

Desperate cries were heard behind the Prince, his friend so desperate to keep him away from the despicable danger that's bound to arrive the closer they are to the Eclipse Mansion. Guquan was trotting happily in front of them, his tail wagging to and fro, occasionally letting out a bark if he feels that the group is walking too slow and falling behind. Although, his bark always seemed to cause the group of elves to tense up as they expect for the little creature to do something terrifying.

Guquan led them through the thick mist, his barking being the only guide for them to follow along in case they were to wander onto the wrong path. Lucian was the only one following the Dark Creature as if it was the most normal thing while the others were keeping their guards up. Nathaniel and the general kept a grip on the hilt of their swords, the general looking around the surrounding.

"Isn't it too peaceful?" He asked and Nathaniel turned to him with a nod. "You as well?"

However, their conversation was forced to put on hold when the mist suddenly cleared, then they realised that they have crossed the mist border, seeing a big mansion stood before them. Lucian was able to recognised it as the infamous Eclipse Mansion and his eyes slowly looked down at the Dark Creature, noticing how excited it looked before it bounded up the steps and ran towards the big armoured doors.

Guquan let out a loud pitched whine as he frantically scratched at the door, demanding to be let in, letting out a cheerful bark when the door opened by a bit, just enough for him to squeeze in. The Elven group was able to hear the echoing bark and noticed how the door was not closed shut, looking to be a sign for them to enter.

Nathaniel was the first to step forward, using his sword to push the door open wider as the general look around. However, his jaws went slacked when he saw the interior of the mansion. It definitely contradicts its outer appearance. Everything was white and bright, quite beautiful and elegant. The light from the white chandelier was reflected off the white marble tiles, giving off a glowing look from the ground, a heavenly and homely feel can be felt within the large mansion.

"Arf! Arf!"

Guquan's barking was heard once more and the group soon saw the little creature wagging its tail before them. It turned around in little circles before it quickly scamper off into a doorway, barking happily. Lucian seemed a little amused and followed the dog while his secretary once again followed after him with increased anxiety.

The dog seemed to have lead them to the living room as it would run to and from from the couch to the group. Guquan leaped up onto one of the couches and patted his paw on it before jumping off. He then looked into a direction where there was another doorway and barked a few times, he sat down and wag his tail, using one of his hind legs to scratched his ear.

The Prince then proceed to take a seat on one of the couch before giving a look to his friend and the general.

"What are you standing there for? Take a seat."


"...Your Highness..."

Both the general and Nathaniel seemed hesitant and skeptical and this had caused Lucian to let out a sigh.

"The host is already treating us with great respect. Wouldn't it be rude to not return the same gesture?"

"My apologies but I find it suspicious." Nathaniel stated, still standing.

"It is to be expected. After all, I am the rumoured ruthless and cruel Reaper, am I not?"

A voice of a young man was suddenly heard and everyone was on guard, Nathaniel and the general drawing their swords and having it pointed to whenever the direction that the voice had came from.

"Relax young elves, harming you was never my intention when I invited you to my humble abode."

That was when everyone looked down just to see a black cat with white paws and a white tipped tail. The cat was looking up at them while sitting down, licking a paw.

"Where are my manners? I'm Claude Vermillion, the caretaker of this land as well as the Reaper that people spoke of."

The cat introduced himself as he leaped up onto an unoccupied couch opposite his guests, a maroon collar seen around its neck with a golden bell. He then sat back down.

"Please do sit down, the tea will be served soon."

"The caretaker? Not the Lord?" Lucian questioned as he gestured for the soldiers to keep watch outside the mansion while Nathaniel and the general stayed. Both seemed hesitant before actually taking a seat on another couch beside the two.

"I don't see myself as a high and mighty lord." The cat explained. "Seeing what I do everyday, it would be more appropriate to call me a caretaker as I do keep this continent and the occupants protected under me."

As soon as he finished, a familiar bark soon sounded through the air followed along by the sound of wings flapping. The cat seemed please as he looked to the side where the doorway to the dining room was. From the doorway, it could be seen that Guquan was running towards the cat and behind him were two Devil Eye Bats carrying a tray together with their claws and there was an Eye Crawler following not far behind, a chef hat on its head as it slithered and crawled on its tentacle legs.

The two Bats flapped their wings as they brought the tray over, placing it down rather gracefully and quietly before letting the handle go. The small chef making tentacle noises across the floor as it uses its limbs to lift the teapot to pour the tea into three cups before serving them to the the guest. A bowl of sliced sashimi placed instead in front of the cat before it then placed a plate full of small small treats on the table for the guests.

Consist mainly of blueberry cheese tarts, red velvet cupcakes and macaroons. The tea served was just simple chrysanthemum tea. Unlike the rumours, these dark creatures look more like how Guquan was earlier, excited and friendly and the Eye creatures seemed excited for something.

The cat chuckled before he placed a paw out and pat the three of them on the head. "Good job the three of you, now go and play with the others."

The Eyes let out happy squeaks and growls before they quickly flew back, with the Crawler latching its tentacles onto both of their claws as they gave him a ride back to where the dining room was.

The cat then took a slice of sashimi into his mouth, the juice overflowing in his mouth was enough to keep him from going thirsty.

"Please, do take some refreshments, the head chef just now would be delighted to know if his baking were to satisfied you."

The three elves were merely stunned at the treatment they received and also how the cat had treated the Dark Creatures as if they were equals and aren't murderers. Before they could even register what was going on, the same trio came out again from the doorway, this time with Guquan running back to them and with a bigger tray.

"Are those for the soldiers?" The cat asked and the Crawler nod and squeak loudly, its eyes closed and a jovial expression could be seen as it climbed onto Guquan who happily carried the other before running to the main door and outside.

This again have stunned them once more before they were snapped out of their daze.

"Now then, what had made His Highness, the Crown Prince to visit me?"
