
Reborn into Twilight.

I am reborn into twilight with powers.

matther12 · ภาพยนตร์
6 Chs


Ten Tears Old.

Years passed and we continued to grow. Thankfully the incident with the vampire had no lasting effects on Bella besides opening her eyes to the wider world. It had also been a learning experience for myself as well, having never experienced anything like it from my previous life.

One of the things that did come from it was Bella and myself putting much more effort into our physical and martial arts training as well as our other abilities. Our instructors probably thought we were prodigies or something but almost dying will motivate you like that.

At ten years old we were nearing Olympic athlete levels and were having to hold ourselves back during classes. We would come home and practice for real in the empty garage before Renee got home in the evenings.

We had both trained our telekinesis to the point where we were lifting the car for strength training and using it for sewing or painting for control exercises.

Bella had also trained her physical shields. She could use them defensively or offensively. They were really quite scary actually. when she used them during spars it was almost impossible to reach her. the only downside was that they were very power intensive and she could not maintain them for very long. She knew her mental shields were there thanks to me but had not really prioritized them.

As for my own powers I could Hear the thoughts of anyone within a mile and a half but it took some focus and filtering to understand them

We did go to school during this time. We could have graduated if we wanted to. Me obviously, but Bell could have as well. I knew the future and staying in school would make things easier. Bella just did not want to stand out. Not that the teachers didn't notice anyways. They tried to jump us to higher grades several times but every time we were given a placement test we somehow tested into our current grade. It frustrated the teachers to no end.

They took the matter to Renee but so long as we were happy and doing well in school she saw no reason to move us.

Bella also was not quite the loner she was in cannon. Her friend group was still on the small side but it was her choice.

I had several friends as well but the mental age gap was a difficult thing to overcome with kids that young.

We came across two more vampires over the years. Neither incident ended in violence. One happened to be in the same movie theater as us and the other we met at the library. Bella spoke briefly to the second one. Nothing supernatural, just about the book he was holding as it was one of her favorites. That conversation helped her see that vampires were people too.


After Renee's mother died we moved to Phoenix. Being in a desert our chances of running into vampires went way down but we kept up our training regardless.


Renee started dating again. Eventually she settled on Hil Dwyer. He was a baseball player. He traveled a lot for work and Bella and I could tell that Renee wanted to be with him but she couldn't just go and leave us.

Eventually Phil proposed and Renee said yes.

Seeing this Bella suggested that she and I move to Forks and stay with Charlie. She still calls him Charlie. Seeing the opportunity Renee agreed.