
Red eyes blue tears

" Monday is always useless. it's always a bad day for me"violetta Said My name us Violetta Blur and I was born with red eyes. I'm 17 years old, no one likes me except my best friend Nicole.my life is full of so many mistakes and regrets. I have a huge crush on a guy he's cute, I'm ugly but I heard he hates girls. " violetta, come downstairs now" more Blur said "ugh...I don't wanna go today mum, please" "No you have to go, Nicole's waiting for you" "Nicole?" " come on violetta, today may be different" Nicole said "it's always the same Nicole " I said as I took my sunglasses and ran downstairs "it changes violetta"my mum said and pecked me on my cheeks "no.... Well yeah for my bad" I said as I went out with Nicole "can't you be positive for once?" Nicole asked shaking her head At school, Nicole and I were walking to class when Gabriella, the most sassiest and richest girl in school came to me with her accomplice Esther " look who just came" Gabriella said " the red eyed girl" "seems you don't like yourself?" she asked "what there to like about myself?" "you guys should leave her alone" Ivo said ,he's the guy I have a crush on "but I've, she has red eyes, can't you see?" " I can't see anything, now get outta here"he commanded " you mean we should..." Esther said "out" ivo yelled "thank you Ivo " violetta said "no need your thanks is useless" he said and left " please don't start now" Nicole said encouraging me not to cry ********************************************* in the classroom As violetta entered her classroom she noticed her chair and desk were missing. "where's my chair?" "it's here "Ivo said "where?" I asked cause I was unable to see well through my sunglasses " you better take your glasses off so you can see" but..." I stuttered. u was scared, not because of him but because he was gonna see my eyes which I didn't want him to see. I took off my glasses and hid my eyes with my long hair as I went to take my chair, then I noticed his mouth was agape, he had seen it " your eyes " he said coming closer to me "don't come close"i said showing him my eyes which made him flinch, was he afraid of me? " you...how can this be?" he asked "don't look at me" I said, as I tried looking away the tears I've been holding in I let it out. Everywhere became dark ,my crying only increased until I heard my name. "it was a dream?" I asked suddenly aware that it was all a dream " yeah, Maths teacher just got out " " thank goodness it wasn't real" I said breathing a sigh of relief " what was not real?" she asked confused " my dream, I eoukdve been ashamed " I said as we got out the classroom " heyyyy" Gabriella called catwalking towards me "what do you want?" Nicole asked " I'm not here for you Nicole. oh I just wanted you to know that once Ivo sees your red eyes your love for him would wither" she said waving her hair left and right " and so what?Nicole asked again trying to defend me "also know he's gay so he hates girls " "what's your problem?" Ivo asked "Ivo" "don't ivo me, I've yold you to leave her alone, haven't I?" " yes ivo but ..." "go away and fir your information, I'm not gay" he said making me smile, so it's just rumors. as he was about to leave Nicole thanked him " thank you so much" " no need to say it out sweetie, your cute face says it already" he said and re.oved a strand of hair from her face while Nicole just blushed. Then a tear fell out as I ran away so as not to cry in school, I ran home and ignored everyone that called me "Violetta?" my mum called as soon as i entered "leave me alone " I sud and ran to my room Guys this is my first novel , please ignore any typographical errors. I just love to play a little. My name is Author Adorable, you guys can call me Author Adorbs short for Adorable. I love you all, please

Adorable_16 · วัยรุ่น
29 Chs


''Nicole?'' Gabriella called

''let her be Gab, if she doesn't want to be my friend then i'll live my life without her''

''your being positive today'' Ivo said from behind

''me?'' i asked confused ,as i turned around Gabriella pushed me forward

'' i like positivity'' he said smiling showing me his cute dimples

''he-he, th...thank you ''i giggled nervously ,as i looked down shyly my sunglasses came off

''oh my Goddddd, your eyes'' Gabriella squealed earning stares from people in the hall way

''can you please shut it, im trying to read'' Angelica, Gabriella's rival said

''i wonder why you'd be reading in the hallway anyways, why dont you shoo?''

''make me'' Angelica challenged

''ewww, your mom already made that mistake'' Gabriella fired back getting ooh's and ahh's from people in the hallway

''i hate you'' Angelica groaned and left

''ahhhhh'' Gabriella screamed again when she saw my eyes'' they're blue''

''my eyes are blue'' i asked surprised

''whenever you become positive ,your eye colour changes'' ivo said

''my friend is special'' Gabriella squealed''i wish i had such eyes''

''oh Nicole is going to be so happy ...''

''Violetta? Nicole is no longer your friend, dont you remember?'' Gabriella asked

''oh, i forgot'' i said sadly

'' i better head out, see you guys later?'' ivo asked

'' you definitey will'' Gabriella squealed


''bye bye ivo, how do i look Gab?'' i asked

''beautiful, im jealous''

''oh please, lets get to class'' i said pulling her to our next class.


''School's over , i cant wait to get home'' violetta said

'' can i come too, i've always wanted to see your mom''Gabriella pleaded

'' sure, im not so sure she'd want to see you though'' i mumbled

'' what'd you say?''

'' i said she'd love to see you'' i lied

By the time i got home,my mom saw me and ran away because of my eyes.

'' mom? where're you going?''

i dont know you''

''mom, please come out.''

''where is Violetta?''

''im right here mom''

''noo your someone else who has my daughter's face''

'' mom its me Violetta''

''my daughter doesn't hang out with Gabriella''

''shes my friend now''

''what about Nicole?''

''she walked out on me saying as long as Gab's my friend, she's no longer mine''

''what does that mean?'' my mom asked opening the door for us to enter

''i dont know mom''

''your eyes?''

''they changed, once i'm positive, they change from red to blue''

''see? i always told you to be positive''

''no mom, you told me to love myself''

''its the same thing as think positively'' my mom said and rolled her eyes

''yeah, i guess so'' i said as Gabriella laughed

'' this calls for celebration'' Gabriella squealed'' hello Kim, bring 10 bottles of champagne, 5 souffles, 2 huge pints of milk...''

''Gabriella, we dont need all that'' i groaned

''shh, let me finish'' she said odering for more things

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