
Reincarnated as a Terminally Ill Villain

im bored no more updates Throughout his life, Noah had never cursed his existence. Even though he was born as an unfortunate orphan, unable to grasp anything. Even though he lost his memories and ended up alone in this world due to an unexpected accident. He had lived steadfastly without a care all this time. However... No matter how fortunate a person may be, there are always limits. "Please don't be alarmed and listen carefully," "You are terminally ill." "...What?" It was completely unexpected. By chance, during a routine health examination, he learned that his death was already set in stone. Just like that, two years have passed since receiving the terminal diagnosis. Noah thought there would be no more surprises. Yet, once again, a shocking incident occurred. "Character Introduction ― 'Nox von Reinhaber' has completed partial synchronization!" "Caution! You cannot return to the original world until you clear the game in its entirety." *According to the [Terminal Illness] attribute, the remaining lifespan of the player is one year. Now, he found himself transmigrated into the game he was playing. And once again, he had become a terminal patient. Damn it.

SummerWinterSol · แฟนตาซี
6 Chs

The Duel (1)

[The effect of muliple buffs have been activated!]

[Stamina has increased by 0.1!]

[Stamina has increased by 0.1!]




After closing the window, Nox continued his training in the practice field while briefly recalling Talia's stat window. It was thanks to his [Insight] trait that he could view her shocking status.


[Basic Information]

Name: Talia von Steiliner

Gender: Female

Age: 14

Race: Human

Primary Element: Fire

Achievements: -


Positive: [Heroic Aspiration] / [Chilvarly] / [Upright Nature] / [Genius in Swordsmanship and Martial Arts]

Neutral: -

Negative: [Inferiority Complex] / [Unripened State] / [Arachnophobia]


Stamina: 6

Mana: 3

Luck: 5

Willpower: 7

Charisma: 20


Passive Skills: -

Active Skills: -


"...She clearly is an insanely talented individual."

Talia certainly was a top talent, just like Nox had experienced in Inner Lunatic.

Although she didn't possess as much potential as the three Sword Saints or the four Sages of the continent, she had talent comparable to those directly below that level.

Just by looking at the fact that her stamina was three times that of an average adult male in Inner Lunatic, whose stamina typically peaked at 4, it was evident that she surpassed that limit.

While her relativly low mana was regrettable, her willpower and luck also couldn't be ignored.

As for charisma, it was merely an approximate representation of being pretty or handsome. It didn't hold much power beyond determining how easily one could gain favor with other NPCs.

No, now that it had become reality, charisma might be quite important too, right? Well, whatever the case, it wasn't an issue.

The real problem was that her fire attribute mana would be converted into white flame mana in the future, eventually engulfing Nox in blinding flames at the finale and causing his death.

In other words, he couldn't get close to her or be on friendly terms with her.

Of course, initially, Nox had thought about getting close to her and trying to avoid the situation... But that was simply impossible. What was his greatest advantage?

It was his knowledge of the main storyline and a perfect understanding of the events through clearing it an outstanding 27 times.

However, if he were to recruit Talia as an ally, numerous future stories would become tangled and complicated.

If that were to happen, all the plans Nox had envisioned could fail, and he might be consumed by Baal once again and end up dying. Also, to find out his true identity, he had decided to follow the main story as close as he could.

Although it would be difficult, he had decided to fight against his brothers.

In such a situation, he had no reason to create unnecessary variables. After all, if he won against his brothers it would already impact the story greatly.

As a result,

"I'm not interested. Just go away, will you?"

Unintentionally, those words had slipped out of his mouth in annoyance.

...Even though he was destined to die at her hands, the first encounter turned out to be the worst possible scenario.

He messed up. In summary, that's how the situation was.


But there was no other way.

From now on, Nox just needed to minimize their interactions as much as possible. As long as Talia, who is originally of a kind-hearted nature, doesn't find him to be an enemy, she wouldn't attack him first.



As he let out a light breath, he noticed a maid running alongside him with a startled expression. It was a familiar face, Lona.

"Huff... Huff... My lord... Should I continue running with you?"

"Of course. If my maid doesn't run with me, who else will take care of me?"

As Nox furrowed his brows, Lona turned into a sobbing mess but continued her brisk trot. He took the white towel she held out, wiped away the sweat, and returned it to her.

"I have one more task for you."


"You just cursed me in your mind."

"N-No, I didn't. Uh, I bit my tongue...."

Enjoying Lona's reaction, Nox continued running. Time had passed and before he knew it, his stamina had reached 3.8. Things might seem to be going well... but he could confidently say that it was anything but.

After all, a whole month has already passed. Tomorrow was the day of the duel.

"And just when my stamina isn't improving much... Will it go up by 0.2 in just one day...?"


Upon hearing his mumbling, Lona asked inquisitively, but Nox raised his head and accelerated even faster. Despite making crying sounds, Lona still chased after him.

"Hmm... She seems to have a considerable amount of stamina too."

