


This story started without a beginning nor an end, but a battlefield with an end.

Amidst the battlefield void of a clear beginning or end, where the clashing of armies yielded rusted iron debris and the lingering scent of blood-soaked earth mixed with a metallic undertone.

There lay the aftermath of a conflict.

Corpses, draped in a mix of red and blue paints filled with fleshes slimed upon an ever glistering crystalline snow.

Adorning the terrain, their lifeless eyes reflecting the violence that had unfolded.

The febrile eyes of fallen warriors skewered with swords, axes, and others were a sight to see. Littered around with its arousing scent of decay.

Where am I? Among the fallen warriors, a lone figure ventured aimlessly, clad in tattered attire reminiscent of a battle-worn fighter returning from an arduous campaign.

Disgust contorted his expression as he surveyed the remnants of the brutal confrontation.


He paused in awe at the sight before him. His steps guided him towards a solitary winter tree, its trunk gnarled and worn, yet resilient against the frigid winds.

Its beauty was undeniable.

Branches, like needles, punctured the glistening ice that blanketed the landscape, symbolizing endurance in the face of adversity.

As he stood beside the tree, its stoic beauty offered solace against the desolation surrounding it, an emblem of strength amidst a world stained by conflict.

The sight of the tree could only be that of apathy as it stood aligned through the snow hills, dressed in mystical coated veils—Like a child's ice-cream enclosed with white snowy toppings and vague green fillings—with glowing emerald crystal visible from within.

He dragged his feet through the snow, his weakened limbs digging around the tree's snow-covered roots where the wind could not penetrate.

His gaze wandered over the terrain, cobalt shadows cast beneath the rising sun, which gradually brought warmth to the chilling tableau.

Why? That was what he thought.

Memories of battles waged and quests accomplished weighed heavily on him, a testament to the sacrifices made to salvage a world that seemed drained of purpose.

Amidst encounters with differing ideals and values, his skepticism remained steadfast, his heart yearning for answers to the unending struggle, and his disbelief remained constant throughout it all.

—Why did it come to this…? Why couldn't I save them all? He thought idly, as he stood there atop the glistening white winter snow having fallen from the clouds above.

A pristine white armor adorned his frame, silver and gold accents catching the light, while intricate engravings conveyed a sense of refinement.

Flowing white cape cascaded from his shoulders, fluttering in the breeze, and his steel-plated armor seemed to meld with his form, shielded by layers of cloth and leather.

A vibrant crimson stain marred the purity of the snow beneath him, a stark contrast against the white expanse.

Soaked in a pool of red crimson blood, the bright color covered the ground with a velvet flow.

Following the trail of blood, he encountered a fallen comrade, dressed in similarly resplendent white armor.

It was a fellow knight—dressed from head to toe in white armor with a tall helmet that covered most of the face and made it look like an insect, bleeding heavily from the bowels.

He pried the helmet open and found a female comrade.

He recognized her familiar face, her fragile feminine presence clashing with the severity of battle wounds.

Her body had a very feminine temperament, which he felt on holding onto her soft body covered with the white heavy armor she wore.

—who is she? Her name was… I can’t recall… But I’m sure she’s someone I know. His chest tightened from the feeling of anxiety as he pondered with an expression of concern while her dying body right within his grasp.

*Huff. Her weakening breath expelled faint puffs of white air, her crimson lips betraying the hidden pain. One could mistake as a lipstick.

But on second glance, it wasn't her lipstick, but the remains of blood she coughed out.

His heart felt restless as he gazed eagerly at her exquisite and delicate clear white face and silky long smooth white hair of hers.

The long white eyelashes she had constantly trembled, with the slightly opening of her eyes. Her looks were pale as under her eyes wore bags, filled with sadness, but the smile she gave had a different charm as she looked at him with affectionate eyes. But the feeling of warmth that emitted from the touch of her body drew idle thoughts toward him, even though she was slowly dying from blood loss.

She reached out to his left cheek grazing it softly with the touch of her delicate soft hands trembling with every slight motion.



