
- Reborn!

"Do you have any other requests?" I politely asked the customer.

"No..." The man replied wearily. He left the store silently.

This is my little business. It's called "Asa Mini Market!" Yeah... I know I'm terrible at naming things.

I work alone in this small business. There's no room for another person inside anyway. My whole life revolves around this little market.

After being rejected by my mother, I never finished my university education. I had to work whatever jobs I could find.

After a few years of work, I managed to start this small business with government assistance. For now, I can manage to get by without luxuries with the money from this business.

"It's already 11:00!" It's time to close the shop. Most businesses in the area usually close at 6:00. But since I run a market, closing early is out of the question.

I closed the market. Today, I'm going to the park for my usual walk routine. Walking is good for everything in life.

But walking alone in my life sometimes makes me sad. I see a lot of people with girlfriends. But I don't have money to spare for a girl.

The money I earn barely covers me. Having a girlfriend could be expensive for me. Still, whenever I see a couple, I think I'll end up alone.

"Aghhh..." My body suddenly stiffened. I collapsed to the ground. What's happening? Am I dying? Finally... I guess I should thank God for my painless death.

What's going on here... I can't open my eyes. It feels warm... Am I floating right now? I feel sleepy...




I'm still in the same place. Can't I breathe? Are these my arms? My limbs feel so small...




Can I move? I feel like I'm floating more. My limbs feel even bigger...




Why can't I open my eyes? I can't open my mouth either. I slowly traced my hands on my face.

My nose felt smaller. I'm not sure. My eyes still seem to be in place... My ears too...




"Should we wake him up, sir?" A harsh voice came to my ears. The harsh voice seemed to belong to a man.

I could hear people talking outside. What did they mean by waking up?

"No... It might still be too early. He'll wake up on his own when he completes his development." I heard a graceful and charming voice. Her voice put me back to sleep.




"Will he wake up?" The owner of the graceful and charming voice spoke again. There was a slight unease in her voice.

Another woman's voice came to my ear. The woman said, "Yes, milady..." This time, the voice was respectful.




"Where am I?" When I opened my eyes, I woke up in a place I had never seen before in my life. I woke up from a long sleep.

I sat up slightly. The bed I was in was very comfortable. I wasn't wearing any clothes. I was lying naked. There was only a blanket on me.

I quickly lifted the blanket and checked my cock. My cock was strangely full of energy. I hadn't felt this horny in a long time.

My attention was drawn to the transparent windows in front of me. After focusing a bit, they began to take on a more readable form.

[ Congratulations! You have completed your rebirth. ]

[ You have the blood of Asmo, one of the most powerful kings of the Abyss. ]

[ Please! Use your Incubus powers to replenish your energy! ]

The windows in front of me surprised me. Even though my eyes were closed, I could see those windows. I carefully read what they said.

Rebirth? Blood of the most powerful king of Abyss? Incubus powers? What are these things in front of me?

[ Incubus Powers: "Seduction" - "Renewal" ]

[ Seduction: Allows you to seduce female entities. It is twice as effective on virgins. ]

[ Renewal: After ejaculation, you and your partner are "renewed". Renewal is effective on your partner in replenishing, basic poisons, and minor injuries. 

In addition to all these effects, it replenishes your energy, hunger, and thirst.]

What are these things... Am I going crazy? Maybe I hit my head really hard when I fell to the ground.

[ Please! Use your Incubus powers to replenish your energy! ]

[ Possible targets are shown to help you. ]

[ Nearest Target: Omne ]

[ Race: Half-vampire/Half-Succubus ]

[ Gender: Female / Virgin ]

As I read the text on these strange windows, the door opened slowly. A black-haired girl entered. After entering, I focused all my attention on her.

I was enchanted by the girl's red eyes when I looked into them. She was wearing a revealing maid outfit. She was slim and slender, about 165 cm tall. But she was still charming with her beauty.

"Congratulations on your rebirth, my lord. I am Omne, a servant of the Asmo palace." Her face was starting to blush. Were my Incubus abilities active?

[ Seduction ability activated! ]

The girl's face was completely red. She wasn't moving. She was stuck in place. When I put my hand on Omne's shoulder, she leaned towards me.

"Please be gentle." She had started to breathe deeply. The sound of her breathing excited me.

I slowly moved my hand to her shoulder. I was moving slowly. Because I had no experience in this area in my previous life.

When I put my hand on Omne's shoulder, she leaned towards me. "Please... Don't keep me waiting, my lord." She addressed me shyly as my lord.

Omne's trembling voice was driving me crazy with pleasure. Her vulnerable state was a turning point for me.

I slowly pushed my cock into Omne. Her pussy was as hot as an oven.
