
Chapter 5

Chapter 5

It has been one month since I have transmigrated to One Piece World. Not many things has happened in this month because my daily life is a little bit plain. I wake up at 5 a.m in the morning by Belfast's kiss on my lips, takes a bath with her, do some morning exercise at gym in the basement, have breakfast, workout intensely after a rest, have lunch, study martial arts, study my devil fruit ability together with the help of Belfast, relax, have dinner, relax, intense workout, and end the day by drinking milk from Belfast when at the end, we both usually fall asleep on my bed.

That's the gist of my daily schedule in this month. Pretty simple compared to my past life schedule but, I am not complaining. After all, I get to live with a beautiful woman on an island alone. Oh right, with Belfast, I have not done anything further than milking her and occasional foreplay on her body. My little brother is raging to go but, I control myself because it really will not be good for my health to ejaculate this early in time. Moreover, I am building my body to get stronger. So, I do not listen to my body demand and control myself fully.

Concerning my strength, I can feel my body getting in shape but, no muscle has appear yet. But, I am not disheartened because I get a huge gain from my devil fruits. The first fruit, Luna Luna no mi, makes my body feel awesome under the moonlight. I can feel myself refreshed just after an hour of staying under the moon. One night, I decided to workout on the balcony of my house where moonlight falls and the result is amazing. All of my fatigue, tiredness and sore muscle are healed, or more like recovered in just a few minutes under the moonlight.

Since then, I have been working out more intensely under the moonlight. Till now, I cannot control the moonlight yet but, I am becoming to understand the properties of moonlight as I spend more times under the moonlight.

And, that's not all the gains I got this month because Eve suggest me a 'breath' technique on my first night. The breath she suggest is the main technique in 'Demon Slayer' anime, called 'Breath of moon'. Of course, I still could not perform the 'Breath', much less a sword technique but, I am progressing quickly with the help of the moon devil fruit.

For my other devil fruit, I can shape a few objects into any form I want. That includes, ground, stone, cement wall and even stone table but, it does not include any kind of wood or plants. It seems my devil fruits registers them as 'Living things'. Well, that aside, I am progressing better than I first expected.

Regarding Belfast, our master-servant bonds is progressing nicely and she is now loyal to me completely because I have a certain skill that I learned in my previous life. I just call it my personal analysis skill.

When you have a abnormally strong calculative ability, you would want to use it or apply it in ways no one has never imagine before, right? That was what I did in my past life. I studied human anatomy and biology of living beings. After years of studying, I could estimate the age of a person just by looking at his or hers' facial structure, tone frequency, and walking style.

It was intriguing really, to know about someone by doing a few calculation on someone's skeleton structure. muscle contraction and eyes. You can get many data about a person from just a simple observation. Of course, the numbers are a little different when it comes to trained people but, my formula and skills are adjustable. Actually, that's the main reason behind my wealth. I knew too well about a person. OK. That's enough about my calculative skills.

Back on track, Belfast is also learning the 'Breath'. I don't know which style she will choose but, I am guessing breath of wind for her. However, I am not sure yet. Anyway, she is also getting better at using her devil fruit. No, 'getting better' would be understatement because she could use her devil fruit ability like it is breathing for her. Better yet, her fruit is already awakened which enables her to recover herself by the cost of her stamina. And, she has unlimited shells and bullets because it depends on her stamina which she has plenty.

Her weapon skills with a short sword and a gun is getting better day by day. Her cooking, cleaning and even serving me at night are getting better. Now, she no longer falls asleep from continuous orgasms as she gains some control on her body. Though her breast is still sensitive than any other place on her body, she can control herself better and better now. In conclusion, she is becoming a perfect maid.

I have already teach her about OP world and every secret I knows. Moreover, I have also told her about me being a transmigrated person with a system. it may seem like the bad decision but, trust me. I know what it means to leave out the important matters from your closest servant. It brings troubles after troubles later down the line if I were to keep the secret to myself. So, I do not leave out anything and tell her the truth. That also includes about animes and mangas. For that however, I have to bullshit my words. I explained her how every world is connected in ways we cannot understand and how those authors of those fictional stories are from those worlds. I also explained her about this world in the same way.

