
Waking Up at an Opportune Time

Back at Konohagakure, Sarutobi was in the middle of reading through Asuma's report. Every time he read a new sentence, more and more dark lines formed on his forehead.

"Hahh!" Sarutobi let out a breath of foul air before saying, "This kid does have some secrets, but he meant what he said when he spoke about building a prosperous relationship with Konoha."

The Hokage rubbed his brow and sighed again, "I can only hide this from Danzo for so long. I wonder if this was part of the kid's plan to take more pressure off of the Uchiha Clan. If it was intentional, then this really isn't your regular kind of genius. He's more like the kids that were born in the feudal era. Thankfully his pursuits seemed to lean towards peaceful resolutions."

"Shikaku!" The Hokage shouted as a tall man with black hair pulled into a brushy pony-tail and a pointed beard; appeared from the shadows.

Shikaku had two scars across half his face. One just below his eye, and the other above his cheek.

The lightly tan-skinned Shinobi wore his Konohagakure's standard Jonin uniform and held himself quite loosely.

After a quick salute and greeting from the Nara Clansmen, Sarutobi handed him the report and watched him read it.

"Is this true?" Shikaku asked with a look of surprise on his face.

"Give Danzo the run around as long as you can," The Hokage said as he sealed the scroll.

"So, I take it we're helping the kid?" Shikaku responded.

"Yes. The boy and his clan will become great allies to Konoha in the future. Ideally, I'd like to buy him as much time as we can for the Hoshi Clan to prosper."

Shikaku lifted a brow with skepticism before saying, "Yeah, I'm good, but not that good."

"Realistically, I expect we can hold Danzo's informants back with a good enough lie. At least long enough to settle the Hoshi Clansmen into the village," Sarutobi said standing up.

"How about we give them the land the Uchiha left behind. Since they moved back to the central area, they not using it anymore. We can gift it to the Hoshi Clan. That way we don't have to waste funds building them new houses," Shikaku said offering his advice.

"Good, we'll go with that then. How is little Kibo's condition?" Sarutobi asked, feeling genuine worry.

"All the medical reports say the same thing. He's mentally exhausted, and they don't know when he'll wake up. On a side note, for some reason after a week of bed rest, the boy's body is showing signs of getting stronger rather than suffering from muscle dystrophy." Shikaku read the report out loud before sighing and saying, "A child shouldn't have to deal with all this drama at such a young age."

"Yes. However, I have an inkling to as what kind of child he is. Did you know that my teacher was able to wield a Kunai at the age of two? And that until recently, we've been sending in children as young as 5 to fight in wars?"

"What are you saying, Hokage Sama?" Shikaku tilted his head in confusion.

"I'm saying he's like the children raised in feudal ages. I'm sure ever since he was old enough to walk, he was being taught what it means to be a leader. The boy must know what troubles this will bring. It's the path he chose of his own free will. Who are we to stop such a talented star from shinning?" Sarutobi had finished speaking, leaving Shikaku to ponder over the meaning of the Hokage's words.

Shikaku then looked at the scroll and sighed, "How troublesome!"

Shikaku did as the Hokage asked, and although he complained about it, he did his job pretty well.

Using his superior intellect, the Nara Clansman managed to keep Danzo from finding out about the incident for almost four and a half months.

During that time the Hoshi Clan had moved in quite Konohagakure without incident. Jun Hoshi, the previous Hoshikage, now acted as Clan Leader for his people.

Although they only had two-hundred and sixty-three Clansmen, they could only fill in around a third of the vacant houses on their new land.

Regardless of how small their population was currently, Jun saw a bright future for his people here.

As a bonus, the Hoshikage and the Hokage were old friends. He could look forward to visits from a trusted ally while he watches his clan grow more prosperous.

The Hoshi Clan had also dealt with the issue of coming up with their Clan's Symbol.

After much debate, it ended up as a Solar Eclipse that showed a bright golden corona surrounding the edges of a pitch-black moon. A single Azure Dragon formed a ring around the corona, and the image of the dragon's tail and the head intersected, showing the image of Seiryu eating its own tail.

The Hoshi Clan voted to name the symbol the Eternal Azure Eclipse.

Jun and his family wore the symbol proudly on the backs. Not only did it represent their Clan at Konohagakure, setting themselves apart from other clansmen, it as it also represented the hope of brighter things to come after their times of darkness. That the Clan would rise from the ashes like a Phoenix.