Curious, he opened Lona's status window to check her stamina, and what he saw was truly shocking.


That's how it was.

Her initial stats as an extra were higher than the stats Nox barely achieved through a month of hard work and multiple blessings.

It's damn unfair, seriously.

* * *

Over the past month, Talia received knight training from the elite knights of the Reinharber family.

In fact, even in her own family, the Steeliner family, a prestigious lineage, it was common for nobles to send their children to other families for knight training.

Especially for Talia, who is the second daughter of the Steeliner family, it is widely believed that she lacks talent compared to her elder sister, Chel von Steeliner.

As a result, she was always overshadowed by her sister and unable to unleash her own talents.

She couldn't forget it. The cold gaze of her sister as she defeated Talia in their duel, a gaze filled with contempt. She truly wanted to become a knight, but being a knight involved more tasks and difficulties than she had initially imagined.

Not only swordsmanship, but also mindset and mastery of various sword forms were necessary. Moreover... above all, it had to be accompanied by a virtuous and upright heart.

Talia, who was sweating, walked tiredly and sat on a chair placed outside the training ground.

"...But can a guy who has only done stamina exercises for a month defeat those who have trained for years? And they are a year younger?"

It was an absurd story.

Because she herself had an older sister born in the same year, because she had an overwhelmingly talented senior, she knew.

Nox could never surpass her siblings.

If he faced the sword with such a light heart, Nox would never be able to achieve what he desired. Talia was convinced that he would collapse miserably here.

At that moment, Lord Theo and Lordwell also took their seats to watch the duel. Naturally, they occupied the most prominent seats. Theo, who had his hands neatly folded, spoke first.

"Lordwell, what do you think?"

"Are you referring to the duel between Sir Allen and Sir Nox?"


It was a natural question. After all, in the octagonal arena, Allen, the younger twin, and Nox were preparing for battle.

Lordwell replied promptly.

"If I may speak based on what I've seen so far, Sir Allen will emerge victorious."

"Yes, I would assume so as well."

However, for some reason, upon hearing the answer, Lordwell wore an expression of unease and silently gazed at the arena. It was not difficult to understand the meaning behind his actions.

"He must have a different opinion from mine."

About a month ago, when Talia of the Steeliner family visited the Reinharber family, Lord Theo began to change little by little.

It seemed that Lord Theo was favoring Nox.

In fact, even Lordwell was momentarily surprised by his momentum.

However, he didn't think Nox would win this duel. It was wishful thinking and unrealistic. A sword could be splendid at times, but it could also be the simplest of things.

It depended on how much time one had spent training and how much effort one had put into it. Those factors partially determined one's level.

There was only a few people who could make those who had surpassed everything kneel before them.

The Sword Saints. They truly had overwhelming talent. But Lordwell never thought that Nox possessed such talent.

What had his behavior been like so far?

He was fearful and frail, plagued by ailments, and suffered from hypothermia in the winter. He was so weak that he fell ill more than ten times a month.

If there were any changes just because he ran around for a mere month...

Lordwell and the other elite swordsmen would have to declare retirement immediately.

"I also partially agree with your thoughts, Lordwell."

Lordwell shifted his gaze towards the sound. Theo, still looking downward with a listless gaze, spoke.

"But it's not impossible. If he's at least from the bloodline of the Reinharber family, you never know."

At that moment, Lordwell caught something. He noticed a flicker of interest in Theo's eyes, even if it was for a brief moment.

"Perhaps the youngest has a talent as outstanding as the three Sword Saints."

* * *

"Hey, Nox. How about giving up now? Even though you're a disgrace to the family, you're still my brother... I'll have to refrain from hitting you too hard. Isn't that right?"

Allen complained, pouting, as the impending duel approached. He wore a heavy greatsword on his shoulder and smirked a wicked smile.

Nox responded casually, giving him a nonchalant shrug.

"That doesn't really look like the face of someone who's telling me to give up, does it?"

"Haha, did you catch on? The truth is, I want to show off to the young lady of the Steeliner family a little bit too. I believe you'll help me with that."

"Well, I'm not sure if that's a good choice."

Nox couldn't say anything else.

Stelliner, the family that contributed the most to the downfall of the Reinharber family. And now, Allen had his eyes on the second daughter of that place.

Nox thought it was as if the world was mocking him. He should be grateful that he was not being stabbed in the throat right now...

But those twins had no way of knowing that.

They even went as far as to misunderstand his intentions.

"It seems like you have the same thoughts as me. After all, Talia is so beautiful."

Allen nodded his head and chuckled for a moment, then suddenly gripped his sword with one hand and extended it forward.

What's this? Such strength?

As expected of a noble family, he was a monster.

Before the fight began, Nox sighed and opened Allen's status window.


[Basic Information]

Name: Allen von Reinharber

Gender: Male

Age: 15

Race: Human

Primary Element: Darkness

Achievements: -


Positive: [Mastery of Swordsmanship and Martial Arts]

Neutral: [Manifestation of Darkness]

Negative: [Arrogance] / [Conceit] / [Scorn]


Stamina: 8

Mana: 5

Luck: 6

Willpower: 5

Charisma: 16


Passive Skills: -

Active Skills: -


"Stamina is 8..."

