
Reborn as an Abandoned Princess of Another World

[Remade and longer chapters] When the soul of a modern military girl who died by a gunshot reincarnated into the soul of young Cecilia the daughter of the Empress that was murdered by the Emperor's beloved consort.Cecilia was bullied often because she was naive while her father the Emperor goes on to handle Kingdom affairs. He knows nothing and sadly she wasn't the castle's favorite princess due to rumors even though she has her father's heart/favor. She will climb the ladder to become the heir by knocking her enemies down like dominos. The whole family of that consort will pay but what about that boy he doesn't belong here. Anywho make them fall like dominos! Now that the soul of a very vicious woman is in her, she'll make them all pay.

LilyBuns · แฟนตาซี
8 Chs

Chapter 7 Royal Academy entrance exam (2)

Cecilia was eating her soup quietly as she and Rainier across from her like a lost puppy. Cecilia felt the glares of the others but Rainer was very admit on saying she will be alright.

"Are you going to stare at me all day or are you going to get something eat?" Cecilia said as she put a spoonful of soup in her mouth.

"You are right, I should. I crave a soup like you!" Rainier said as he walked over to the hot food station. Cecilia grimaced at her soup and kept drinking only to be interrupted by a group of girls.

"Hey! Ceila or whatever your name is! Why are you with Prince Rainier Drakos?!"

"Simple, he's my fiancé." Cecilia said blankly as she grabbed her cup of tea next to her.

"What?!" The leade of the group stumbled back as she looked shocked.

Cecilia analyzed the clothes of the girls, the uniform is of the princess or prince but not of crowned origins. So they could be of bastard origins or of unfavored, any random circumstance.

"Telling by your uniform you are not of crowned status who are you to tell me what to do?" Cecilia stated as she narrowed her eyes. The leader gulped as Cecilia stood up and grabbed her plate.

"W-Well...!!" The girl stuttered as she backed away slowly.

"Leave me alone and stop stalking my fiancé he will never be yours and he will never be your special one. He is mine."

Cecilia grabbed a piece of cake as she turned around the leader already unleashed her whip at Cecilia out of anger as the other two girls held her back. Cecilia grabbed the whip as her hands glow and the crown appeared around her head. Her voice boomed in anger with a demand.

"PUT YOUR WEAPON AWAY!" The command automatically made the leader put her weapon away. "LEAVE RAINIER AND I ALONE! IF I CATCH YOU I WON'T HESITATE TO END YOU!" Cecilia pupils narrowed as she let go of the whip causing the girl stumbled back.

The girls squint as they look at the crown on Cecilia's head. The pupils and iris of her eyes pulsating a glow as if you look into her eyes you can see through time and space.

"That's not a country bumpkin crown princess, she said she had no power and was weak. She clearly has domineering energy for a crowned princess. Her eyes they are just like in the text the Heavenly Emperor's blood runs through the Aetos family a direct decendant of that family." the other girl in the group said in fright. As the leader look up in fear.

"The Heavenly...Emperor...a direct decendant?" The girl trembled looking up in fear as the pressure from Cecilia got stronger as she walked towards her. As she braced herself the pressure disappeared as Cecilia was already in her seat eating a cake.

"Don't cross me, again!" Cecilia said as she watched the girl fell to the floor in shock. Everyone whispered again.

"Such an idiot."

"The uniform and crest doesn't give it away?"

"That's Cecilia Luxo Aetos, the crown princess of Aetos she has both Seraphim and Heavenly blood purely strictly Heavenly blood."

"She's very domineering and powerful I should befriend her."

"I heard the Seraphim family can handle all weapons, fight without and grab dangerous weapons with their bare hands. That girl is lucky."

The cafeteria erupted into laughter as the leader trembled getting up. Rainier watched from a far as he watched the group leave and Cecilia finished her dessert.

'Oh, I was wrong you are strong. I thought you were weak initially.' Rainier thought as he carried an extra cake to give to Cecilia.


Clair paced in the courtyard she was wearing the new uniform but it wasn't the one for a crown princess with her kingdom's crest like Cecilia as she looked up she saw the girls stumbled out angry as they marched up to her.

"Princess Clair, what do you mean Princess Cecilia is powerless!? She has Seraphim Blood and Heavenly Blood!! I know you also have Heavenly blood as well but she activated in front of me!!" The leader screamed as she marched up to Clair some more glaring.

"What?! She has Domineering powers?! I thought it was a lie...I only thought she has Seraphim powers!" Clair cried as she stepped back.

"Well, you better show us in the combat exam that you are stronger than Cecilia, you said you have Ophelia blood with Heavenly blood and that's just as strong as Seraphim blood." The leader cried as she was angry at the humiliation she suffered.

"I will defeat her and take her crown! Don't worry..." Clair said as she soothe the leader of the gang.

"Damien..." Clair called out as she watched the gang leave. "Help me mimic the holy power!"

"Simple you need to touch Cecilia when she's off gaurd. This only last temporarily so you need to make it count." An ominous voice called out.

"Got you." Clair smirked as she chat with the demon.

In the shadows a boy is sitting behind a tree listening in with a smirk.

"Princess Clair...you are intresting."