
First visitor

Weeks passed in the tavern with nothing happening, Ignys and Aegion mostly talked and Aegion educated Ignys about the various sectors of the core of the outerlands.

There wasn't a lot to do since it wasn't like Ignys could go outside into the core to explore since it was too dangerous.

Aegion told Ignys that most of their beverages were stored in the basement in large barrels, because it was dark there and there was a constant temperature, same went for moisture, it provided optimal conditions for storing alcoholic drinks.

The problem was, whenever a tap ran out, Ignys would have to waltz down the stairs of the basement, look for the correct barrel, bring the heavy ass barrel back upstairs and then connect it with a tap.

Luckily for Ignys, he probably didn't need to do it anytime soon though.

Or so he thought.

It was a normal, boring day in the tavern, the days Ignys was used to.

He noticed that the mana crystals outside regenerated a bit of their mana, but it would still take months before he was able to be reincarnated again.

Ignys' days in the tavern were boring and usually the same.

He would start the day off by sweeping the tavern, removing any dust he finds.

Afterward, he would chat for a while with Aegion before going behind the bar, checking his equipment to make sure it was all clean and not faulty.

After that Aegion would go out into the outerlands and shortly afterward return with a body of a monster.

Aegion would instruct Ignys on how to dismember and cook certain parts of the monster and explained about the origin and habits of the monster in the outerlands.

This was one of the ways that Ignys learned more about how the outerlands were constructed and about the territories and creatures that lived there.

Afterward, Ignys would cook some of the edible parts of the monster so that he could eat, he was still human after all and needed food.

Sometimes Aegion would also return with various vegetables and berries, but usually just a dead monster.

Weirdly enough, Aegion never slept so the tavern was practically open 24/7 since there was always someone to man the tavern.

It was just a normal day when Ignys woke up in his room.

He was still glad that he chose for the luxurious room since it was indeed a vibe to sit in front of the fireplace at night with a glass of whiskey.

Over the couple of weeks that Ignys stayed at the tavern, he drank a couple of glasses of whiskey, but due to him having weak mana output and the fact that a single glass of whiskey was 3x as potent as a normal mana potion, he did not drink a lot of it.

He did notice that his mana output was growing rapidly from the environment and drinks.

The whiskey also still had alcohol so he couldn't drink too much of it.

Ignys headed downstairs and let out a big yawn, he was ready for his usual daily routine in the tavern.

He went and got a broom before doing his usual sweep.

Weirdly enough, Aegion was nowhere to be seen.

He assumed that he went out to deal with some business, it happened a couple of times before.

Aegion would simply disappear and a couple of hours later he would return, he would usually go to a sector near the beginning of the outerlands.

Ignys swept the tavern and went behind the bar in the tavern, checking up on his tools and such.

"Man, I'm bored." thought Ignys as he yawned again.

Since Aegion wasn't there, Ignys didn't have anything to do.

Ignys closed his eyes and started dozing off.

He almost fell asleep when he heard the door of the tavern fly open.

Ignys didn't open his eyes since he assumed it was Aegion.

"Ah, Agion you're back, where did you go?" said Ignys in a sleepy tone.

Instead of getting a response, Ignys heard a thud.

Ignys lazily opened his eyes and saw a man laying on the ground, fully clad in armor.

Ignys looked up in surprise and got up, rushing to the man.

"Sir, are you alright!" yelled Ignys as he looked at the man's armor.

There were multiple dents, scratches, and even some holes in the armor.

The man was bleeding profusely and did not respond.

Ignys panicked a bit until he realized that there was a first aid kit behind the bar.

Ignys dashed behind the bar and picked up the first aid kit before heading back to the man.

He picked up the man and was surprised by how light he was, despite that he was fully clad in armor.

He assumed that it was some kind of magic armor that was both durable and lightweight.

He put the man on a table and stripped him of his armor.

Multiple wounds were visible on the man's body and his breathing was shallow.

"The fuck happened to him!" thought Ignys as he stitched up some of the man's wounds.

There were deep puncture holes on the man's body and it appeared that several of his bones were broken from blunt impact.

Ignys stitched up the puncture wounds first, his hands were shaking heavily.

He placed the stitches crudely and poorly, but it was better than nothing.

After stitching up the deep puncture wounds Ignys administered oxygen first, because the man was bleeding heavily he assumed that the body would strip way more oxygen from the blood.

Up next Ignys bandaged up the hands of the man, there were multiple scratch marks on it.

He first poured alcohol over the wound to cleanse it a bit before bandaging it.

The man had definitely broken his forearm as it was twisted in an inhuman way.

Well, Ignys wasn't sure if it was broken or dislocated.

In the end, Ignys chose to use a small splint found in the medkit to temporarily align the forearm correctly, a correction would need to be made in the end.

The leg of the man was also broken, but luckily not at the femur.

Ignys Immobilized the man's leg before lightly taping it up, making sure not to apply a lot of pressure.

After taking care of the man for about an hour, it appeared that Ignys had finally stabilized him.

Ignys was quite proud of himself since he practically winged it, he barely had any prior medical experience.

The only thing that he thought he did sloppily was probably the stitching.

After Ignys gave the man oxygen his breathing stabilized a bit but he was still not conscious.

Ignys knew he couldn't leave the man laying on the table so he carefully picked him up, making sure to barely move the man's broken arm and leg, he also made sure not to put any pressure on the man's numerous wounds.

He slowly but surely carried the man upstairs.

He questioned what room he should put the man in but decided to put him in the floral room, there was a chance that the flowers had a positive effect on the man's body after all.

After laying the man down in the bed Ignys went downstairs and sat at the bar before pouring him a glass of beer.

"Goddamn I deserve this..." said Ignys as he took a sip.

Ignys checked up on the man regularly throughout the day but he didn't wake up.

"At the very least his breathing has been stabilized..." thought Ignys

Ignys drank his worries away throughout the day, waiting for Aegion to return.

Aegion returned pretty late at night and Ignys had already been drinking for a couple of hours, so he was pretty drunk.

When Aegion entered the tavern Ignys stumbled over to him, hiccing in the process.

"Aegion my friend! Y-You missed our first customer man! Where were you when I needed you, bro! The man was injured but I- uh... I saved his life! You should've seen me man I was like an awesome doctor medic, anyway the man ended up passing out from exhaustion or something so I put him to bed in the floral bedroom, you should check up on him later, but first, come drink with me!"

Aegion looked at Ignys with a confused expression.

"Wait, let me get this straight. Someone entered the tavern who was injured, you gave him first aid, he passed out so you put him to bed in one of the bedrooms and afterward had a couple of drinks?" asked Aegion.

"Yeah man, but you are skipping all the cool details! I was like a professional medic!"

Aegion ignored Ignys as he knew that he was drunk as hell.

"I will check up on the man. You should go to bed, you stink of booze." said Aegion as he headed up the stairs.

"Oh c'mon Aegion, no need to be like that! Come have a couple of drinks with me!" said Ignys.

"Go sleep, Ignys." responded Aegion.

Ignys continued to pester Aegion, but in the end, he ignored him.

After countless attempts of persuading Aegion, Ignys gave up and also headed to bed.
