
Reborn in the Narutoverse

2 Chapters a Weekday, 2,000 Words Minimum! Aron Smith had died a worthy death; diagnosed with a brain tumor that could take his life at any given moment, when a freak incident occurred, he inadvertently saved a future savior of man kind. Due to the mass of Karmic Points he'd earned he was allowed to choose he's reincarnation. “Due to the massive amounts of Karmic points you’ve amassed you can choose to be reincarnated to Earth, sent to a Heaven realm to live out the rest of eternity in peace. Or you can be reincarnated into a Dream Realm world with you memories intact.” “I want to be born into the Naruto Universe.” Copyright disclaimer: I do NOT own Naruto nor any character or works featured in the fan-fiction. All rights belong to its rightful Masashi Kishimoto, Shonen Jump, and Funimation Studios. No copyright infringement intended.

Daoist_Over_God · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
157 Chs

Sect of the God Star Shadow

After Scelia's transformation, she became a goddess-like beauty Demi-God, she had a single head in her mortal form, however, two of her eyes were different colors, one a fierce red, the other a frosty blue.

She wandered inside her new world, completely satisfied with the heavenly energy coming from her master and the realm's energy that helped her evolve into a true dragon as well.

Yun Mo couldn't believe his senses, but after Kibo gave him the necessary steps to enter and control his Star Chamber appeared.

He still couldn't believe how amazing these relics were, Kibo then threw out a few hundred Half-God Laylines and up-graded Yun Mo's Laylines to God Tier, and then he increased the Energy Gathering Array by several dozen levels.

Everyone felt the surge of energy pouring into the Chasing Cloud Sect, the energy became so thick that it could almost be seen.

Cultivators everywhere felt themselves breaking through bottlenecks that had halted their progress for countless years, Magical Herbs everywhere started to blossom and flourish, Kibo smiled and then created a Space-Time Array that was just large enough for one person to sit.

Kibo pointed for him to sit down, "Time will move several times faster in this Array, if you can't form your Golden Core in 5 years, with energy this rich, you don't deserve to be an inner disciple."

Yun Mo nodded his head and sat down inside the Array.

He then began cultivating, a vortex appeared behind his body as he started to absorb crazy amounts of energy, as it was all converted into Heaven Energy, he found it beyond potent and he easily started to break open his 8 True Gates.

After following the cultivation method for 3 years inside, Yun Mo broke through 4 of his True Gates, after that, his golden Golden Core was beginning to form.

Tribulation Lightning formed over the skies and caused people to wonder, just what the heck was going on, first their Patriarch Crippled his Cultivation, and now he's already reached the Immortal Foundation Stage.

"What kind of Tribulation is this, this is simply the Heavens picking on the weak!" A Solo Cultivator shouted.

They had never seen a 9, 9 tribulations before, 9 sets of 9 tribulation bolts slammed down into Yun Mo, his body, however, was able to take it now that he opened 4 gates. In fact, it felt good to him, like it was nurturing his core.

Once his golden Core Formed, his eyes lit up as his Nascent Soul formed at the same time, this one was countless times stronger than his previous, he could feel the immense longevity filling his bones.

Once he started making Origin Energy, Kibo applauded his intelligence, he entered into a state of contemplation, he could feel his new Dao Tree forming into a sprout and his old seedlings were born anew.

Kibo smiled and threw out a set of Origin Essence Pills, along with a 12 Colored Enlightenment Pill, it was made with the 12 Colored Lotus, Heaven Connecting Flowers, and a few other mind-clearing herbs.

He then threw out a pill that was called a Full Detox Pill, it would cleanse the body of any pill toxin that might build up from the Origin Essence Pills. "Use these to reach the peak of Immortal Manifestation."

Yun Mo thanked his master and started cultivating, another hour passed, however, inside the Array, it was 3 years.