Kibo still rested at the family's new estate, bedridden and unable to awaken. But he wasn't lonely, other than his parents, Kakashi, Shisui, Kurenai, Asuma, and Guy came to check up on Kibo's condition and to see if there were any changes.

Karin and Naruto, on the other hand, had visited every single day.

The two had met shortly after hearing about Kibo's condition. Karin commented on how the Uzumaki name sounded familiar. However, since both her mother and herself didn't know about their family's legacy, she brushed it off.

Since Naruto said he was Kibo's best friend, the two hit it off. They got to know each other over time, and during her most recent meeting, Karin decided to make friends with him as well.

Meanwhile, in a cramped dimly lit hidden room inside the Anbu's HQ. an elderly man with a cane and most of his entire body in bandages sat at a circular table surround by other Nin.

He wore a two-part black and white yukata and hid his other arm inside the inner white yukata. A sharp x shaped scar sat on his rustic face, telling a tale of his early war-faring years.

Two people shrouded in dark cloaks and Anbu masks stood beside him, and on the other side was a younger-looking boy wearing similar attire.

He had pale white hair and a pale complexion. The lenses of his glasses reflected the oil-lamps light, giving him an ominous presence.

Next to the child was a thin-looking man with even paler skin than the boy. He was wearing makeup around his snake-like eyes and had shoulder-length long black hair with bangs that parted in the middle of his forehead.

"It's been a while Danzo. I hear things aren't working out well for you in the village right now. Your plans concerning the Uchiha being the biggest problem. How am I to run my experiments if you can't provide me with those Uchiha Clansmen who supposedly go missing and have died on missions."

"Be careful of whom you threaten Orochimaru! You wouldn't want the locations of several of your labs to be leaked, now would you?" Danzo stomped his cane down and let out a grunt.

"Sarutobi's forces are in full motion right now, they've been watching over the Uchiha like hawks, and are keeping me from being able to interfere at the moment," Danzo stated with frustration in his voice.

Orochimaru released his Killing Intent and slapped his hand on the table before saying, "I don't care what your excuses are Danzo! Until I receive the next specimen I'm cutting you off!"

Reacting to the Sannin's rage, Danzo's men stood in front of him brandishing their kunai.

Donzo slapped his cane against the ground while he placed his hand in front of his men, "Don't be so quick to act Snake! I have a bit of information that will cost you. Even if you gave me any more of the Uchihas' eyes, where would I put them? I'm interested in a new Kekkei-Genkai."

Orochimaru lifted his eyebrows and curiously asked, "If you're trying to leverage the Uchiha with information, then you must have something good. Tell me Danzo, what is this new Kekkei-Genkai."

"I will tell you. But I want you to resume your bio-clone research again. This time put all your effort into it. Not just your half-assed attempts. What I want isn't new eyes, what I want are replacements for the eyes I already own."

"I told you before. That technology bores me. Even if I somehow stabilize the random aging problems of the clones, brain development is another matter altogether. As soulless puppets, they can hardly activate a Sharingan." Orochimaru said in an all too mocking tone.

Danzo threw out two folders. On the cover of each were a picture, one of Minato Namikaze, the other of Kushina Uzumaki.

"You found their corpses?" Orochimaru smiled, then thought for a while before he calmed his excitement and said, "I'm sorry. Although this information is good, it's not worth what you want!"

Danzo smiled like a senile old fool and laughed, "This is just to sweeten the pot. What I wanted to trade is information on a new clan. They apparently have a Do-Jutsu that rivals the 3 great ones. Based on the reports from my spies, it is an evolving Time-Space Do-Jutsu with no information on how strong it can become."

The room was silent before Orochimaru spoke in a creepily seductive tone "Danzo, old friend, you wouldn't happen to be making things up, now would you?"

"Do we have a deal?" Danzo said pulling out a scroll from his yakata.

Attached to the scroll, was a picture of Kibo surrounded by a group of Jonin.

Orochimaru looked at Danzo again as he swiped the scroll.

After reading the reports, a sadistic smile showed Orochimaru's fangs as he spoke, "Old Danzo, you've really hit the jackpot! How soon can you get me one of them? I know you can't get the child right now, but you should at least be able to get a live subject. Or one of their cadavers at the least."

"Go to Hoshigakure. Due to some unfortunate incidents, they lost some high ranking Jonins and buried them at the site of Hoshigakure's ruins. As for capturing live ones, that's impossible for now." Danzo informed the Sannin with a stern look.

