
Reborn in Lothric

Hey, this is my first time writing a fanfic, and I have no idea how this will go. The reason I started this was just to experiment and see if I can move on to other things that might be harder. I chose to write about anime/videogames because I often get disappointed when I see good stories either being dropped or ruined. It's disheartening to invest time and emotion into a story, only to have it end prematurely or take a turn for the worse. I figured, why not try to create something myself that could fill that void.

LostTheLight · วิดีโอเกม
6 Chs

Awakening in Shadows

Light's eyes flew open, his breath coming in ragged gasps. "No... no... no..." The word tore from his lips in a desperate chant, echoing through the dark, suffocating space.

His mind raced, struggling to grasp the reality of his new body, the alien sensations overwhelming his senses. Panic clawed at his sanity, threatening to pull him under. Just as the darkness seemed to swallow him whole, the scene abruptly shifted, cutting to a time before the nightmare began...


Light sat in his dimly lit room, the glow of the TV screen casting shadows on the walls. He was completely engrossed in Dark Souls 3, his fingers dancing over the controller as he rolled side to side, trying to stay alive. The tension was palpable as he faced off against a formidable boss. Just as he was about to land the final blow, a misstep led to his character's untimely death.

"Ugh, not again. FUCK!! HOW MANY TIMES HAS IT BEEN ALREADY WITH THIS DUMBASS BOSS?!" he screamed, slamming his fist on the desk. In a fit of rage, he threw the controller across the room. It hit the wall with a sharp, cracking sound, followed by the clatter of plastic pieces scattering on the floor. He watched as the familiar "You Died" screen appeared, signaling yet another respawn.

"Great, now I have to buy another one tomorrow," he muttered, his voice dripping with annoyance.

Light looked at the screen again and contemplated whether he should keep going or not. He decided to use one of the broken controllers.

"Fuck it, whatever. Too bad I destroyed the only good one I had," he muttered.

* sigh*

As he respawned, he walked over to the boss arena once more. As soon as he got there, he was attacked so quickly that he didn't even have time to react. Before he knew it, he was dead again. This time, instead of the usual respawn, he, found himself in a dark, void-like space. The oppressive darkness surrounded him, filling him with a sense of fear and uncertainty.

"Where am I?" he muttered to himself, his voice echoing in the emptiness.

"Is this some kind of coma? Or... something else?"

His mind raced as he tried to make sense of his surroundings. The silence was deafening, and the void seemed endless.

"What is this place?" he wondered aloud, feeling a shiver run down his spine.

As he stood in the oppressive darkness, Light started questioning how this had happened.

"How did I end up here?" he wondered, trying to piece together the events that led to this moment.

He strained to remember the last thing he was doing before everything went black. Images of the boss arena, the sudden attack, and his swift demise flashed through his mind.

"Was there something I missed? Some detail I overlooked?" he asked himself, hoping to find a clue that could explain his current predicament.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, an ominous screen appeared in front of him, just like the one that pops up when you die in Dark Souls 3.

The words "YOU DIED" glowed eerily, casting a red hue in the void. The sight sent chills down his spine, and the reality of his situation hit him harder than ever. "What does this mean?" he thought, feeling a mix of dread and confusion.

As the ominous "YOU DIED" screen glowed in front of him, Light felt a wave of fear wash over him. His heart pounded, and his hands trembled. The oppressive darkness seemed to close in even more, amplifying his anxiety.

Just as he was grappling with his fear, another message appeared beneath the first: "Do you wish to respawn?" Light hesitated, his mind racing.

"Is this real? Am I dreaming?" he wondered, feeling the weight of the decision pressing down on him. The option to respawn was right there, but the uncertainty of his situation made him question everything.

Was this just a nightmare, or was there something more sinister at play?

As Light stood there, paralyzed by fear, the darkness began to consume him. It crept up his legs, enveloped his torso, and soon only his head remained visible.

Panic surged through him, and his breaths became shallow and rapid. The oppressive void seemed to squeeze the very life out of him.

In his desperation, Light closed his eyes tightly, trying to block out the terror.

"I can't take this anymore," he thought frantically.

The option to respawn was still there, but the uncertainty gnawed at him. What if this wasn't just a nightmare? What if being reborn meant facing even greater horrors? For a fleeting moment, Light wondered if it would be better to just let go, to let the darkness take him completely.

The thought of staying in that moment, of surrendering to the void, seemed almost peaceful compared to the fear of the unknown. But the overwhelming dread of the darkness consuming him entirely pushed him over the edge.

With no other options left, he decided to accept the inevitable. Summoning all his courage, he mentally reached out and chose to respawn, hoping this decision would bring him some semblance of escape from the consuming , darkness.

This was a decision he would come to regret, as the new reality he awakened to was filled with even greater challenges and fears.

As the world around him began to shift, he heard the distant toll of a bell ringing. An old lady's voice echoed through the void, chilling him to the bone.

"Nameless, accursed undead, unfit even to be cinder." There was a pause. "And so it is, that ash seeketh embers." Light's heart sank as he realized whose voice that was and remembered it was part of the beginning of the last game he was playing.

The old lady's words lingered in his mind, a haunting reminder of his new reality.

Just then, another system window popped up, displaying the words "Choose class and burial gift," adding to the ominous atmosphere surrounding Light's respawn in the game world.

[ Class:










Deprived ]

[ Burial Gift:

Life Ring

Divine Blessing

Hidden Blessing

Black Fire Bomb x5

Fire Gem

Sovereignless Soul

Gold Coin x7


Young White Branch ]

He stared at the options, unsure of what to decide.

He knew that this choice would be crucial for the beginning area, and the feeling of dread grew stronger as he anticipated the challenges ahead.

Light couldn't shake the fear of what was coming, knowing all too well the horrors that awaited him in this dark and unforgiving world.


Author: Let me know what y'all think, man. Should I keep going or not? Lol, I seriously don't know where I'm headed with this, but ehh, it doesn't matter. I'll just drop it... kidding, maybe. I don't know yet. I wanted to do this because I was annoyed at all the dropped stories and some that are destroyed, but it's their life. What can I do? So, for fun—no, not fun, never mind —just to try out, I decided to go for Dark Souls 3 since I play that game and like it. I think it 'Il be easier compared to some anime projects I want to do later since I have to read the manga and stuff. But I haven't watched anime in a while now; it's just this.

How disappointing. Let me know what y'all think.

Tell me if I have any grammar errors; I tried not to have any.

Tell me what I should improve on or whatever else you want.

Tell me what build all of you want, and I'll see.

This looks short. I have to write more; I'm about to quit right now...