Tribulation Lightning formed above the Patriarch's Mansion and caused the local cultivators to freak out, this one was even stronger than before, they thought that they died again and were in the afterlife or something, how else could they explain their current predicament.

Two more lightning clouds formed alongside the main, each a different color, one for the body, one for the soul, and one for the Immortal Manifestation.

All of three clouds were another set of Nine-Nine Tribulation, 243 Bolts of lightning the size of an arm fell onto Yun Mo, shocking Cultivators everywhere.

"Just what the hell is happening in there!?" A random Cultivator question.

"How can a tribulation be so fierce, and how did Master Mo go from Immortal Foundation to Manifestation.

Yun Mo unlocked his 8th True Gate, and could now focus on his Chakra Gates, his soul had evolved into an Immortal Nascent Soul, and his Dao Tree had grown to promptly 99feet tall.

9 new, Nine Leafed Dao Seedlings hung from his Dao Tree, little by little he entered into a state of enlightenment, the Cultivation Technique Mind section, allowed one's mind to connect to the heavens and be guided by the universe.

Kibo couldn't only think of how he had to crawl up to his current level, now he spoiled his first disciple who wasn't even on the candidate list for Core Disciple, the only redeeming quality he had was his character, his talent was actually very bad.

Even a God wouldn't waste so many resources on a low talent cultivator like, Immortal Yun Mo, he wasn't born with any unique physique or constitution, his training speed was average at best, however, he was a hard worker, and had a Pure Heart for devoted for Cultivation.

Such a clean heart was hard to find amongst Cultivators, however, after years of holding on to his human values, Yun Mo was finally rewarded.

Bit by bit a tenth leaf formed and he suddenly felt his tree breach through the heavenly clouds in his soul, surprised by how much stronger than he was as a peak Ascension Immortal, Yun Mo shouted, "I'm at least, three to four times stronger."

Yun Mo's eyes glowed with joy as he didn't feel the temptation to devour his newly forming Dao seeds, this time, he knew he was on the right path.

Congratulations on forming ten leaves in 10 years of training," Kibo announced.

Yun Mo was shocked, he didn't think he was under for 4 years, he thought of the wondrous moment of enlightenment and said, "Master, I will not let you down, I will create 12 leaves no matter what with the remaining ten years."

Kibo nodded his head, when all of a sudden, the weak defense array around the city suddenly shattered, Kibo then frowned and thought, "I should have upgraded more than the Energy Gathering Array.

Yun Mo burned with rage, to see his level-2 Immortal Defense Array broken made his heart bleed, the materials used to construct it cost an arm and a leg.

"Bastard Chen Lou, Old Hag Lu Wen!" Yun Mo ground his teeth, he then turned to Kibo and bowed, "Please master, forgive me, I need to take care of some trash!"

Kibo smiled and pulled his wives and kids out of his Inner-World, Yun Mo was stunned to see such Goddesses, he even thought that the two 13-year-olds were the most adorable things he set eyes on.

"Ye Mo, these are my Wives, Shion and Karin, these two are my children, Shina and Kazuo," Kibo introduced his family.

"Disciple greets master's family." Yun mo bowed.

Shion nodded his head, "We were watching from your Small World. Yun Mo is a good choice."

Karin nodded her head, "Yeah, now come on, Yun Mo, show us a good show."

Kibo saw that he only had a high tier magic sword and said, "Let me see that."

Kibo pulled out an anvil and some rare materials, after using sun fire to merge the metals, Kibo then inscribed Level-1 God Tier Inscription into its surface.

After placing the Peak Immortal Grade Sword inside a vat of forging oil taken from his Legendary Forge Room, Yun Mo's heartbeat accelerated and said, "You're a Forge Master too?"

Kibo nodded his head and returned the Sword called Twin Fang to Yun Mo, Kibo also pointed to Yun Mo's forehead and gave his 1st disciple a full set of Half-God Tier Martial Skills.