Orochimaru frowned in response before talking with venom in his voice, "Danzo are you testing my temper? Oh! Wait, wasn't the saying supposed to be testing my patience. I get so confused when I hear such disappointing words."

The room was filled with such thick killing intent that the two Anbu members were shaking like a leaf on a tree.

"They just moved into the village and are being watched by the Uchiha. Not to mention there is a one year probationary period for the new Hoshi Clan. Fuku Uchiha is the one running the operation. So they neither of the Ninja Clans will be participating in missions any time soon. I can't just kill or kidnap them from the village. It would raise too many eyebrows," Danzo explained, calming the Sannin.

"So that means no new kiddies to go missing on missions? H~a~hh!" Orochimaru let out a disappointed sigh before standing and saying, "It's a deal Danzo. I work on your pet-project. Well then, I'm off to Hoshigakure. Come along, Kabuto!"

"Yes! Orochimaru Sama!" The pale skin youth replied with a dull voice.

When Orochimaru stood at the edge of the room and vanished into the shadows, one of the Anbu looked at the wall intensely and didn't speak until after a few minutes passed, "He's gone, sir!"

"I don't trust Orochimaru sir, that snake belongs in the wild." The other Anbu spoke.

"Orochimaru is a means to an end. After he's served his purpose I'll dispose of him as well. After everything is said and done, he is still an enemy of Konoha." Danzo stood up and left along with his men.

"Contact Sai. Have him and his brother, Shin, move into the Hoshi Clan's territory. Keep an eye on that child. The Hokage thinks he's fooled me by saying the boy has a contract summon as strong as a Bijuu, however I know there is no such thing. If that kid is a host for a Tailed Beast, then I want to know which one."

After he proceeded up a narrow stairway he stopped. One of the Anbu then tilted his head as he questioned, "Is something wrong, sir?"

"I can't shake the feeling I'm playing to someone else tune right now. I must be getting old." Danzo replied with a confused expression.

Back at the Hoshi Clan's estate, Naruto was sitting on a chair reading a scroll inside Kibo's room.

As he placed it in his jacket, the blond-haired boy walked over to the unconscious Kibo and spoke up, "Hey pal. It's Naruto again, I don't know if you can hear this, but I've been reading this whole time trying to get smarter. And you know what, it's working! At first, I couldn't understand much, but thanks to Iruka helping me, hard work, and the fact I never gave up, can you guess what happened? It started getting easier!"

Naruto sat on the stool near Kibo's bed and continued talking, "Apparently, I got kidnapped again! I don't remember much, cause I got knocked out, but Iruka said that a guy named Inu saved my life. I mean what kind of name is that? It means dog! Ahahahahha!"

After Naruto stopped laughing, he showed a rather mature expression before stating, "Other than the weird name, Inu must be a pretty cool guy! If I ever get the chance to repay him someday I'll do my best Datebayo!"

"Oh yeah! I forgot to mention, I'm made my third friend! It's that Karin girl who keeps coming to see you! She's a little spitfire, but I think she seems like a good person."

Naruto was spinning around on the stool when he heard suddenly Kibo's voice, making him fall over.

"Who was the second?" Kibo asked as the System's constant notifications were going off like an alarm clock only he could hear.

[Moments Earlier]

"Congratulations to host for completing the following quest," Navi said as a stream of data passed by his mind.

[Mission Protect the Citizens of Hoshigakure from the wild Chakra Beasts Complete! Bonus mission: Resolve the Sage Physique's monster attractant issue. Reward: 4,000 Sys Pts. and a Random Jutsu Relic.]

[Hidden Mission Revealed: Unlock a Profound Gate Part 1! Complete: Reward Tai-Jutsu Single Piece Gravity Training Suit."]

[Killed F-ranked Beast earned half a point. Killed F-ranked Beast earned half a point. Killed F-ranked Beast earned half a point. Killed F-ranked Beast earned half a point.]

This form of messaging started to repeat continually, ringing like an alarm clock inside the boy's head.

When Kibo woke up, he mentally shouted, "Navi Stop! Display all kills and rewards for them on a single stream of information. And from now on, when I kill in bulk or am in a risky situation where the slightest distraction can get me killed, please hold on to your notifications. Unless it's pertaining to my safety or the situation at hand, filter all unnecessary information."

