
Getting A mount!

Jason stood beneath the fading light of dusk, his gaze fixed upon the unique weapon in his grasp. The Cursed Spear, a bronze level 2 enchanted Spear, hummed with a latent power that whispered promises of destruction and salvation. Its attributes were formidable:

- Armor Breaking +3: A force that could render the defenses.

- Demon Demon Breaking +1: A subtle edge against the netherworld's spawn.

- Additional Attribute: Corpse Poison: A dread enchantment capable of sowing death anew.

- Quality: Passed: A testament to its craftsmanship, designed to pierce through defenses as easily as a blade through ripe fruit.

"Could its might truly rival that of a knife through a watermelon?" Jason mused aloud, the corners of his mouth curling into a half-smile at the comparison. "Perhaps, but the deadliest of blades are those wielded with intent, not merely strength."

Curious about the newly acquired Destroy Demon +1 attribute, Jason speculated on its potential efficacy against spectral adversaries. With a graceful twirl of the weapon, he marveled at its lightweight yet sturdy construction, akin to jade yet as light as hollow bone. The spear's tip, fashioned into a thin, versatile blade, promised both thrust and slash with lethal precision.

In the waning light, Jason tested the curse of corpse poison on the lifeless form of a kestrel. The blade sank effortlessly into the carcass, yet the beast stirred no more. "It seems the true test of this poison lies not with the dead who've already turned, but against the living," he pondered, a spark of resolve igniting within.

As if summoned by his thoughts, ethereal script danced before his eyes, heralding a quest of darkness and dominion: to create and control twenty carrion creatures. The challenge was clear, and the rewards tantalizing. "Fortune favors the bold," Jason whispered, a smirk playing upon his lips as he ventured forth into the embrace of the night.

His steps, guided by enhanced night vision and the keen intuition of the map "Explorer (Elementary)," carried him with confidence through the domain of nocturnal predators. Jason's journey led him past the perilous banks where swamp crocodiles lurked and through the shadowy domain of a crypt spider, each step a silent testament to his growing mastery over this untamed wilderness.

Yet, for all the dangers that prowled in the darkness, Jason's heart was set aflame with the thrill of the hunt and the unyielding desire to conquer. The world around him, filled with monsters and myths, seemed less a place of fearsome threats and more a canvas upon which his legend could be etched.

As the twilight deepened over the Undead Mountains, Jason's journey led him to a decisive moment at the foot of a shadow-cloaked hillside. It was there he spotted his quarry—a formidable male moose, grazing quietly, oblivious to the predator that lurked in the darkness. This beast, with its majestic fork-shaped antlers stretching towards the sky and a massive body that exuded an aura of untamed wilderness, was a testament to the raw and relentless power of nature.

In the realm of the Undead Mountains, where the mire crocodiles hunted fish in the murky depths and the crypt spiders feasted upon the likes of wild boars, the appearance of such a creature was not uncommon. Yet, the sight of it sent a thrill of excitement through Jason's veins. The moose, standing more than two and a half meters tall at the shoulder and weighing nearly a ton, was an imposing figure that could instill a sense of awe and fear in the heart of any observer.

Despite its grandeur, Jason knew well the beast's reputation for aggression and the danger it posed. Under normal circumstances, he would have steered clear of such a formidable opponent. But the enchanted weapon he wielded was no ordinary spear; imbued with the deadly attribute of corpse poison, it granted Jason the confidence to face this titan of the forest.

Positioning himself with practiced ease, Jason took aim. His body coiled like a spring, he launched the cursed spear with all his might. The weapon, a lethal marriage of metal and magic, traced a graceful arc through the air before striking true, burying itself deep into the moose's abdomen. A hoarse cry of agony tore through the silence as the beast, now a prisoner of pain and panic, sought to flee its unseen assailant, only to collapse moments later under the insidious advance of the poison.

Jason watched, his breath catching in his chest, as the majestic creature fell. The transformation was swift; what was once a symbol of wild resilience now lay still,Yet death was not the end for this creature of the Undead Mountains. With a guttural roar that echoed like a death knell through the forest, the moose rose, reborn as a servant of the darkness. Its eyes, once bright with the spark of life, now glowed with a malevolent grey light, a harbinger of the curse that had claimed it.

Jason, witnessing the resurrection of the moose, felt a mix of triumph and a grim realization of the power he now commanded. The weapon, faithful to its master, returned to his hand, eager for the next challenge. The quest had taken a significant turn; what started as a hunt had become a somber dance with forces beyond the ken of mortals.

Under the enigmatic power of corpse poison, the once majestic moose had been reborn as a creature of the twilight world—a carrion moose, its will bound to Jason's commands. With a thought, Jason beckoned the transformed beast to his side. It complied, its movements docile yet imbued with a newfound strength.

"Excellent," Jason murmured, his voice a blend of admiration and resolve. With a swift motion, he mounted the beast, feeling the raw power coursing through its veins. This skeletal moose, no longer a creature of flesh and blood but was a creature of shadow and poison, had become an unparalleled mount, its endurance and speed far surpassing that of any mortal steed.

A howl pierced the silence of the night, a chorus of wolves called forth by the moose's deathly roar. Jason saw opportunity in their call—a chance to complete his mission, to command the forces of darkness and bend them to his will.

With a pat to the moose's neck, he urged the beast forward. "Onward!" Jason commanded, his voice echoing with the power of one who has mastered the dark arts. The moose responded with a monstrous roar, its massive hooves tearing through the earth as it charged towards the source of the howling.

Their approach was swift, the forest a blur as they raced through the night. The wolves, drawn by the commotion, did not hesitate. They charged, their eyes glowing with hunger and desperation. A large gray wolf, bolder than the rest, leaped towards Jason with jaws wide. But Jason was ready; his spirit was aflame with the thrill of the hunt. With a precise and deadly thrust, he impaled the beast on his enchanted spear, its body going limp before it could even cry out.

"Another victory," Jason declared, as the numbers of his foes dwindled before his unstoppable advance. Yet, the pack was relentless, driven by hunger and the primal instinct to survive. They circled, a sea of green eyes and snarling maws, but Jason was undeterred. Each movement, each breath, was a step towards mastery over life and death itself.

As he cast aside the fallen wolf, his gaze swept across the encircling predators. With a grim determination, he prepared for the next charge. The night air was filled with the sound of battle, a symphony of roars, howls, and the clash of primal forces.

This was no mere skirmish but a dance with the dark powers that ruled this land, a test of wills between the hunter and the hunted. Jason, astride his carrion mount, was not just a warrior but a force of nature, reshaping the wilderness of the Undead Mountains with every breath, every command, every life claimed by his cursed spear.
