
Reincarnated as a Fish but I can become a Dragon

When I woke up, I was in the shape of a fish in the river. Why did I look like a fish, and who am I in the first place? While leaving only the memory of being human in the previous life and being puzzled by the loss of all memories of himself, the days of hunting for prey to live in the world to live have begun. And it seems that this small fish can become a dragon as it evolves. When I heard that from the skill of the “voice of heaven” and had the purpose of living, I went to enjoy this world. This story is about a small fish aiming to become a dragon.

_novel_Fan · แฟนตาซี
56 Chs

Chapter 30

Hello, this is Ouren reporting .

It was dawn after all of that ruckus, and I fell asleep right after I was complaining about the voice of heaven.

Now moving to the top of the waterfall.

And there was a really useful skill! Skills that will blow away your mind! Bhoooom~!

The name of the skill is! "Infinite Water Manipulation"!

The MP consumption when producing water is a little bit intense, but the MP will not be consumed after you produce the water.

I was able to get in the water that I put out and move them in the air!

Breathing is not a problem because I can put my head on the water surface!

So it was easy to get to the top of the waterfall! Super convenient!

But … The MP consumption isn't make me surprised since the cost and the effect is quite fair enough.

Just producing water will cost me 30MP.

Well, it may sounds so costy, but to controlling all of that water is cost me 0MP, but … This water must be thrown out somewhere since it can't be dispersed.

You still with me dear reader?.

I can also carry out my luggage, so if I want to hunt a big prey next time, I can brought them with this.

It's kinda cute when you look at this.

I can ride on it like a roomba.

Rather than a vacuum cleaner, it's like a bag, but … I wish the content wasn't wet with water.

There is no way they won't get wet.

By the way, I … I have a memory of roomba or something like that.

I can't remember who I was or what I was doing.

I know how to cook … I also know how to calculate.

I mean, I don't have any knowledge beside that I was live in Japan.

I wonder … the things that about myself is like, it's gone.

Well, what I know is, I'm dead and reincarnated in this world.

Died of illness? Dead because I'm killed? Or is it my lifespawn ran out?

No, if it's a lifespawn, it wouldn't be like this.

To be honest if it about myself, I'm curious … Well, I can't help but didnn't remember anything.

I may remember it in some way.

Let's think about living in the present now.

I want this thing to be a little fluffy~.

Ah … I need to put out more water because my body is quite big.

I wrapped my body around so I can coating my body inside the water ball, my total length is about 70 cm.

The thickness of my body is about two fingers.

I wonder if water snakes can't evolve further.

In that case, there will only be race change evolution, but … the skeleton will not deformed that much, right?

That thing is hurts, I really meant it.

Well, in any case, it won't start unless I raise my level.

So, the place I'm in now is quite far from my house, I went further upstream after climbing the waterfall … What I see now is a forest.

How the lamb sauce vast is this forest! Is there any village in visinity? Nein! There isn't any!

It seems that there is no large open space.

The only open space is around this river, and the rest is something like untouched magical boundaries.

Hmm. There is no prey.

How can I find any prey if I myself is in a plain sight searching for them?

Well, they don't know if flying snake is exist.

If I see something like me, I'll run away.

I took my head out of the water ball and breathe.

It doesn't matter if I'm in the water and don't breathe for around ten minutes.

As expected from [WaterSnake] just like this species name. It has the excellent diving ability.

I'm looking for prey from the sky, but I still can't find them.

Just before I searching my prey from below looking up, but I couldn't find any prey looking down from the sky.

Something rushed into my water ball invading my Infinite Water Manipulation territory.

I didn't notice it since the invader coming from below me and my head at the top of water ball, so I was surprised instantly.

A big claw digs into my flesh that was wrapped around my water blob.

After noticing the situation one bit later, severe pain runs throught my body.

Aaaaargh!? What the heck!?

When I checked it, their nails were firmly stabing into my body.

It hurts a lot.

When I checked the one who attacked me, it was a big bird.

I think it will be about 5 meters with its wings spread.

Dark brown wings and a gray beak … The yellow eyeball had a line of black streaks, which was scary.

I tried to shake it off with all my might, but it ended up tearing my flesh more deep than before.

It seems it's claws reached my the bones and I can't unravel them on my own.

Immediately I tried to bite their body by activating my Herculean Jaw.

I can bite any flesh.

It's best to bite into their throat to kill my opponent, but I decided to bite into their chest because their neck could move and avoid my attack.

There is a lot of space to aim for, so I couldn't miss it.

I bit their chest with a Herculean Jaw that was activated while enduring the severe pain in my body.

There is nothing that I couldn't bite with this skill until now.

I opened my mouth wide and bit their chest, which was easy to aim at … but my attack didn't reach it.

Guahh!! Wh- what the?!

The moment I tried to bite, their other claw pressed my neck down.