At first, I want to teach her by books. So, I try to buy OP manga from the system but, there is none. Moreover, OP manga, anime, theories, unfinished new manga chapters and even emails from Oda has been deleted by Goddess Gaia. I was so down that day that, Belfast has to feed me her new strawberry milk which instantly revive me. Oh right, now that I think, about it, I also could not find OP character in the Summon function. SIgh, Goddess Gaia is too perfect with her works.

Sigh... Setting that aside, I am also working on sea water resistance. The training itself is easy, having to walk in the ocean water filled pool for a round but, even though the water level do not even reach 5 inches, both me and Belfast have great difficulty walking around the pool. It was like we literally become a stone as soon as we touch the sea water. Other types of water like fresh water, stream water, mineral water is not that bad. The most it makes us feel is having to walk carrying a heavy weight but, the sea water is the worst. It took a great amount of effort just to walk a step.

Till now, I could only make 3 steps but, Belfast could make 6 steps. It seems I was weakened in double as I have two devil fruit. That is a major weakness I have to overcome. And, is one of my goal.

Ok. enough about me and Belfast strength, let's talk about other things. I got the tech knowledge of TOny Stark and I would be a helpless idiot if I didn't even work on things with that knowledge. So, I have been creating a 'stimulator room', where an AI can calculate things and I can do my theory with visual. If you cannot understand me, you should watch back to 'Iron Man' movies where Tony make himself a suit and upgrade it.

In this types of invention, the most important thing is to have an intelligent AI. And, I don't have to write one from the scratch because I already have one, the almighty system, Eve. Granted, Eve only make it so that, it was just an AI, who has half of intelligent and calculative power of Eve. Even so, it used up all the hard drives and servers I have in my inventory just to store the 'brain' part and 'backup' of Eve. Now, I really need that stimulator because I am gonna need better devices to realize my ideas.

That's right. I have already determined my future course of action. I will built a futuristic city and rule it as its king. I have already name my Kingdom. It is 'Sakura Kingdom'. And, I have already written the history of my 'Sakura Kingdom' which existed since before Void century. Thinking about consequences and the retaliation actions from WG, took time but, I completed writing it just yesterday. So, right now, the history of my 'Sakura Kingdom' will be known as an ancient country that disappeared just after Void Century and now, it is resurfaced again.

We will go with that flow. So, for that, I am gonna need help in building my dreams. So, I am going to summon a character that will help me in developing technologies and building advanced machines and stuff. My end goal is to create a space ship but, let's leave it at that for now. No, more like I want to refrain from creating things that can fly high up in the sky because 'IM' lives on top of the Red Line, Mariejois a place said to exist above Red line. I do not know the actual height of red line but, I am sure as hell that if 'IM' see a spaceship, he would target me. After all, the man is said to have the ability to even bend the world laws.

Moving on, I thinks carefully of a summon I want. Though it will be randomize, I can enter one filter. So, in this case, I enter 'exceptional intelligence with great creativity' under the 'Female Inventor' category.

<Asking for confirmation, Lord Embra... The summon under the category, Female inventor (Rank C), must have exceptional intelligence with great creativity, correct?> (Eve)

"Yep" (Embra)

<Just rules reminder, Lord Embra. First, you cannot cancel the summon mid way. Second, in the case that you decided to cancel the summon resulted from 'Random' choices, you cannot get back the SP lost for any rank. Third, any summon beings that have died once cannot be summon again under any circumstance. Confirmed?> (Eve)

"... Yep" (Embra)

Hmm... I am getting a little bit bad feeling but, well, what could possibility go wrong?

< Summoning Start... Randomizing Character under 'Female Inventor (Rank C)' category... C-rank Summon is chosen. 500K SP reduced.. Adjusting under the World's Law of One Piece... Success... Character information:

Name: Kurisu Makise

Gender: Female

Age: 18

Summon Rank: C

Occupation: Genius Assistant


-Strength: 1200

-Agility: 2500

-Stamina: 3100

-Intelligence: 6500

-Perception: 1500

-Willpower: 1800

Devil fruit:



Enhanced Intelligence

Memorizing (Expert)

Analyzing (Expert)

Creativity (Specialist)


Kenbushouku Haki (Basic)

Busoshoku Haki: none

Haoshouku Haki: None

Character setting of the summon, 'Kurisu Makise' is available for editing. >

Ah. I remember her. She is that character from 'Ste*ns Gate'. Hmm... Alright. Not bad for the first summon. She is intelligent. That is no doubt. She does not have combat ability but, well, she has to stay as my inven-

Wait a fuc*ing minute, Eve, can she assemble things? Like I mean, building things and inventing things?

