
Reborn in the Narutoverse

2 Chapters a Weekday, 2,000 Words Minimum! Aron Smith had died a worthy death; diagnosed with a brain tumor that could take his life at any given moment, when a freak incident occurred, he inadvertently saved a future savior of man kind. Due to the mass of Karmic Points he'd earned he was allowed to choose he's reincarnation. “Due to the massive amounts of Karmic points you’ve amassed you can choose to be reincarnated to Earth, sent to a Heaven realm to live out the rest of eternity in peace. Or you can be reincarnated into a Dream Realm world with you memories intact.” “I want to be born into the Naruto Universe.” Copyright disclaimer: I do NOT own Naruto nor any character or works featured in the fan-fiction. All rights belong to its rightful Masashi Kishimoto, Shonen Jump, and Funimation Studios. No copyright infringement intended.

Daoist_Over_God · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
157 Chs

Planet Xia

Kibo appeared from out of the ship's entrance, as he descended with his disciples, wives, and children, Kibo smiled and said, "It is good to see that so many Humans prospering."

Kibo's senses spread across the planet, shocking the Mid-Gods at how powerful the Minute God was,

Kibo saw millions of Cultivators, however, the planet seemed to be slightly weaker than the rest the Nine Planets of Xia.

Kibo quickly discovered that all of the land's God Essence Laylines were hallowed out. Kibo understood that they were probably harvested by the Otsutsuki and transported to the Heaven Realm to be offered up as tribute for the Jade Emperor.

Kibo then looked over the Mid-Gods and said, "It was a great tragedy that your planet had so much stolen from it."

Kibo waved his hand and sent out dozens of God Essence Laylines to replace the ones that were stolen. He also added a few dozen extra and created a Chaos to Origin Array around their planet.

After upgrading their Array from a Low-Rank, Level-1 God Tier to a Peak Rank, Level-1 God Tier Array, the Mid-Gods' eyes nearly bulged out of their heads.

"Are you a True God?" One of the Mid-God's spoke up, she was an elderly looking woman wearing a white robe, however, Kibo could sense a deep and powerful source of energy seeping throughout her bones, in fact, this wasn't even her real appearance.

She appeared to be disguising her self as an elderly lady on purpose, Kibo smiled at the rare beauty before him and said, "This Junior is only at the Peak of the Minute-God Stage, I'm holding off my tribulations until I'm ready to ascend."

The Mid-Gods' sucked in a breath of cold air, "He's so young and already a Peak Minute God, based on his physique, he must have become a God while he was fairly young, how is his foundation so solid that it surpasses a Middle-Stage Mid-God.

Kibo scratched his head, "Yes this Junior is only 66."

The group was once again dumbfounded, however, the elderly lady began to laugh, "This is great! When did such a talent in the human race pop up? Tell me child, which of the Nine Planets of Xia did you come from?"

Kibo scratched his head again and said, "Oh, none, I was born on a minor world, we barely had Immortal Energy before it was half-harvested by those Alien Gods."

Once again, Kibo's casual words sent ripples throughout all the gods around him, some out of shock at his talents, others that were boiling in rage when they thought about the Alien Gods.

"I see, well no matter your circumstance, if you need shelter and wish to join our world, we don't mind taking you in as a disciple." The Elder Woman spoke.

Kibo grinned and wanted to be as polite as he could, however, Tan Bo wasn't having any of that, "Who are you to claim to take my master in as a disciple!"

A 13 Boy with long black hair, pitch-black eyes, and bronze skin pointed a finger at the old lady, "My master is the greatest God in this whole Universe, how can you teach him anything? You should be asking to become his Disciple!"

Everyone was shocked at seeing such a young boy was only at the peak of the Mortal Foundation Stage, his energy was sturdy and built like something they've never seen before, they could tell that he was days away from forming his Golden Core.

The more experienced gods could even tell his physique was one of the legendary body types, the Heavenly Devouring Physique; this boy could devour anything and turn it into Cultivation Material.

Whether it be a rock or the sky itself, they knew that this kid's potential was limitless, but, this was the least shocking thing for the elder woman to see, this boy was the cutest thing she had ever laid eyes on.

That was until her eyes drifted over to Kibo's children, just like Tan Bo, they could sense a boundless potential brewing inside them.

They looked to his students and then gasped in amazement, they could tell that they were all at the Peak of the Ascension-Stage, and their Dao Tree's were overflowing with life, at most they could sense that they hadn't yet devoured their Dao Fruits.

"How come I can't sense their Dao Fruits?" One of the Mid-Gods' spoke out. They couldn't read their powers even though they were all Gods.

Kibo smiled and said, "Isn't it impolite to peep at another's disciples?"

The Mid-God's snapped their heads back to Kibo, he could see a trace of greed across the faces of many Cultivators.

"This kid must have some kind of secret on him?" A withered up old man who reeked of Death spoke up as loudly as he could.

Kibo frowned as the elder prattled on, "How else can he have the power of Mid-God while only a Minute God? Come now, won't you be a good boy and share your methods with the rest of us. It is your duty as a Cultivator to share such things."

Kibo growled, he could tell that this man's words carried weight, many other Cultivators stared at Kibo with greedy stares, the elderly lady sighed, she was hoping to protect him by taking her into her Sect, as the home of the first humans, they would protect a talent like Kibo with everything they had, even the Patriarch would get involved.