Her lips pursed tightly, it was like she trying to utter a few words to say, but it only passed as a muffled voice

Summoning the last of his magic, he attempted to mend her injuries, cerulean particles swirling as they coalesced around her wounds.

Leaving his left arm right under her body.

*F-swoosh Light blue particles glittered in the air as white motes gathered around her injured bowel. Slowly it gathered, enclosing the threating wound she had.

"M-Mm... I-It's good to see... You're still alive. "

Her words, strained yet determined, echoed her gratitude for his efforts, and the bond they shared.

Despite his desperate attempts, he knew that her life could not be saved, her body slowly succumbing to blood loss.

Her smile, a beacon of warmth amidst the cold, masked the pain that coursed through her.

"What are you saying? Now's not the time for that—"

Continuing on, she grinned with a weird smile that could easily deceive anyone into trusting her. Neglecting her bloody lips that gave off a metallic scent one could say she really was cute.

"D-Do you remember…? Y-y… your promise… Y-You promised to tell me the full story about—"

"The princess knight."

Instantly filling her words, he felt a wave of unease as the blue aurora was losing it glow and the white motes filling her body waft out lightly.

He knew saving her was impossible, magic can heal her wounds, but not recover her lost blood.

With a soft touch, she traced his cheek, her voice barely more than a whisper. He could feel the weight of her love and longing in that touch, her fading existence painting a bittersweet tableau against the snowy backdrop. In his arms, she found comfort as her vitality waned, her final words imbued with a mix of acceptance and affection.

He knew saving her was impossible, magic can heal her wounds, but not recover her lost blood. Even still, he wanted to save her—no, he believed he could save her. But, hearing her last request, he froze with tears slowly running down, while replied with a teary voice.

"Of course, I remember."

"Thank goodness, I would love to hear it."

Was there really no any other way out? Was there really was no way to save her?

He didn't have enough strength to shake off such thoughts, his heart slowly turning heavy.

I want to save her. I want to save her. Is there anything I can do?

He stood there with just those words—healing her with the last of my power.

"Even if you can't do it… I… I'm… happy. Being with you is the best thing in my life."

Her breathing slowly loosened, and the white glow surrounding her started to dim as her grip on my arm weakens.

"I-It's okay… Y-You don't have to worry about me… My time is up… so—"

"…" His gaze was blurred with tears flowing out.

"Don't cry… You promised to tell me your story. So… tell me. Please…" she spoke softly in attempt to consolidate the warrior.

Her request to hear the tale of the "princess knight" hung in the air, a plea that stirred a mixture of emotions within him.

He biting his lips in anguish, pained by his lack of strength. But one look at her dying face faded it all as she wore a smile—a beautiful smile that strained him for words to describe.

"A-Are you sure?" he asked, grabbed hold of his disconcerting feelings.

"Y-Yes… I love to hear your story."

"I-I see… so…" Finally acknowledging that he could no more bear down her request, he uttered in a tiny voice, retell the story of a fateful encounter that brought them together with a soft smile muttering. As the warmth slowly fades away from his hands, he continued…

"Thanks... Wonderful story, isn't it? I… am happy"

The warmth that was in her body had slowly start to disappear and her voice had grown faint. He felt a wave of sadness engulfing him, as he saw the last bit of the white light fading away from her body.

Her smile also froze in place, continuing to face him with the same look as when she requested his story. He smiled back, not wanting to let go of this precious moment they shared.

"Thank you" he whispered softly into her ear before gathering everything what was left of her lifeless body and embracing it closely against himself, trying to preserve whatever little warmth that still lingered there.

He stood there motionlessly, not wanting to move an inch for fear that he would forget every detail of this moment. But eventually, when all hope seemed lost, the little spark of warmth returned into her body and with it also came a soft whisper from her lips.

"I… I love you."

Her voice felt heavy with feelings.

The warrior could feel her heartbeat, faint as she passed on her last words.

He felt a sense of regret and relief knowing that she parting words was that of one fulfilled with life even at death's doorstep and their bond had neither being forgotten or broken.