<Answer. She cannot, Lord Embra. She has no experience in inventing a machine or any mechanical parts. She is more stronger in theory department and has knowledge on literally every physic and mathematical formula.> (Eve)

... Are you serious right now? How can I expect her to upgrade a computer or other- *sigh* Now, I get why you are reminding me of the three rules of the summoning function. Did you select her on purpose among all of C-rank character?

<Deny. The character summoning are randomize. The reason I remind you about the rules is to suggest you of increasing the summon rank. A person of the skills you are expecting cannot be found in these rank. At least, I advise Lord Embra to choose an A rank.> (Eve)

I see. Fine, let it be my mistake this time. Never do this kind of roundabout ways in the life-and-death situation. Do you understand, Eve?

<Command received.> (Eve)

Though I am a little angry at her for getting a move on me, I could not get too angry because her voice is the same as Goddess Gaia. At first, I set it so that, I do not forget the favor of Goddess Gaia. But, now that the system voice is the same as Goddess Gaia, I could not scold her or something like that. I could only warn her. Alas, let's go back to summoning an A rank. There better be a good female inventor. Wait a minute, should I change the category into engineer or something like that?

Hm... Engineer can build things but, well she be creative? ... Let's not change the category. What I need is brilliant, and innovative minds. Skills can be trained, anyway. Alright. Female inventor(Rank A), then. The same filter as the last time, Eve.

<Will you accept the previous summon of 'Kurisu Makise'?> (Eve)

Oh right. I will accept her. But, I will edit her settings together with the next summon. Can you set her aside without canceling the summon?

<Acknowledged. Character information of summon Character 'Kurisu Makise' has been set aside. Do you want to summon a character from 'Female Inventor(Rank A)' with the condition of 'must have exceptional intelligence with great creativity'? > (Eve)


< Summoning Start... Randomizing Character under 'Female Inventor (Rank A)' category... 500M SP reduced. A-rank Summon is chosen. Adjusting under the World's Law of One Piece... Success... Character information:

Name: Ichihara Suzune

Gender: Female

Age: 18

Summon Rank: A

Occupation: Genius Analyst


-Strength: 5200

-Agility: 7000

-Stamina: 9500

-Intelligence: 12,000

-Perception: 6000

-Willpower: 4500

Devil Fruit:

Shi Shi no mi

Can control/manipulate over a living being body after analyzing it. The amount of time taken to analyze a living body depends on the physical condition of the body, willpower of the target and concentration of the host. Once controlled, Host can control the person as she wish. Can control one body at a time. Once awakened, the fruit enable host to control a person's body with just a glance. The amount able to control will depend on the willpower of the host.


Analysis (Grand master)

Calculating (Master)

Comprehension over mechanic(Master)

Machine engineering (Master)

Deducing (Expert)


Kenbushouku Haki (Basic): Range (1 km)

Busoshoku Haki: None

Haoshouku Haki: None

Character setting of the summon, 'Ichihara Suzune' is available for editing> (Eve)

Damn. This is what I am talking about. I remember her int he anime albeit a little vague. However look at her intelligence status!! This is jackpot, oi. I am tempted to summon another character but, well, I will leave it at that as i know that unbelievable luck is followed by unbelievable disaster. Now, now. I wonder, how should I customize them to my taste. One looks not so bad with her 'cool' style while the latter one is also not bad with 'strict' face. *lick* Time for some editing, baby.

~ ~ ~

In a certain white room,

Goddess Gaia is reading the paper where 'History of Sakura Kingdom' is written. After reading everything, Goddess Gaia smiles widely before laughing out lod. Her laugher ring out far in the white room where there is no one.

"*laugh*... Ah. That was a good laugh. It has been a while since I read a story as good as this. Hm... Should I add something else to spice things up? I am sure, Embra would already know the consequences of writing this history after being informed that, the history will become a reality. Humu. Humu. Let's add something. That way, he will have the most fun there is." (Goddess Gaia)

Thinking this far, Goddess Gaia decided to write the second part of the history of Sakura Kingdom to spice things up.

And, poor Embra did not know about this yet and will learn about it later. And, the war will engulf the one piece world again.