In Inner Lunatic, stamina functioned similarly to physical strength in other games. And, in other words, it meant that Nox was much weaker in terms of physical strength compared to Allen.

Moreover, he had failed to increase his stamina stat by 0.2 yesterday to reach the minimal 4 to activate his genius trait.

Damn it.

Why was he so unlucky?

Was his natural luck in the negatives?

For now, Nox could only hold his own sword sword and face Allen head-on.

"Well then, let's begin the formal duel for the right to enter Eldain Academy. Nox von Reinharber and Allen von Reinharber. Both of you must accept the outcome and cannot raise objections."

One of the dignitaries decided to oversee the judgment. His cold voice resonated.

Nox took a deep breath. Honestly, he was trembling.

If he lost here, it's all over.

Recovering his memories, finding out who sent him the letter. Failing completely, his life would end after the one-year reprieve.

Knowing that, he put strength into the hand holding the sword.

And with the signal, Nox forcefully moved his feet.



...And then, I tumbled to the ground.

The blunt strike hit my chest, accompanied by pain.

Indeed, it seems Allen's stamina stat of 8 wasn't lying.

I spat out a mouthful of bloody phlegm. Allen in front of me was chuckling. Why is that?

Although he resembled Nox and was undoubtedly handsome, his face was annoyingly irritating.

Was it a proper reflection of having lower charisma than Nox?


As he entertained such thoughts, a follow-up attack was aimed at his abdomen. It was a duel between brothers, yet it lacked any trace of mercy in their swift and ruthless exchanges.

However, this was the atmosphere of the Reinhaver family.

Claim your own worth with your own hands.

To prove one's abilities through sword and martial prowess, that is the way of the Reinhavers.

In other words, if Nox were to lose here, he would have to give up everything.

"...but it also means that if I can win, I can seize everything."

"Did you become an idiot after taking that hit? What nonsense are you spouting?"

Nox changed the direction of my sword. Adopting a defensive stance rather than aiming for an attack, he took careful aim at his opponent's eyes.

A series of attacks from Allen began.

Clang! Clang! Clang!

Nox felt pain as if his wrist was being torn apart. He barely managed to block a few strikes, but the rest hit him directly, accumulating damage.

Out of the ten strikes, he was barely able to block two. Most of Allen's attacks landed on him. Nox somehow managed to deflect the attacks with his shoulders and elbows, aiming to disperse the damage and seize an opportunity.

As he endured the beating, bruises began to appear on his body. It was lucky they were fighting with dulled swords.

Swish! Swish!

How much time had passed?

Seeing that Nox barely holding on, Gashin, the referee, paused the duel as if signaling me to stop and asked, "Lord Nox, shouldn't you give up now? If you sustain more serious injuries, it will take a long time to recover."

"No. I will continue."

Nox said with a determined expression. Gashin looked at him with an expression of incomprehension.

To him, Nox's actions at the moment probably appeared as nothing more than an act of childish stubbornness.

However, that wasn't the truth. He was acting out of desperation and indignation.

But there was another, much more significant reason. Finally, the last piece arrived.

[Stamina stat has increased by 0.1]

[The skill 'Genius of the Sword and Martial Arts' has been activated!]

Nox knew that if he held on a little longer, he could win.


"So you've lost your mind now, Nox?"

Allen laughed derisively, but Nox didn't waver even slightly.

It was only natural. The real battle was about to begin now.

In that moment, Nox activated a skill that he had been concealing.

[Activating the skill 'Time of the Genius'!]

Suddenly, the world seemed to slow down, and even the brief moments when he blinked started to be imprinted vividly in him mind.

The moving scenery reflected in his retina, the objects filling the field of view. They began to flow as if time had come to a near complete halt, very slowly.

"This is... the Time of the Genius."

Time of the Genius. This was a skill that he had since he first possessed Nox.

It was a skill that multiplied the perception of time he experienced, making time seen to slow daown.

And it was a skill that exhibited the highest efficiency when combined with the newly manifested trait of [Genius in Swordsmanship and Martial Arts].

The greatest advantage of Time of the Genius was that it made the movements of the enemy appear slow to him.

However, there was one problem with it.

The enemy appearing slow and Nox moving fast were completely different things.

But [Genius in Swordsmanship and Martial Arts] was a remarkable trait.

In a state where the enemy was slowed down, it helped him wield his sword even faster, lightening the burden to a level where he could easily handle it. It was a morale-boosting trait.

In that moment, Nox felt it.

The outcome of this battle was being determined here.

As he saw Allen's slowed-down attacks rushing towards him, he felt a great thrill.

And then...


Nox perfectly parried Allen's sword for the first time.

Somehow, a specific phrase came to his mind.

Geniuses and prodigies live in different times.

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