
2)Taking Down Thugs- Aura of a king!!

A average weak looking student took down a hooglian in an instant with a punch. Unbelievable.

"Xiao Tian ?" even 'Li Ling' was surprised.

"you!!" the one who fell down was very angry. He wanted nothing more than to kill him. He get up with difficulty and ran towards him.

"Be careful" 'Li Ling' was anxious.

'this bastard'. 'Xiao TIan' was cursing inwardly. If he could had fell down it would have been good. But….

But since the hooglian was hurt his slipped and was little slow.

*woosh* the hooglian brandished knife on 'Xiao Tian'.. but this time he was careful.

*wish* 'Xiao Tian bent his body slightly and dodged slightly evading the knife attack. 'Xiao Tian' didn't have any good skills. It was due to his instinct that he dodged. Since his mind was little clear he could take decisions easily. Than he instantly brandished his left fist.

"blinking speed"" PowerPunch" applied silently on the abdomen of the hooglian with full power.

"AHh!!" this time hooglian groaned painfully and fainted on the spot.

*woosh* 'Li Ling' same to his side.

"Are you ok?" she spoke with concern.

"I am ok"

"brother 5!!" the remaining 6 hooglians were shocked. One of them was down instantly by this weak looking boy.

"this boy is strange" the leader of the group spoke.

"yes boss! It's his speed and that weired punch" one of them spoke.

"I have never heard or seen him. An ordinary person cannot be like him. Let's first take him down. Then we will know." The leader spoke.

"yes boss!" the remaining spoke in unison.

"surround him" the boss ordered. And the six of them surrounded and 'Xiao Tian' and 'Li Ling' at the center.

'Xiao Tian' panicked a little. Seeing this six

people surrounding them. He shielded 'li Ling' with his body.

*wish* they started attacking 'Xiao Tian'.

*blinking speed**power punch* he used them in unison. but 'Li Ling' was beside him so he had to be cautious.

"Xiao Tian". 'Li Ling' was very worried for him. But seeing him protect her she could not muster the protect to go and fight. Every girl likes to be in the protection of other man. She also as well.

"hahha! Where are your guts now ?" one of the thugs mocked. The battle was getting intense. But 'Xiao Tian' was mostly dodging without doing anything.

"ha!!""ha!" the thugs were panting lightly. Although they know little fighting they always got victory in a small time. Not like this were 'Xiao Tian' was only dodging. And 'Xiao Tian' had much more stamina and patience than them. he works daily on morning and comes to school to by walk so he got slight more stamina than normal person.

"this person!! There is only choice. Target the girl" the leader ordered.

"yes" and suddenly 2 went towards 'Xiao Tian' and another towards 'Li Ling'.

"Li Ling!!" he suddenly noticed a person coming towards her.

*blinking speed* he went towards the thug coming towards her and

*power punch* he gave a tight punch on the thugs face.

"AHH!" the thug instantly fainted on the spot.

*wisssh* suddenly another came from behind.

*thump* his instincts became stronger from his mind becoming clear. So he immediately turned.

*blinking speed**power punch* he applied simultaneously with his left hand..

But still


"Ahh!" the thugs attack slightly gazed through his left hand and his left punch landed on the thugs face. And the thug fell down and fainted..

"Xiao Tian" 'Li Ling' got worried.


But suddenly out of the remaining 4 people 2people got hold of 'Li Ling'.

"boy stop or!!" the one who spoke was the leader and also one of the person who caught hold of 'Li Ling'. He was also pointing knife at her.

Seeing this 'Xiao Tian' froze of the spot. And the remaining 2 thugs were coming at him with knife.

"brat take action"

"brat take action"

"brat take action"

This voice was ranging in his head. But he stood there frozing.

"This kid" master 'Yun' in his head got angry.

"there is only one choice"

Suddenly the vision in his eyes got distorted. What he saw was something he never wanted to see. He saw a knife was at point blank range away from 'Li Ling' it was about to hit her neck.

"no!! 'Li Ling'" he screamed.

His eyes went blank. And he closed them.

"Xiao Tian" 'Li Ling' got anxious.

"now you are done for"

The 2 thugs were almost close to take him down.

"Xiao Tian" he was about to stuck down but…

"Wossh!" he opened his eyes.

*wisssh* a small gust of wind flowed. But 'Xiao Tian's' eyes were no longer empty. They were crystal clear and burning with fire. He was giving of the kingly aura that looked down on everyone.

"brat?" the chaos necklace was shining very bright than before.

"Xiao Tian?" 'Li ling' was also shocked. This is her 2nd time seeing 'Xiao Tian' like this. first time she saw him like this was in the library. She was getting indescribable feeling.

Even the 2 thugs who were charging halted for a 2nd. But regained again.

*woosh* 'Xiao Tian' moved. And he got in front of one of the thug . and caught his frist.


"Ah!!!" he bent the thugs fist. And the thug fell down.

"Smash!" he used a fast back chop and thug fainted.

"brother 4th" the other thug panicked.

*woosh* 'Xiao Tian' vanished again. And when he appeared the thug who just spoke fainted.

He shifted his eyes towards the remaining 2 thugs holding 'Li Ling'.

Their pant's were dripping wet. They were scared to death.

"brat don't come near!!"

"brat don't come near!!"

They were trying to scare him.

"leaver her" 'Xiao Tian' spoke in a commanding tone with a kingly aura.

"I said leave her" he again the command.

*tak* the knife on their hands fell down simultaneously.


*woosh* 'Xiao Tian' instantly took them down.


His eyes became normal and his kingly aura wore off. 'Chaos Necklace' went back to normal. He fell down on his knees and was panting heavily.

"Xiao Tian!" 'Li Ling' immediately rushed towards him.

"Li Ling you are ok?" he lightly shook his head and fainted.

"Xiao Tian??!" 'Li Ling' got worried.

"yosh!" she took him on her back and ward of…

'Chaos Necklace' lightly lit up.

Inside his head


"this girl is nor normal!!" 'Master Yun's ' sound ranged.

"but this kid… it can't be??"


somewhere far away on a large building

a weird man was standing watching in their direction


he vanished in thin air