


Blur's heart skipped a beat.

The word hung in the air, heavy and unsettling. Images flashed before his eyes—dark and twisted visions that he had always tried to bury deep within his subconscious.

"Why would I hold such a concept?" he muttered, a sense of dread creeping over him.

The cat's response was chillingly matter-of-fact. "Well who know? Concepts like nightmares are essential to the balance of the universe. They serve as a counterpoint to dreams and hopes. But your connection to this concept goes deeper than you can imagine."

Blur felt his breath catch as memories he had long suppressed surged to the surface.

Visions of his previous loop when a shadowy figure pursuing them flooded his mind.

"That... that klaur that's been chasing me in the previous loop," Blur whispered, his voice barely audible. "You're saying I created it?"