"Complying with Host's demand. Now creating battle-protocol, and tactical-mode."

F-Ranked Monsters Killed: 138 = 69 System Points Acquired.

D-Ranked Monsters Killed: 179 = 179 System Points Acquired.

C-Ranked Monsters Killed: 21 = 210 System Points Acquired.

B-Ranked Monsters Killed: 1 = 1,000 System Points Acquired.

Total System Points Acquired: 1,527.

"Show me my Status!"


Name: Kibo Hoshi

Age: 5 Years / Remaining Vital Energy: 465 Years

Bloodline: Heavenly Star Sage's Bloodline.

Chakra Levels: (Peak Genin)

Physique Level: (Peak Chunin.)


Cultivation Techniques & Effects


• True Star Chakra Cultivation Technique (Sage Rank): Allows unparalleled manipulation of Star Chakra.

• Chakra Star Dantian: Forms a star-shaped Core in the Host's lower Dantian allowing him to rapidly increase his Chakra, by absorbing the energy in the atmosphere.

• Star Sage Form: Permanent Non-Elemental Sage Form capable of overlapping with other Sage Forms. Increases all parameters of Star related techniques by 350%.

• Pink Muscles Transformation: Grants 10x his body's original speed, strength, and stamina.

•Profound Gate of Healing Open: 10x Healing Factor. Immune to most poisons, sickness, and diseases. x5 Increase to lifespan.




• Star Sword (Rank 0); • Star Wings (Rank 0); • Star Mold (Rank 0)

• Blood Metal Storm (Rank C): Uses star Chakra to manipulate them into a massive vortex of destruction. Rank can improve with better equipment.




•(Perk) Chakra Control Master: Able to use and control Chakra efficiently; reduces Chakra Cost of any Jutsu by 75%

•(Perk) Pink Muscles (Mastered): Grants 10x the Host body's original speed, strength, and stamina.

• Ken-Jutsu Master: Increased rate in which one learns sword arts.

•(Perk) Future Sage: Grants incredible comprehension toward Sage Arts and Chakra Arts.

•(Perk) Monster Slayer: Able to locate unknown monster's weak points quicker.

•(Perk) Widened Chakra Channels: Allows Host to quickly transport large quantities of chakra throughout the body. 15% Increase in Chakra Distribution Speed

• (Perk) Hero of Hoshigakure: The Host radiates a heroic aura that can sway the hearts of the people; certain hidden conditions are required for this ability to activate.


Bloodline Effects & Abilities


Star God's Bloodline: Proficient with all 6 Earthly Elements, Tengan, Star Spirit Chamber, Star God's Physique.

•Core Star God Physique (Basic): The Host has a Star-Shaped Dantian that acts as a Star Chamber. The Host is always in Star Sage mode. The Host can absorb Star Chakra and Natural Energy to temper, bloodline, physique, and vital energy.

Tengan Basic Form: Eyes turn dark purple and golden rings formed around the pupils. Can see both Natural Energy and Chakra, and enhances all factors of the host's vision by x20.

1st Ring's Ability: Psychometry

2nd Ring's Ability: Project Past History.

3rd Ring's Ability: Slow Gaze




• Inspect: [70pts]

• Craft [30pts]

• Stealth [50pts]

• Deception [40pts]

• Cook [100pts]


System Dimensional Storage Space: 50 cubic meters




•Star God's Chakra Cultivation Manual; •4x Full Healing Pills; •4x Full Chakra Recovery Pills; •Map of the World; •Portable Training Room; •Profession Relic; •Pink Muscle Transformation Manual; •Starheart Cultivation Manual; • Single Piece Gravity Training Suit; • Random Jutsu Relic; •Reaper's Sacrificial Dagger.


Total System Points: 4017


[Back to Present Time]

"Are you going to answer me, Naruto? Who was the second friend you made?" Kibo repeated himself seeing the blond protagonist look at him with wide eyes and an open jaw.

Naruto then jumped up and hugged his friend before shouting, "You're awake! You're awake! Aunty Niwa, Uncle Aka, Hoshi-Gramps! Kibo is awake! Dattebayo!"

Needless to say, Naruto's shouting caused a ruckus in the large estate, drawing the attention of everyone who lived in it.

Kibo's family ran in and rushed to Kibo's side, almost fighting to get through the door first.

Niwa slipped past the crowd and jumped into Kibo's arms, crying as she shouted, "I'm so glad my baby's awake!"

