Transported into the dangerous world of DC Comics, an ordinary man awakens in the body of the infamous mercenary and assassin, Deathstroke. Now armed with unmatched combat skills and a brilliant tactical mind, he faces a life-altering dilemma: will he reshape Deathstroke’s legacy by becoming a force for good, or continue down the dark path that has made Deathstroke one of the most feared names in the world? "Don't measure me by notions of good and evil. I do only what I desire," he asserts, embracing the blurred line between hero and villain. Then, in a shocking twist, the protagonist breaks the fourth wall, confronting the very author of this story. With one swift punch, he knocks the author aside. "Things were always simple," he declares with steely resolve. "I am Deathstroke—the tolling bell in everyone's ears." Join the protagonist in this thrilling journey as he navigates a world of heroes and villains, making impossible choices and carving his own destiny in the shadowy heart of the DC Universe. ---------