
Chapter 5

Currently, in the forest next to the Yaoyorozu mansion, one could see a male youth figure running up the trees and jumping from branch to branch.

The boy was obviously Ban who was currently training his 'quirk'.

His looks haven't really changed since two years ago, other then getting taller and his hair growing longer. He has refused to get a haircut because he did plan to keep up the long hair thing.

How could he not? He thought it was pretty badass. If there was anyone who could pull off the long haired look while looking so badass, then it was definitely Ban.

For the past two years, Ban has been training his 'quirk' with the best of his ability.

During the first year of training, he focused on his control. Doing focal exercises, tree walking and water walking. At first it was pretty frustrating as he kept failing, but after sometime, he could easily walk and run on water with no trouble at all.

He also started to do body exercises with the use of their indoor gym. Ah, gotta love being rich. It was truly a blessing.

During the second year, Ban has been taking martial arts lessons from a friend of his father named Kaiso along side with Momo. He completely surprised his parents and Kaiso with how much of a prodigy he seemed to be and how easily he picked it up.

Momo, seeing how much stronger her older brother was began to admire him even more and it also encouraged her to work much harder when training.

Now jumping from branch to branch on trees that were at least the height of a regular modern house, Ban was maneuvering through obstacles that he set up for himself, while shooting bo-shurikens towards targets that were stuck onto the trees.

He seemed so focused as he gracefully moved through the obstacles with his Ultimate Eyes 'active'.

Finishing, he went to go check his results. Most of them hit around the bullseye and only a couple actually hit straight in the middle. It was to be expected that he didn't get a perfect score, after all he's only just started using the bo-shurikens and doing this type of training.

Walking back inside the mansion, he arrived in the living room and saw his mother Aiko sitting on the sofa. Over the past two years, he's gradually and slowly started to accept his adopted parents.

Looking over at her, he noticed that she seemed to be dressed as if she was going to go somewhere soon.

"How was your training Ban?" She greeted him with a smile.

"It's going great, I feel like I'm progressing pretty fast with the bo-shurikens." Ban told her as he walked towards the kitchen to get a glass of water.

"Well that's great, but don't you think you've been training way too much lately? Why don't you take a break?" Aiko asked her son.

Ban sighed slightly, as he could guess where this was going. "Well, I'm going towards my room to go and take a nap. That counts as a break for me." He replied, before he began to down the glass of water.

"Well why don't you come with me and Momo, we're going out soon." Aiko said to Ban.

"Are you going to the park again? You know I don't really like going there. I would rather stay home." Lately, Aiko has been taking Momo to the park to play with other kids.

His mother and sister has been trying to get him to come with them, but in the end, they could never convince him. He'd rather stay home and train and he didn't feel like interacting with kids. It would simply bore him to death.

"Please brother! I want you to meet my friend." Came the cute voice of his little sister Momo who seemed to be freshly dressed.

She walked up to him for a hug, but he stopped her advancement. "I can tell you just finished getting ready Momo and I'm pretty sweaty right now." Ban said to her.

Momo just pouted and said "That doesn't matter! Why are you being so mean!"

Ban sighed and patted her head, which immediately calmed her down. "Calm down Momo, now why don't you tell me who this friend of yours is." he said as he continued to stroke her head.

"Her names Nejire! She's two years older than us." Momo said with a big smile.

Aiko smiled as well, happy that her daughter found a friend that she liked so much.

(Ban's POV)

Nejire? That's her new friend? Well shit, is this my insane luck once again?

Fuck a break, I'm definitely going with them now. Yeah she should be about 8 years old right now, but forming a friendship this early with her and becoming her childhood friend should help a ton.

"You know what Momo, I'll go to the park with you today. Maybe you could introduce me to your new friend as well." I said to Momo as I pat her head.

A huge smile blossomed onto her face as she attempted to huge me, but I stopped her once again.

I looked over to my mother Aiko and said "Just give me twenty minutes and I'll be ready. I'm going to go take a shower." I said as I ran up towards my room.

(Regular POV)

A few hours later you can see three kids sitting on the grass next to each other. One of them with black hair, one of them with unique periwinkle colored hair, and the other white ice-white hair.

When Ban and Momo arrived at the park, Momo dragged him along to go find her new friend. At first when he met Nejire, he was annoyed at the little girl's constant questioning, but was able to calm her down.

Apparently Momo had bragged to Nejire that her brother had a super strong quirk and it seemed Nejire has always been a high spirited girl because she ended up asking endless questions about his quirks once she saw him.

Other than that, he got along with her pretty well which unknown to him, made Aiko very happy. The mother has always been worried about Ban. He didn't show any interest on things a kid his age would and never interacted with any kids except for Momo. So seeing him getting along with Nejire, eased her worries.

And just like that, time flew by, as Ban and Momo would start middle school soon.