Huh? When did I start crying? A stream of tear flowed down his face as he looked up towards the sky.

However, sunlight before was nowhere to be found, and, as if telling them this was the end, the great weather changes now begun—layers of snow piled on the battlefield.

He slowly extended his hand, and, with a voice like pure white "…we'll meet again… Maybe we'd be reborn at the same time".

Grateful for their chance encounter and for having been blessed with one final opportunity to tell his story about the [princess knight].

A calm smile creeped up his face as he watched over the weather changing to a snowstorm.

The dark skies above slowly shift from blue to a grayish white as snowflakes descend onto the icy battlefield and coffin, filling the air with the scent of snow. The wind, until now gently caressing the surroundings, is now starting to howl; the trees and other objects that it brushes against noisily rustle.

Driven by the sudden shift in the wind, a single white flake floated down and landed upon the tip of his nose, melting on it as if they had always been there from the start.

At that moment, there were a lot of things he had wished to tell her, things words simply can't describe. For feelings are so many, but words so few. But now, there were no words left. He didn't want to remember.

Thoughts spilled out in this final moment of time inside his head, and slowly, so very slowly, it began to fill with white as if all his thoughts had disappeared. And so passed through a thousand layers of snow.

He could feel her soft body between his palms turning frozen cold. Every second, it felt like she could break into pieces and fall like snow from the skies above. Lay in absolute silence, even at the very end

As the snowfall intensified, the once vivid scene became obscured, the memories of the battlefield and the poignant moment of parting gradually fading into the blizzard's embrace. The falling snowflakes blurred the lines between reality and illusion, obliterating every trace of the past with an overwhelming sense of purity and renewal.

The snowfall enveloped everything in its path, the world transforming into a vast canvas of white. The sound of the wind grew louder, like a haunting melody, as the snowflakes swirled in a mesmerizing dance. The pristine snow covered the battlefield, the bodies of fallen warriors, and even the winter tree itself. It was as if the snowstorm sought to cleanse the land, erasing the scars of battle and washing away the remnants of a painful history.

The lone warrior stood amidst the growing tempest, his form gradually disappearing beneath layers of accumulating snow. The memories etched in his mind, the stories he had shared, and the emotions he had experienced all melded together and became indistinct, much like the landscape around him. He closed his eyes, feeling the icy touch of snowflakes against his skin, a sensation both chilling and strangely comforting.

The snowstorm intensified, swirling around him in a whirlwind of white. The world around him seemed to blur and fade, like an unfinished painting doused in watercolors. The once vivid hues of red and blue transformed into shades of gray, the details of the fallen warriors' faces and the delicate features of his comrade's countenance becoming abstract and distant.

With a final gust of wind, the snowstorm seemed to envelop the warrior entirely. His form, his memories, and the echoes of battles fought were all swallowed by the swirling void of white. The snowfall covered his armor, his cape, and his very being, until he too became a part of the wintery landscape.

And then, as if the storm had swept through time itself, the battlefield transformed into a serene expanse of untouched snow. The memories of pain, sacrifice, and love were buried deep within the layers of frost, obscured from view. The winter tree, once a witness to turmoil, stood silent and steadfast, its branches heavy with the weight of snow.

In the aftermath of the snowstorm, as the winds gradually calmed and the flakes settled, the world seemed to hold its breath. The sun broke through the clouds, casting a soft, golden glow upon the snow-covered land. The once tumultuous battlefield had become a serene tableau, a canvas cleansed by the purity of the snow.

As time passed, the stories etched in the warrior's mind began to fade, much like footprints erased by the falling snow. The memories of battles fought and bonds forged were swallowed by the passage of time, leaving only a faint whisper of the past. The world moved on, and the memories of the fallen became mere echoes in the wind.

And so, the snow-covered landscape stood as a testament to the ephemeral nature of life, where battles raged, stories were shared, and love was lost and found. The snowstorm had washed away the scenes of the past, leaving behind a pristine expanse of white—a blank canvas for new stories to be written, new bonds to be formed, and new memories to be forged.