
Reincarnated as a Fish but I can become a Dragon

When I woke up, I was in the shape of a fish in the river. Why did I look like a fish, and who am I in the first place? While leaving only the memory of being human in the previous life and being puzzled by the loss of all memories of himself, the days of hunting for prey to live in the world to live have begun. And it seems that this small fish can become a dragon as it evolves. When I heard that from the skill of the “voice of heaven” and had the purpose of living, I went to enjoy this world. This story is about a small fish aiming to become a dragon.

_novel_Fan · แฟนตาซี
56 Chs

Chapter 24

A week has passed since then.

Reize has steadily increased his level and has evolved twice.

He become "Shield Basher" from Shield Rock.

He evolved again from Shield Basher to "Shield Deflector".

Well, He become more hard and harder.

Compared to him, my defense is like a paper.

It seems that he has evolved and acquired skills as it is, and now it is in the process of re-confirming and synthesizing status and skills.

Well, how to say it... I have a slight problem..

This ClayCarp species … The amount of experience gained is extremely small.

Rather, the amount of experience points to raise one level is enormous.

In the past week, I was finally able to raise the level to 24.

It was quite difficult … I really meant it.

By the way, my current status is like this.


Name: Ouren

Race: Clay Carp

LV: 24/25

HP: 102/102

MP: 168/168

Attack power: 95

Defense: 102

Magical power: 54

Agility: 49

-Special skills-

[Voice of Heaven] [Rare Species Benefits]


[Luminous] [Strengthening <Weather>] [Herculean Jaw]

[Water Flow Manipulation] [Create clay] [Soil Purification] [Absorption] [Large Mouth]


[Dazzle] [Strong Acid] [Exposive] [Polution]


MP and magic power were on the high side, and the usage time of "Water Flow Manipulation" was significantly increased.

Recently, I've been using that skill to catch our prey.

This is quite convenient, but quite difficult to handle it.

Therefore, it is a good practice for me.

I've found that if the magic power increased, it seems that MP consumption will be reduced a little.

Well … it's a ggood thing.

However, my level has already reached 24.

I think my LV going to MAX-ed today if we keep this up.

Reizen was doing various things with me such as acting together, doing stupid things, hunting together, researching skills, and so on.

It was fun as usual and I think it's okay to keep it as it is.

But … that wouldn't last long.

It is unlikely that we will be able to live in this world unless we have the power to live alone.

There is a case that I also rely on him a little too much.

After all, he has a long-range attack.

I was often helped by him.

This is for our own goods.

I can't break my determination here.

"Ouren-Big Bro! My skill arrangement is over!"

"A- ah, how is it?"

"It's pretty good!"

Reizen said so and told me his status.


Name: Reizen

Race: Shield Deflector

LV: 1/25

HP: 76/76

MP: 73/73

Attack power: 36

Defense: 294

Magical power: 31

Agility: 28

-Special skills-

[Voice of the earth] [Protection of the Earth]


[Partial Body Strengthening(explosive)] [Absorption] [Rock Cannon] [Luminous] [Barrier] [Breach] [Scale shield] [Parry] [Auto Barrier]


[Loneliness] [Dazzle] [Earthquake] [Impact]


-New skill-


-Rock Cannon-

Skill to shoot your own scales and make a powerful attack. Can be fired continuously. The scales regenerate immediately.



Skill to parry the attack. Unusable when the user is distracted.


―Scale Shield―

Reproduce the scales on a part of the body.


-Auto barrier-

A barrier that develops only once when a life threatening situation is detected. The cooldown of this skill is one week.


-New resistance-



The shaking of the ground does not cause you to lose your balance.



Knockback is nullified due to a large impact.


... What the scale, his spec is higher than me!

He got some good skills that he aquired!

And that fishin Rock Cannon! Is he synthesized a rock gun with something!?

I really envy him.

Parry is … Is this necessary for fish?

A scale shield … It's all scales around your body, right?

So, the most game changing is the auto barrier. What is this cheat skill?

Isn't it the kind of skill that nullifies innnstant kill only once? I envy him!

The resistance skills are just as the name suggests.

But isn't that very useful in combat?

I don't think it makes sense because he is a fish with chubby body, but … he is gonna be a viral existance when he goes ashore.

Good luck.

"Ahh … Aren't you really amazing!"

"Is that so? Thank you! But … there are a lot of skills that I can't use with a fish body. "

"That's right. But the time will come when it can be used for something. You'll probably need these skill for the future, especially the skill that sounds very rare and usefull. "

"You are right!"

After all turtles are strong.

How monstrous is that turtle gonna be in his final evolution path?

I guess that his defense power is 1000 or so.

I think that if I become a snake, I'll know how much I will grow, but … I still don't know.

Screw it!

[You got experience points. LV has reached MAX]

A report from the voice of heaven made me stopped thinking for a moment.

... Plankton-san? Are you dense?

Haven't you thought of a goodbye from my life yet?

You're an &*@$^, or your brain is &#%@$%, Is it there? You MotherFisher!!

Dear Neptunus who give a live to these brainless creature, srew them all!

"…? What happened?"

"Ah … no, wait a sec."

No, no, no, no. I'm completely lose myself there for a moment.

What a dissapointment creature I am just because I'm upset …

I am a little too impatient! Fluck It! I should have thought about this a little while ago!

Whoa, this kid stare at me suspiciously!

Arrgh … no more.

... Well, I have to say it anyway.

It's a little bit too early, but let me explain it properly.

If I explain it properly, he will understand it.

Take a deep breath once and start talking after seeing Reizen.

"... Reizen. Actually, I … I can already evolve to go ashore. "


He is speechless!

No, it's Reizen. He should understand it properly.

It must be it.

"Well, I'm going to land first … I'm saying goodbye to you here … I'm sorry to keep silent. But I think it's good for our own goods to break up here. It was a short time … I had a lot of fun. I will go ashore first, but you should chase after me. Aren't you promised me that?"

Reizen was listening to my words silently.

He seemed to be thinking about something, but I don't know what it is.

However, the next word that Reizen said was surprising.

"Is that so?"