1 True Faces

Hello Everyone,

This is my original piece of work and I hope you will enjoy reading it. Comments and all kinds of feedback are appreciated.

                       ---Ashvini Dubey


"How did it become like this?", Li Xiao Hui murmured. She can't believe her eyes from what she's seeing. This is not how all of this was supposed to be. She ran towards the man who was standing in all his might with a dark smirk on his face.

Grabbing his arm, she asked with her quivering voice, "B....Bo Jing, w..what are you trying to do? Why do" Before she could even finish her question, the man in front of her pushed her away from him with unconcealed disgust in his eyes.

The man named Zhang Bo Jing, the love of her life, for whom she did everything in her power to help him achieve whatever he wanted, is now looking at her with such disgust and hate that she can't recognize the person in front of her anymore.

Looking at her face which was filled with disbelief, he chuckled darkly and grabs her chin harshly, "Why? Are you now perhaps feeling pity for your ex husband? Or is it guilt by any chance?"

She shook her head in fear as she has never once saw this look on her lover's face. "I will ask him to sign the power of attorney. He will listen to me. He does everything I ask for. You don't need to torture him. He will sign it. Let him go.", said Xiao Hui desperately.

"Go? Let him go? Hahahaha", he laughed hysterically. After laughing to his heart's content, his face took a sinister turn as he said, "How did you manage to get me everything with this little brain of yours?" He took out a golden badge from his pocket and showed her, "You don't know what this is, right? Xiao Hui, Xiao Hui, let me tell you, with this dragon badge that you stole from him, I got hold on his private army. Whoever holds this badge will lead the army of 50000 specialized soldiers, that are trained by Xuan family generation after generation. This power should have been in my hands, but on what basis that bastard got it, huh?

Now thanks to you, it has returned to it's rightful owner. Also, don't worry about that power of attorney. He willingly gave me everything including his pitiful life in return of your life. I didn't know that the great cold face, indifferent, intelligent and quick witted Xuan Juan Yu will be so naive when it comes to you."

Bo Jing grabbed her arm and dragged her to the glass window partitioning the two rooms. "See how he is torturing himself with all his might. He really agreed to torture himself to death so that you can live. But what to do.....I can't let you live."

Bo Jing put on an innocent smile and said, "Don't think that I am being heartless. As soon as he dies, I will send you to him. This is the least you can do for him, to accompany him in his afterlife, after all that you've done to him. Poor Juan Yu, even if I hate him to death, I feel pity for him to have loved you."

After hearing all these, Xiao Hui feels like a lightening has struck her heart. Her mind went blank. She turns to look at the man in the torture room through a glass window who's cutting his toes one by one. He's shaking uncontrollably but not a whimper escaped his mouth. He doesn't seem to have any energy left in him after torturing himself for over a day but he still goes on determinedly. His eyes firm as always, again showcasing his unshakable mind and heart who in synchrony always agrees and does whatever she asks for.

At this point, if she doesn't understand what's going on then she really would be the biggest fool. She really got played. Love really blinded her vision. Looking at her ex husband who's covered in his own blood from head to toe, her heart pains like it's being pierced by thousands of arrows. 'How can I be so cruel to him?', she thought.

It feels like this is the first time she's seeing his face carefully, his well defined and sharp features that makes him look like an immortal and otherworldly.

What in the world this man sees in her to accept death so easily and so foolishly for her? She turns to the man by her side, hatred filling every cell of her body and soul, and said through gritted teeth, "You? How can you do this to him? He's your cousin. And he has already given you his everything. Just let him go. If you want to kill me, go ahead, just let him go.", She shrieked with all her might.

As she said this, the door to the room was banged open and the guards were shot dead. Xiao Hui turned around and saw Li Wang, Juan Yu's trusted secretary and best friend, coming to her. Li wang grabbed her hand and was dragging her out of the room while Bo Jing took cover behind a wall. Xiao Hui struggled under his grip and said, ''What're you doing? Go and save him first."

Even after her struggle, Li Wang didn't loosen his grip on her hand and continue dragging her out. When she saw this, she shouts at him, "LI WANG, GO AND SAVE HIM FIRST. LEAVE ME HERE. HE NEEDS YOU." Li Wang finally stopped and turned to look at Juan Yu through the glass and said, "He's not moving anymore, we need to get out of here fast. As soon as his heart stops, he'll blast. He ordered me to bring you out safely and that's what I am going to do. So for God's sake, respect his wish for once and come out with me. I don't have many men and they can't hold onto for long."

"What? What are you saying? He's going to blast? No that can't be..." Xiao Hui stepped back in disbelief and ran towards the door to reach the torture room but was held by Bo Jing. Li Wang moved fast and came to her rescue and both, Bo Jing and Li Wang got in fight, punching each other. While fighting Li Wang shouted at her, ''Xiao Hui, just get the hell out of here. My men outside will escort you to a safe place."

"NOOO, I am not going anywhere without him.", shrieked Xiao Hui while she tries to open the door which was locked from inside and murmur, "J...Juan Yu, w...wait for a little while, I am coming to help you. N.. nothing will happen to you, I promise."

As she continues to bang the door, she suddenly hears the gunshot and felt a piercing pain in her chest. When she looked down, she saw her white dress turning red from the blood oozing out of her chest. She stumbled down and fell.

Now she realized that she was shot. While Bo Jing and Li Wang were struggling, the gun in their hand shot her at her chest. 'What an accurate shot!', thought Xiao Hui as her vision becomes blurry and her entire life goes through her mind like a film, reminding her just how much she owe to that man and just how great of a sin she has committed.

'Maybe she deserves it. But he doesn't deserve it. He never deserved the cruelty he suffered. If...If she could just turn the time back, she will repay all his love and pamper him. She will never let him get hurt.', were her last thoughts before a loud boom sounded and everything turns to ashes as both of their heart stops beating.
