
Reincarnate: The Devil's Resurgence

This is my second novel, a revamp and retry of my first. As this story will feature triggering topics such as drugs, violence, harsh language and even sexism and racism. This is because most isekai's make the story more of a safe place by focusing on the MC's POV, So I want to do something new with the isekai idea still in there. This also means the mc will be overpowered soon, but not just ridiculously op where he can kill someone with his presence or just gets things handed to him.

Tokan · แอคชั่น
17 Chs

Travelers Way

As Zia and Krata traveled, Krata saw a big shining weapon that was a scythe. Colored black and yellow to represent a bumblebee. As he got closer to it, "What if I took this?" He said, looking towards Zia. "Maybe not..." She responded as someone grabbed the scythe, picking it up and looking at them. "Hello, Fellows! It is I, traveler Yui Kistral!" Yui introduced himself, grinning at the other travelers. With Krata hearing the name Kistral ring a bell. "Oh! Your that one guys brother then? Kruel Kistral, I met him." Krata responded to Yui's introduction.

With Zia having nothing to say, wanting to get to the Koda Black Continent. "Well, your correcto! But oh bloody hell, it's quite a hard and hot weather... Where are you two going?" Said Yui, questioning them. "To Koda Black so we can become knights! I take it so are you?" Zia was the one to say, as getting there was on her mind the most. "Sure, let's have a wonderful spar. Care to share a toast, either of you?" Yui wanted to warm himself up for preparations.

Krata immediately looked away, scared of the entire Kistral bloodline at this point. So Zia agreed to it. "Let's get to it." Zia said, activating her singularity. Numbers flew around her, brushing her hair in the wind. As she took a stance, numbers building up. It looked like a infinite set of numbers surrounding her from 1 rapidly calculating up. It was like adding 1 to 1 to get 2, then adding 2 to 2 to get 4 to a continuous infinite loop.

"Ah, so controlling mathematics? Seems strong, can it beat nanotech though?" Yui said as his scythe turned into a beam of pure light. Moving at the speed of light as well, with Zia easily dodging it and Krata looking in disbelief. "Light speed attacks are nothing!" She now rushed at Yui, trying to punch him with this seemingly infinity around her. But he dodged it, being behind her as he tried to use his nanotech. Though, the girl proved to react fast. Doing a 180 flip as she summoned the number: 5 out, it was in a solid and tangible state. Attacking Yui as if he collided with a solid object. Now, her flip turned into a complete 360. Landing on her feet.

Yui hit a tree, as they where fighting in a forest after all. Getting up as he wiped off blood from his mouth. "Impressive, you also act very quick. Let's stop chatting for a little? After all, can you use that infinity of yours?" Yui stated, as Zia's power deactivated. She was angry at this with obvious reasoning "What the hell is this? What the fuck did you do?" She screamed at him, "It's only temporarily. Though, my nanotechnology seen your infinity as a threat and well... Turned it to nothingness."

Yui now laughed after making Zia look like a joke, as Krata watched in awe "These two guys are insane... I need to discover my own singularity quickly." Krata said with the fight turning back on, Zia then screamed as she punched Yui with her infinity, as Yui got up. Damaged badly, as his scythe was out of his grip. "H-how... Did yo-" He was cut off by Zia. "Mathematics, right? All I needed to do was manipulate a set of nothingness to create something." Zia gave a quick response. As she picked Yui up. Krata walking back to the both of them.

"Amazing! You two fight well, let's continue our walk though. Don't wanna get too late to the party." Krata said, with Zia agreeing since she wanted to get there already. Yui just was fascinated by the duo. Wanting to make it a trio, he joined them in on the walk.

"So, Yui... What are you even doing yourself out in the wild? Isn't your brother in Koda Black?" Krata questioned. "Mhm, see... I wanted to do my own thing for a little, ran in the wild... Got into some fights, and now I am here!" Yui said innocently, trying not to lower the tone of the trio. With Zia just walking and ignoring them. Letting the two of them bond, "Yui... You don't have to do that, I'm Krata! That girl is Zia, let's all be a trio?" Krata opened Yui with his arms wide open, as Yui responded to it "Oh... That's perfect! I have superb ideas with you guys anyway." Yui talked in a more gentle tone now rather then his sarcastic and over the top one.

"Hm... Yui, how do you feel about the whole thingy thing... You know with the universes merging and all of that stuff?" Krata was trying to keep a conversation going, "Oh... I think it all just happened, a little too fast..." Yui replied, "You?" He asked Krata, "I think sometimes that... I just didn't do enough, and I have to do more... Do you feel that sometimes?" Krata asked, wanting to feel comforted. "Yeah, it happens. And it might more now since we'll be knights who have to help people... That's what knights are, right? People who save the continent they stand for and then if needed fight possible universal wars." Yui said, reminding Krata what he was getting into.

"Oh yeah... I'm up for it, it's just... A little sudden like you said." Krata was trying to talk more but cut off by Zia. "Can both of you focus and try to get to Koda Black? We'll be knights. Not loud mouths." Zia raged at the two of them, showing that she wasn't always mad. But had a short temper that can tick easy that also came with her impatience. "Got it!" The two of them said, with Krata's voice being a little lower and down. After all, when he got to vent it was shut down quickly.

Team KZY ( Kay - Zay )

Isn't it crazy

Tokancreators' thoughts