"When you reach the peak of Manifestation, you can search inside my Innerworld for your next 9 Dao Beast," Kibo then watched as tears formed at Yun Mo's eyes, he shaved his beard and cut his hair short, revealing a youthful and wild look.

However, his baby face and innocent eyes seemed to counteract his wild appearance.

They all flew outside and to see two other Peak Ascension Immortals bathing in the God Essence with looks of sheer delight.

"You two cowards aren't welcome here!" Yun Mo shouted as he hovered above their heads.

The two Sect Leaders ran their senses over Yun Mo and chuckled, "Did you attempt your Divine Tribulation and fail, you got weaker? Your power is only in the Manifestation stage now," Chen Lou spoke up first, his greedy little eyes were darting around Yun Mo's energy gathering array. The elder looked like he was in his forties, only with a long grey ponytail, and beard.

Lu Wen giggled, she was like Chen Lou in age, only she still had some of her looks left, "I'm curious, did you eat an Immortal Cosmetic Pill, how did you regain your youthful appearance?"

Yun Mo growled, "Quit with the small talk, why did you two shatter my defense Array?"

"Haha, Daoist Yun, you should know why we are here, you obviously discovered a God Layline, we came here to propose a trade," Chen Lou chuckled.

"So you came here to rob?" Yun Mo's temper was rising.

"Please Daoist Yun, calm yourself, we said trade, did we not?" Lu Wen chuckled, "After all, you can't keep a treasure such as this, for the greater good of all cultivators, you should split your God Layline with us, just a third will do."

"Look, we brought presents," Chen Lou said as he pulled out a pile of low tier magic items.

Lu Wen did the same with a mocking stare, "See, we want to trade, we have quite the treasures."

Yun Mo was boiling in his own rage, his fist shook as he said, "Good, good, you two think just because I'm only at the manifestation stage, you think that you can steal from me!"

The two Sect leaders started laughing, "And what can you do about it? If we wanted, we could slaughter your entire Sect right now," Chen Lou said before he began laughing.

"Come now, fellow Daoist, you should just take our mercy, this treasure you have is too great for a single Sect to own." Lu Wen couldn't hide her greed any longer, her fingers were itching as she wanted to tear apart the God Layline with her bare hands.

Kibo chuckled, "Yun Mo, who are your friends, are you going to introduce us?"

The two Cultivators paused, Chen Lou stared at Shion and Karin with lust in his eyes and laughed, "Such beautiful women. I'll tell you what, if you leave your treasures and women, you can leave with your life intact."

Kibo frowned and appeared in front of Chen Lou, unable to see Kibo's power, Chen Lou assumed that he was just a Mortal, however, before he could react, Kibo slapped him across the face and slammed his head into the ground.

"Frog thirsting for Swan meet, you dare to look at my wives!" Kibo shouted as he stomped his foot into the back of Chen Lou's skull.

A massive fissure spread out from Chen Lou's facial impression, Lu Wen shook in fear as Kibo returned to his families side, "Yun Mo, kill them, their Karmic Sin is stinking up your sect."

Kibo could see thousands of years worth of sins coming from their Karmic Aura, Yun Mo was a saint compared these two, although Yun Mo's killing aura was large, his Karmic Virtues far out wayed the sin, showing that he has never taken an innocent life.

Yun Mo nodded his head and appeared in front of Lu Wen by using the God Tier Movement Technique, 9 Cloud Step.

His body turned into a puff of smoke as his fist roared with a fierce punch, "Cloud Chasing Strike!"

A burst of powerful air caused Lu Wen to fly into the air while she spewed out blood from several wounds, Chen Lou was shaking as he saw how powerful Yun Mo was, he had never seen him use these techniques before, and he knew they were at least God-Tier.

When Yun Mo pulled out his new sword, their eyes widened in horror as they saw him with a Peak Immortal Treasure.

"How, how did you gain such a thing? Who is this man?" Chen Lou shouted in agony.