
the dial of fate casts its hand

as I wake up I look to see a room I don't remember where am I all I remember is that a great darkness came from a different world and we were powerless to stop it took my friends it took my family it took everything and when it finally got me before it finished me I asked it why it was doing this it said I was a threat and he was taking care of it and before anything else could be said I was killed but now I'm here what happened after I was killed and why am I here as I start to think my mind starts to wander and my eyes go black. Hello Sophie we've been awaiting you welcome to the world of Corrin sorry you had to be brought here this way but we had to reincarnate you in order to bring you here but there's not much time to explain your part of a prophecy that involved one of your ancestors from the past your family used to live here but due to how this world works your forced to fight for survival every day and your grandmother didn't want this for your family so exhausting all the magic she had she broke the dimensional seal and brought your mother who was only a child and your grandfather with her this news got to the king of darkness and he didn't like that due to the seal being broken once we fixed the Crack the demon king worked tirelessly to break it to stop you from being born there's a prophecy that states a being mixed of two separate realities will one day grow enough in power to stop the darkness once and for all you my dear are that person being compromised of half human half corrian the demon Kong could allow you to exist because your the only one capable of destroying him but he only succeeded in destroying your body not your soul and that's where your power comes from that's all I can tell you besides this your in a new world I uploaded in your mind a map of the whole world you just tap the side of your head with two fingers and it will turn letting you know where you are and give you info on the place your at unfortunately that's all I could do to help you survive besides this your capable of learning the magic of this world learn to cultivate your ki and mana otherwise you won't survive I have to go but we will meet again soon. and as soon as I got awnsers more where given to me he new my name but also knew more about me then I knew about myself I now know how I got here and know what I must do in order to avenge my friends and family I must stop the king and his darkness from ruling this land but first to discover how this world works I tap two fingers to my head [map loaded] where am I [your in comet stop this town is known for magic duels ] magic duels maybe I can learn something now with a little knowledge and knowing what I need to do I head down to the battle grounds Tim's to start somewhere.