Since my neck is thinner, the claws did not cut my neck, but it was gripped strongly and it was difficult to breathe.

The bird pulls me out of the water ball and flies into the sky.

I tried to wrap my body around the bird's body to reduce it's mobility, but it was impossible to wrap it because there were only few parts of my body that could be moved properly.

Wawawawa- Wait a minute, this goddamn bird!

Ahhhhh my home! I'am too far from my home!

It 's so fast! It is faster than a car! Holy crab!

Hol'up! I shouldn't thinking about that right now!

If I can't move my body, how about magical skill! What skill that should I use in this situation?

Frog it! anything is fine as long I can escape from here!

"Infinite Water Manipulation"! "Water Spear Volley"!

I created water and activates a continuous water spear.

I was impatient, so I tried to make a lot of spears appear.

A total of 20 of them.

It looks like a bamboo spear, probably because I'm not very skilled, but … this is enough.

Perhaps surprised by the sudden appearance of water, the bird lowered its altitude a little and was in a gliding position.

I'm going to speed it up and shake it off … but first, I must escape!

Twenty spears chased from behind with all their might.

To be honest, I'm afraid that I'll be stabbed too, but I can't feel my stomach now.

Anyway, I have bind this guy mobility.

The spear attacks the bird in a row, though the bird has a huge body that is five meters long it doesn't hesitate and keep gliding.

It has an acrobatic evasion like a professional jet fighter pilot.

Dang it!

Aaaargh, I don't care anymore!

If I can't use a spear! How about this fella! "Water Blade"!

I create water from my mouth to form a small knife-like shape.

And I threw it all the way at this guy's wings.

The bird did not seem to see my attack and succesfully hit the big wings.

However, I couldn't even cut it, let alone stab it.

Seriously, this bird is ridicilous.

Since it is gliding, the trajectory will be corrected immediately.

It think my attack is too weak for it!? I should use the 'Water Gun' then!

But … my MP is being scraped off! I think its enough to shot 20 water gun?

I mean, the water blade is useless against it.

It's backward compatible with the Water Spear Volley … The attack power of the Water Spear Volley increases a little depending on the MP used.

I can possibly take it down with Water Spear Volley. However, my MP is in the low state.

Let's release them at once …

But dangerous! This is dangerous!

What's my current status?


Name: Ouren

Race: WaterSnake

LV: 1/30

HP: 29/69

MP: 58/121



I'm still level 1! That's why I'm so weak!

Grrrrrrr … my HP has been shaved more than I imagined.

Isn't there something wrong with this damage? Bleeding! But it seems it's not that?

If I remember correctly, my defense power is 98 for the time being?

If there is no abnormal condition and my HP is reduced by 40 from the first attack, Isn't this fella really strong?!

Hey heavenly voice! What kind is this guy!?



Categorized as a Large birds species. This species weaken the enemy with cutting through with it's tough claws. This species have a habit to brought they prey to their nest.

This species is omivore, they indiscriminately aims at the prey they thinks they can hunt and brings it back to their nest.

Sometimes a flock of this species also attacks people.

Even one individual of this species has the power to destroy a flock of wolves.

It has excellent flight ability, and it is proven to really difficult to hunt even from the professional hunter.


This guy can attack people!

This guy is a bad thug even if it's just alone!

Why don't they included in the subjugation beasts priority!

Frog it! It's tough to use a water gun continuously with my remaining MP… Think! Think about it, Ouren!

What about the Haze Manipulation …?

I don't know because I've never used it, but I'm sure it's not an offensive skill.

I haven't confirmed it, why!

Grrrrrr … In any case, Infinite Water Manipulation must be activated.

What can I do is using the secondary use of this skill …

Wait? Secondary use?

Oh, hol'up for a sec?

Am I too obsessed with the offensive skill and forgot that I have the other skill?

That's right, I can beat it with Infinite Water Manipulation, right?

This fella is a living things and it breath, doesn't it!

Then I should just create enough water to cover this birb!

I can dive for around ten minutes!

Then I use, "Infinite Water Manipulation"!

Water begins to be generated around me.

It cost me 30MP.

Anyway, I create the water blobs as big as possible.

It easily covered the bird.

The birds that can't move their wings as they want because of the water, it struggle to get out, but I manipulate the water in the form like wraping it.

You can't escape, you goddamn birb!

Furthermore, I compressed the water to suppress the rampaging birds.

Seeing the birds slow down, it seems that it can't dive for as long as I do.

And finally the movement stopped.

However, it seems that I couldn't let go of it's claws that had stabbed into my flesh.

It's still stuck.

... Should I go down and take this out for the time being?

Adadadadada! Idh hurdhs!!

I was so desperate that I didn't notice it … but the moment I calmed down, the pain struck as if I just received it.

Please give me a break already ..