magus myself."

Rin: "What do you mean by unorthodox?"

Rin asked with curiosity and wariness judging me if I'm dangerous or not.

Shirou: "I use magecraft consider by most to be useless but that's all I'm gonna tell you right now."

Rin: "*Sigh* Can you at least tell me who are you?"

Ron knowing that I won't answer her question changed it instead hoping for any information regarding me.

Shirou: "If I wanted my identity to be known I wouldn't have a mask, would I."

Rin: "Fair enough but I most importantly we need to know. Are you an enemy or an ally?

Rin looked right into my eyes which were behind the mask and I did the same and answered.

Shirou: "I'm not an enemy and I hope we will be allies in the future."

I said with serious face which they didn't see.

Shirou: "And the next time you'll go to get cards wait for me at the location and I'll show you what I can do. With that said I bid you farewell."

With these words I went back home leaving all the girls in shock.