"Hey, kid!" A brutish looking cultivator with wild hair and wearing only an animal skin loincloth floated over, his body looked like it was sculpted out of copper, and his eyes burned like there was some kind of mystical fire in them.

The elder man that smelled of Death came up next to him, he was wearing a long black cloak with a hood that covered most of his face.

"It's Crazy Ji and that bastard Old Ghost Sei." One of God's shouted in surprise.

"Don't start this party without me!" A creepy girl started cackling, Kibo looked over and saw a crazy beautiful woman walking over, she had long black hair and purple eyes, her skin was fair, however, she was surrounded by Karmic Sin so powerful it burned like black and purple flames.

"Old Which Ba!" Another Cultivator came over.

The Elder Woman growled at the appearance of these three trouble makers, on planet Xia, they were known as the Notorious Malefactors of the Ku Plains, the only reason they could sway their weight around was because of their Sect Leader, Chu Fu.

Because he was a Half-Step, True God, no one had the nerve to offend him.

"Be a good little boy and hand over all your goodies, and this pretty lady will treat you nice." Old Witch Ba smiled at them with a lustful gaze.

Karin appeared in front of the Old Which and said, "Who permitted you to flurt with my husband in front of his wives?"

Shion turned to their disciples and had them take the children inside the ship.

She then joined Karin and stood next to the old witch, their Aura's surging to the sky, just like Kibo, their power's breached through the middle stages of Mid-God.

Old Witch Ba frowned, she could tell their cultivation was vast and sturdy, however, as a Peak Mid-God, she felt that she had nothing to fear and said, "I could suck up your life essence, that will only improve my beauty once again!"

Crazy Ji grinned, "What pretty ladies, I'll tell you what boy, leave all your possessions, and give me your women while you're at it. If you do, I can put in a good word with my Sect Master, I'm his son."

"Little brother, you must spare me one, I need a good cultivation breeder, I can steal away all her essence and Dao Laws and enjoy myself while rolling around the bed." Old Ghost Sei licked his lips.

Kibo's eyes burned with Fury The elderly woman who was also a Peak Mid God frowned and black lines formed on her face, "You three despicable things, do you have no shame? This benefactor helped our world and you want to rob him? Do you wish to stain the name of humanity during such a tribulate war with the aliens?"

"Shut it Fu Mi! Your Three August One's Sect has fallen ever since your masters had their cultivations crippled, you've only had Daoist Mugen to cover your hides. You dare raise your voice at us! My father will skin Mugen alive, and wipe out your Sect once and for all!" The Old Ghost licked his lips, "However, if you sleep with me for 1 year, I will spare your life."

Fu Mi's face boiled in rage, if she agreed to that, then her entire foundation would be turned to ash and she'd lose all of her Godly Essence and become a husk.

"You think I fear you, do you think Lord Suiren will forgive your transgression once he recovers!? You dare to besmirch Nuwa's firstborns! Our Ancestors! This boy and his family are under our protection, any who dare to make a move on them will face the entire force of the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors."

Many of the Cultivators stepped back, with the name of the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors thrown out, almost all of them lost their lustful and greedy stares.

The Three Sovereigns had their Dantians shattered by the Alien Gods and left to wonder a destitute planet Xia, while the rest of the planet was slaughtered like pigs, the three Sovereigns were forced to watch as they exterminated all of their remaining human Kin, even after the Otsutsuki sucked the planet dry, they left them alive to mock them and wither away.

Fortunately, the Three Sovereigns weren't simple beings, even with their Dantains Shattered, they were crafted from Pangu's flesh and molded by the sacred Breathing Clay, even without Immortal Cultivation, or Godly Essence, the three had eternal bodies, their souls, however, were slowly rotting away.

However, the Five Emperors were slaughtered with their cultivation intact. When they were revived, they protected Suiren Shi, Youchao Shi, and Pinyin Shi, and have been searching for a way to heal their broken Dantians ever since. Their Cultivation Levels were that of Peak Mid-Gods, and one Half Step True God armed with the Emperor's Sword which was a Level-1 God Tier Weapon.

"Snort," Crazy Ji puffed out his chest, "Without the Emperor's sword, do you think old Daoist Qin stands a chance us?"

"Fool, you think we didn't hide the sacred weapon from those savages!? Of course, we still have it, we hid it in the secret realm, the moment Daoist Qin resurrected, he retrieved the sword. Now, do you three still want to cause troubles, because, I already said that these people are under our protection!"

Kibo and his wives smiled and thanked them, Tan Bo, however, wasn't having it, he crossed his arms, "You don't need to worry about my master, you think being a Mid-God in his eyes is something great, but to my master, they are just flys buzzing by."

Fu Mi frowned, "The mouth on this boy,"

"What!" Tan Bo shouted, "You don't know how amazing my master is! When he found Tan Bo, he was a savage being raised by Dao Beasts! Can you teach Tan Bo to understand words!"

Many of the Gods snickered and giggled, information transfer abilities were a simple thing for a god, even Mortals and Immortals could easily learn to do it.

Kibo slapped his forehead as he thought about how he discovered Tan Bo, an innocent little child wearing rags was riding on top of a Level Nine Dao Beast, called a Fire Mountain Wolf. Just like the nine-tailed beasts, it was an Immortal Dao Beast with the cultivation of Nine Tails, Tan Bo, barely in the Mortal Foundation was raised by this behemoth of a beast that was no shorter than a mountain.