
Reincarnated and employed as a Holy Judge

A man is sent to another world to help bring judgment. and change Note: This is kind of like my serious first novel. I know what I want to portray in terms of emotion but I find it hard to use words sometimes. Also, Mc is going to be Good and Bad. He is not a villain but just your normal blessed human living in another world. I'm starting to think I'm fu**ing up my synopsis. To summarize, try reading and tell me what you think. 1chp every 2 days

Aldorax · แฟนตาซี
5 Chs

Chapter 1 - Start of a great journer

"Ye who is kind and just. Ye who brings peace and ends wars. I beseech unto thee. Grant me safety as I begin my journey"

Mark prayed while holding his cross-shaped pendant. After that, he left his room, took his bags outside and locked his house, and got into his car. After looking back at his house one last time, he started the engine and began his journey.

On the road, he turned the radio on and played some anime OST. He was in love with those. That was his go to for relaxing.

Max, full name, Maximilian Arnold, was born into a Christian family. He was raised with the church's beliefs. He also believed in god and worshipped him with all his heart. Many miracles had happened in his life for him not to do so.

Max was someone friendly but quite. He would say what he hated straight to your face. If he saw something he did not like, he will do his best to fix it. But max was also smart, if he were to get into a problem where a fight could happen, he would observe, and if he could win then He will go directly. If he couldn't win directly, then he will make plans to win.

Max wasn't a good person per se, but he wasn't bad. He also wasn't neutral. He was just true to himself. To him, it is sin to watch your enemy kill you without retaliating. He understood this as if my enemy is planning evil against me then it's only right I do the same.

But he mostly never gave death as an immediate punishment, just like God told to forgive, he gives a second chance. But A human is still mortal and filled with sins and desire, so after giving you chance he will consider death as a punishment for his enemies. Different sin, Different punishment.

Max was more like a judge. He is lenient and same time ruthless. Max wasn't born with childhood friends, so he was used to being alone. Not that he did not have friends but there were never a necessity for him.

Max was also kind to help people who he can. eg. If he was going to buy some fast food and saw a homeless person, depending on his observation if the person, he would help buy food for the person.

Max grew up in a city where the economy was so bad people turned to some unjustly means to make money.

A man could send group of children to go to the streets and beg for money. he could be making 200 dollars a day and giving the group of children only 10 dollars to share amongst themselves.

When you know that someone is making money of your kindness you start to lose it bit by bit. But mike showed pity on the children and if he could, he would buy them food to eat or something to drink rather than give them cash. Some people saw it as being wicked but he know that was the best thing.

Even the church where he lived was corrupt. He hated them because they were sullying the name of God and it pissed him off to no end. Priests who should be teaching the word of God were doing acting performances to make money. They would get people to act sick or possessed and then pretend to cure and then ask for money for thanksgiving.

He was confused as to how people could not realize than some of this miracles were all lies, but, this is the world where people prefer to be lied to and keep fake hope in their hearts rather than accept the truth and lose hope.


Max stopped his car to fill his tank at a gas station in the middle of the the road. He had been traveling for 3 hours non stop. In order not to get stranded he needed to refuel and also buy some snack from the little store next to the station.


I used to be a boy

and now I am a man

I'm screaming with my voice

cause of the joy....


Max started singing while he kept filling his tank up. He also danced a bit

"hahaha....If someone saw me dancing, it will be very awkward "

While max was filling his tank and singing, A man wearing a black hoodie could be see inside the store.

He walked toward the register and pulled out a gun.

" Give me all the money you have before I shoot"

The cashier got scared and said

"Please don't shoot, I'll get it now."

"Hurry up and stop talking, money...quick" ....man in black hoodie

The cashier brought out the small amount of money they could get in the store and gave the man. The man then ran out towards max intending to steal his car and run away.

"hands in the air....NOW"....the man shouted to max

Max was surprised to see someone running towards him shouting. But when he saw the gun he realized that this was a thief. In order to avoid getting shot at max co-operated and raised his hands up. Max wasn't really scared of the gun but was cautious. A bullet could take his life but if he could get close to the man then maybe...

The man walked over to max slowly while still pointing the gun to max with his hands on the trigger. While he was approaching, max saw the cashier sneaking towards the man with an iron crossbar. Max knew that it was dangerous to do that because if the man figured he was about to be attacked he could shoot and being in a gas station doesn't help.

So max did the best thing he could, Staying quiet. The man approached max and was just a few feet's away and said

"throw your keys to me and go to the other side of the road"

Max did as he said calmly as he threw his keys he backed away slowly and by the time he had just passed his car the cashier attacked the man.

" Whoop...Ahhh...Ahhhh" the man screamed as he had been hit with heavy force on his head. He turned around a without thinking started to pull the trigger. He shot 5 bullets. 2 which hit the cashier in his stomach and nose. 2 missed and went randomly while the last bullet hit the gas thank. Max was still a little stiff as he did not expect the shot so he quickly ran away, the gas tank was now flaming but it was already too late. the gas tank exploded and as max's car was still connected to the gas pump it also caught on fire and exploded. Max was also caught in the flames and tried jumping away. But he couldn't since some shrapnel got shot out and hit his thigh

Max knew that his life was going to be over soon as he couldn't move while burning. So with the pain, he grabbed his cross pendant and prayed.

"Lord have mercy on me for I have sinned. Cleanse me as I am a sinner. Have mercy on me as I am your child. Bring me to your grace as I have lived and following your words died. Let me have eternal peace."

While praying he stopped breathing and Died.


The next chapter is Receiving Grace

Please give comments when you read. I post every 2 days and will improve in the future for sure. For now, I will stick to a chapter every 2 days. I want to know how my novel feels to you, the reader. So, please comment your thoughts.

Aldoraxcreators' thoughts