Aka and Jun were crying tears of joy. They too rushed over to Kibo's side before smothering him in a group hug.

Kibo was shocked to discover he had been asleep for approximately 4 months and 23 days.

The room stayed festive for a few hours. After calming down a bit, they clued Kibo in on the things that happened during his coma.

His mother teased him about Karin coming to visit him, and Kibo responded with embarrassment as he shouted, "She's just a friend, Mom!"

His family taunted him for a bit when out of the corner of Kibo's vision, he noticed a sorrowful look on Naruto's face, The expression only lasted for a second until it shifted back into that innocent smile Kibo came to know and enjoy.

Naruto was truly happy for Kibo. The blond Uzumaki only felt depressed about not having a family to call his own for a split moment.

Kibo, once again found himself impressed by how quickly the people in the world mature. Naruto sucked up the pain and expressed joy that his friend had such a loving family, moving Kibo's heart.


Kibo's stomach ached as he realized he had been on an I.V and Nutrient Drip for four months. Other than the sheer embarrassment of the thought of his parents cleaning up his waste, Kibo could only feel the pangs of hunger.

"I'm Starving!" Kibo shouted, making his parents gave him some space,

"I'll go cook some food. Naruto Chan, will you be staying for dinner again?" Niwa asked with a loving smile on her face.

Naruto blushed at the radiant smile he was given.

During his visits, Niwa had treated Naruto like one of her own, often letting him spend the night and eat with the Hoshi Family household.

Niwa didn't mind either, Naruto's presence helped ease her worry during Kibo's long nap.

Nobody was around to take care of Naruto the way Kibo's mother had. After hearing that his parents were unknown Shinobi that died during the Kyuubi attack, Niwa demanded that Naruto call her Aunty.

She even asked if he wanted to live with them.

However, Naruto refused and said he was okay where he was now. After all, no one tells him what to eat, what to do, or when to go to bed.

For a kid, these things mean a lot. But that wasn't the reason Naruto declined Niwa's offer. He didn't want people in the village to start calling the Hoshi clan bad names as they did to him.

Even with Naruto's constant rejections, Niwa hadn't given up just yet. Every day that he came to visit, she would ask Naruto to stay with them, and like every time before, Naruto would refuse.

Kibo thought that, for once, Naruto's Nindo was working against him.

Face with Niwa asking to stay for dinner, Naruto nodded his head up and down, accepting Niwa's offer when he said "I love your cooking, Mom!"

The room grew quiet. When Naruto realized what he had said, the young blond bolted out of the room and left the house with a bright red face.

"Oh my, that poor Naruto," Niwa said with a woeful expression.

Kibo got up before dressing himself in his Clan's new Purple Yukata. Kibo took notice of the symbol Eternal Azure Eclipse and found it quite suiting on his back.

"I'll go bring him back. He's my friend, besides I need to walk. All my muscles need time to adjust to being used after so long."

Although that's what he said, he didn't seem to be having any trouble moving about, thanks to his Life Gate being open all his organs and muscled remained in peak condition.

"Oh no, you're not going anywhere!" Niwa responded with stern body language.

Waving her finger at Kibo, Niwa continued to could her child, "I put up with you being in a coma for months! I just got you back. If you're going, I'm going too!"

"Mom, if you go, Naruto will just run away again!" Kibo refuted, looking for help in the form of his father and grandfather's assistance.

"It's okay, Niwa! Let Kibo go after his friend," Aka pleaded as he placed his hand on his wife's shoulder.

"But, dear!!!" Niwa wanted to argue but Aka leaned in and whispered, "Honey, we're Ninjas. We can follow him from the shadows."

Niwa blushed and laughed a bit before saying, "Okay dear, but be quick. It's cold this time a year."

Kibo smiled and hugged his parents before running to the door to be stopped by the maids and butlers that were hired by the family. They then gave Kibo a thick overcoat because it was snowing outside, and waved goodbye to their young master as he took off running.

Unbeknownst to the young boy, his parents weren't too far behind. Keeping an eye on Kibo, but far enough away to give the boy some privacy.

After searching Ichiraku and a few other of the usual locations, Kibo was able to quickly track down Naruto.

With his ability to see farther than your average human, Kibo spotted the blond Uzumaki sitting on top of the Hokages' Monument while wallowing in his gloomy mood.

Ironically, Naruto was sitting on top of his father's head.
