
Reborn as Lucas : TBATE FanFic

Reborn as Lucas . Oh shit!!! Somebody get me out !!!.... . "Wait it's actually Interesting."

Royan_the_Great · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
52 Chs

Chapter 03

Three years had passed since I was reborn into this world as Lucas Wykes. In this time, I had grown from a helpless infant into a toddler, learning to crawl, walk, and speak. But despite my physical growth, I couldn't shake the profound sense of isolation that had become a constant companion.

Life in the Baron's household had been far from what I had imagined. No one cared about me; I was merely a pawn in their political games. My mother, who had once been the only source of comfort in this harsh reality, had long since perished in the dungeon, and I had been left to navigate this treacherous world alone.

As I pondered my existence, I couldn't help but reflect on the reasons behind the character I had become. In the world of the novel I had read, Lucas Wykes was a despicable individual, defined by his arrogance and cruelty. But had that truly been his nature, or had his upbringing shaped him into the person he had become?

I had all the knowledge of the upcoming events, thanks to my prior reading of the novel. I knew about the concept of mana cores, a fundamental aspect of this world's magic system. Most individuals formed a single core, but I had decided to challenge convention and create two. It was a risky endeavor, something no one had ever attempted before. I planned to awaken one core while keeping the other hidden, allowing me to surprise blend in.

But even as I pursued this ambitious goal, I found it increasingly challenging to maintain the facade of a child. I was acutely aware of the knowledge I possessed, the maturity that belied my physical age. Yet, I had to act like a child when I didn't want to. I couldn't afford for them to think of me as an imposter or something special. I had to blend in, to hide my true capabilities, and to bide my time until the moment was right.

I couldn't help but wonder if there was a path to redemption for Lucas Wykes, the character I had become. Could I defy the destiny set by the novel and forge a different fate for myself? It was a question that weighed heavily on my mind as I navigated the complexities of this new life.

As I followed the maid through the dimly lit corridors of the Baron's mansion, my thoughts continued to whirl in a tumultuous storm. The mention of Baron Otis Vahyur, my supposed father, filled me with a sense of foreboding. What could he possibly want with me now?

Amidst my contemplations, we passed by a grand mirror that adorned one of the cold stone walls. In its reflective surface, I caught a glimpse of my own image. It was a momentary distraction, but it prompted a rare moment of self-reflection.

My platinum blonde hair, cascading like liquid silver, had grown longer over the years, now brushing against my shoulders. The fair complexion of my skin was a stark contrast to the gloom of this mansion, and it seemed to shimmer faintly in the dim light. But it was my eyes that held the most captivating allure—a brilliant shade of yellow.

I had always known that my appearance was different, marked by the legacy of my heritage. The slightly pointed ears, a subtle yet undeniable mark of my ancestry, further set me apart from the humans around me. It was a reminder of the world I had been thrust into, a world where discrimination and prejudice were ever-present.

For a brief moment, as I stared into my own reflection, I couldn't help but acknowledge that I had a quite handsome face. It was a superficial observation, perhaps, but it was a fleeting moment of vanity that broke through the layers of self-doubt and insecurity that had come to define my existence.

Yet, as quickly as the thought had come, I pushed it aside. In this world, appearances meant little compared to the harsh realities of power and privilege. I couldn't afford to be distracted by such superficialities, not when the Baron awaited my presence and the mysteries of my rebirth remained unsolved.

With a final glance at my reflection, I turned away from the mirror and continued to follow the maid, my thoughts returning to the uncertain path that lay ahead, and the looming encounter with Baron Otis Vahyur—the man who claimed to be my father, and the source of many unanswered questions in my tumultuous life.

Yet, as quickly as the thought had come, I pushed it aside. In this world, appearances meant little compared to the harsh realities of power and privilege. I couldn't afford to be distracted by such superficialities, not when the Baron awaited my presence and the mysteries of my rebirth remained unsolved.

With a final glance at my reflection, I turned away from the mirror and continued to follow the maid, my thoughts returning to the uncertain path that lay ahead, and the looming encounter with Baron Otis Vahyur—the man who claimed to be my father, and the source of many unanswered questions in my tumultuous life.

The heavy wooden doors of my father's office loomed before me, and I couldn't help but feel a surge of trepidation as I approached them. These doors had always represented a threshold into a world of power, intrigue, and uncertainty. Today was no different.





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