I hid under the blanket trying not to scream. It was silent. I slowly peeked out of the blanket. I saw those red eyes. Looking at me sinisterly. I started shivering badly. “Why is it haunting me? I never did anything to it!! Then, why??” I questioned myself internally. I could feel tears pouring out of my eyes. I started breathing heavily. I could hear that beast. It was still in my room. Silently looking at me. I really wished for the night to pass quickly. I really wished to get out of the room. I REALLY WISHED IT WOULD STOP HAUNTING ME.
Most people fear paranormal stuffs. Some are thrilled. Some don't believe it and don't care about it. Everyone has different opinions.
But as the world advance, less and less people believe in paranormal stuffs. They stop believing in gods, ghost, devils. They believe in science and scientific stuffs.
Science explanation sounds more convincing and believable than those bible explanations.
People don't even believe paranormal stuffs now.
They take it as a fiction. Man-made.
Just to scare people.
To give people thriller.
But what if they really exist?
What if it's not man-made?
What if it's a huge conspiracy of devils to make us not believe in gods and slowly start massacre all over earth?
Finish of all people before the judgment day.
You might be thinking.
'Are you lunatic?'
'Such things aren't possible'.
'Technology has already advanced.'
'Scientists have proven it wrong.'
'Your thoughts are backwards.'
'Why are you so superstitious?'
Don't blame me. If you had gone through what I had experienced., you would have thought the same.
People would say it's just your imagination.
You just believed too much on these things, so your brain is tricking you on thinking its real.
I know not everyone of you will believe it.
But I know what actually happened in my heart.
I just wanted to share my experience.
To believe or not?
It's in your hand. Isn't it?