
Dragon Ball The Final Battle

After Goku got yelled at by the mysterious woman. Everyone continued on with the preliminaries. Goku ended up punching the air out of her and out of the ring. Instead of being mad she got up with a red face and told him he was supposed to marry her. Goku thought that meant something to eat... But after Krillin and Yamcha told Goku what it meant he still ended up accepting to marry her. Krillin and Yamcha had an easy time through the preliminaries.

Tien had it the worst out of them all... You can see him holding his nose against his opponent. The opponent was a disgusting vile giant of a man named Bacterian. who was just wearing his black underwear. He was probably one of the toughest opponents Tien has ever faced. While Tien tried to get close to him. Bacterian would start farting. So when Tien was yelling to go punch him. He ended up inhaling a wet...greasy..fart. At that moment when Tien's brain registered what happened he almost puked onto the stage. While Bacterian was laughing like BlackBeard from one piece.


Tien was still coughing as Bacterian put his hand underneath his underwear and started scratching his ass. After Bacterian was done scratching a purple toxic aura surrounded his hand. Bacterian ran forward went in for the final punch. But with Tien still coughing. He saw the slow attack coming in so he stepped forward and threw his strongest punch to Bacterian. The Punch landed straight on Bacterian's face as he went flying out of the preliminary arena. He went so far back he ended up onto the stage for the final matches. When everyone saw this vile giant fly out of the building and land on the arena floor. They were concerned for his safety until they smelled his odor.... At that point, everyone just started to run away from the tournament not caring about it anymore. The tournament host ended up having to call the biohazard team to get rid of the giant and the odor/liquids he left on the stage. After all of that, the tournament announcer came back and announced to everyone still there.

"The tournament will be postponed till tomorrow due to some unforeseen circumstances related to a certain participant... odor.."

Everyone was annoyed but grateful the tournament would still continue. While everyone was leaving the tournament Guy and everyone was walking towards the restaurant to have a nice meal before they get ready for the tournament again tomorrow. They all went to this nice buffet which sadly banned all of them after their meal. They left the restaurant with full belly's and it was night time. Before they all left to the hotel Yamcha said to all the guys.

"Hey Goku, Tien, Krillin Guy. Do you guys want to go explore the city for a little while?"

Everyone seemed good to do that so they said goodbye to everyone else while they had a night on the town. They couldn't decide what to do first so Krillin said with a big smile

"Hey, let's do some Karaoke!!"

Most of them agreed except Goku who nudged Guy asking in a whisper.

"Guy What's Karaoke?"

Guy had a thoughtful look on his face until he said with a serious face

"I do not know"

After that little exchange, they all followed Krillin to the place to sing. Krillin was excited to show off his great singing skills while everyone sat back and relaxed. They all saw kinds of singing. The first one was a guy with messy red hair and his name was Ronnie. He did some good mumble rap that was so good nobody heard what he said. After he came Krillin who got onto stage gave a thumbs up to the guys and grabbed the mic. He looked to the audience then started to sing

"Don't stop.. believin'!!

Hold on to that feeling

Streetlight people

Don't stop believin'"

Krillin sang the rest of the song while everyone enjoyed his singing. After a good while of them hanging out listening to other people sing they decided to head back to the hotel. On their way back they saw an old man with white hair wearing a wizard robe holding a cookie wand(Chevy Chase) sitting at a small stall that had 2 extra chairs on the other side of the Stall that read.

100 Zeni to read your minds and predict your future.

They all looked at each other and shared glances. After nodding they all walked over to the Stall and talked to the old man. The old man noticed them coming over and said

"For 100 Zeni I will read your mind!! and tell your future!!!!"

They all seemed pumped up what their future would be so Goku went up first. He handed the old man the 100 Zeni Krillin gave him. The next thing the old man did was take the money and put his hands on the side of Goku's face. He had his eyes closed for 5 seconds before saying

"You're... thinking about when your next meal is...."

Goku was surprised because that was what he was thinking. His shock didn't stop there until he heard the next thing the old man said.

"You will have a strong... Smart son. The path he chooses will affect the future"

Feeling Surprised could not describe how Goku was feeling right now. Before he could say more everyone else went up and got their mind and future told. Everyone was surprised by their future Prediction then that he can read their mind. He said to most of them

"You will become a... Warrior of Youth?" (Guy)

"You will grow Taller" (Krillin)

"You will find the love of your life" (Tien)

Yamcha was the last to go up. He sat down across from the old Wizard. When the Old man couldn't read his mind at first he was surprised so he stood up and said

"Stay back this process might alarm you"

Everyone was surprised but still backed up a bit. The Old man stood behind Yamcha and put palms across the side of Yamchas's face. He closes his eyes and says with surprise and a little Disgust tone

"Oh... Gay... Gay Gay Gay Gay so gay"

Yamcha couldn't even begin to understand what was happening when the old man continued in the same tone.

"Dark night club.."

He grunts as he sees his future.

" Uhh… Uh, Throbbing music! "

The old man opened his eyes filled with shock as he stutters

"Che Che... Men's room... Men's room stall"

He closed his eyes and said with a high pitched voice with a tone of pure disgust

"PENIS!... TWO PENISES!... Oh this is so gay he's so gay aughhhhh"

The old wizard grunted as he leaves his stall trying to get that last future out of his head. While the old man ran off the rest of the group was confused about what happened. Most of them shared a look saying they will never bring this up again. They all head back to the hotel to get ready for the big day tomorrow.

Morning came and everyone ate their breakfast. All of them headed towards the tournament ready to resume what they started. Everything went exactly as they expected. Goku was defeating all of his enemies with a chop to the neck. Guy punched them out of the ring with the power of youth. Tien, Yamcha, and Krillin were having just as an easy time as them with knocking out their opponents within 2 moves. Time passes until the expedition was over and now it was onto the Quarterfinals. You can see the 8 fighters there ready to win. Some of them were familiar, Some of them were new and some of them... just brought bad memories...

Standing in front of the announcer was. Guy, Goku, Krillin, Tien, Yamcha, Nam, Giran, and Junior. Giran gave Yamcha a sadistic grin, Junior grinned at Goku who just stared at him seriously. While this was going on the announcer came in and said

"Nice to see some familiar faces. Well go ahead and draw a lot so we can decide the rounds."

Everyone went and picked a lot. Shortly after everyone saw the future matches.

Round 1: Yamcha vs Giran

Round 2: Junior vs Nam

Round 3: Guy vs Goku

Round 4: Tien vs Krillin

Yamcha glared at Giran while he grinned back. Nam gave Junior an Impassive look while Junior doesn't care and still glares at Goku. Guy is just relaxing waiting for his match while Goku gave Junior a glance before focusing on his match with Guy. Tien and Krillin just smile at each other and fist bump.

An: Hey everyone how u doing? Yeah I know I know it has been over a month but like I said when I first started this story... I am lazy but hope you enjoy the future chaps

From The HuskyWarrior
