
Reborn as a Mind-Reading Empress

Falling for his warm touch despite his usual coldness, she loved him only to be disappointed and betrayed in the end. When love turns to darkness, it festers to be poisonous and consumes the soul. The naive Arabella evolved. *** “Thank you for becoming my wife,” was her cold husband’s last words before he died, coupled with a smile that had never before graced his lips. Not on their wedding day. And not even at the birth of their only child. Emperor Ferdinand, someone Arabella loved so much, killed their son. She became a villainess and vowed revenge for her beloved son. For a decade, she used everything she could to make Ferdinand pay. Until finally… he fell to ruin! With her revenge complete, Arabella's life soon ended with her dead husband right beside her. But fate wasn’t done playing with her. All of a sudden, she was back two decades ago right after their wedding. Was it a curse or a blessing? It didn’t matter. Because there is only one thing she needed to do. “I will ruin you in this lifetime too!” This was her hateful promise to herself upon realizing she was reborn. But in her second life, Arabella was unexpectedly bestowed a gift to uncover the truth. Who was wrong and who was right? Only time will tell.

Athena_Varinder · Fantasy
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897 Chs

Chapter 1: Engaged with the Emperor

Arabella was the epitome of beauty. Or so they say.

She doesn't know what their basis was, but she was hailed as such, and a lot of kings, princes, and nobles from various kingdoms sought her hand in marriage.

Arabella had wavy, red-brown, and silky hair that run down to her hips.

Her eyes were amber, the golden shade of the refreshing flowers in the meadows.

It was filled with mirth, warmth, and the innocence of a pampered young lady.

Her lips were lush, soft, and had a natural pink tint. Her maids were envious and often said that her plump lips simply looked like she was always asking for a kiss.

Her skin was white as inherited from her mother and turned even paler from staying indoors to study and read books, and learning how to be a good wife.

She was the first daughter of King Edgar and Queen Ofelia of the Kingdom of Lobelius.

Lobelius was a wide kingdom with rich natural resources so even more noblemen desired Arabella's hand in marriage most especially after hearing of her beauty.

But beauty was both a curse and a blessing.

Discovering that Arabella could be a treasure trove; as if they heard the devil's whisper, her parents had high hopes and became greedy. They wanted to use her to raise the rank of their kingdom.

Not that their kingdom was weak. Her parents simply wanted to rival the most powerful kingdoms. They had rich resources but they lacked military strength.

And thus, due to the desire for more power and influence, out of all the choices her family could have picked, they chose the coldhearted and ruthless Emperor Ferdinand of the mighty and glorious Empire of Valeria.

Of course, Arabella didn't want to marry the fearsome Emperor who was said to kill whenever he was not in the mood or just felt like seeing blood.

There were even rumors of him being hideous.

It turned her off even more.

Arabella was in love with Prince Andrew from the neighboring Kingdom of Lahar. He was the one she wanted to marry.

Andrew was kind, gentle, and loving. He was also a very attractive and dashing man. He had a pretty face which a lot of women loved. His eyes were a beautiful shade of brown and his hair was golden as the sun.

Arabella had a lot of rivals.

There were so many women coveting Andrew's attention. But out of everyone, he chose her. She fully thought she would be married to Andrew.

But when she turned seventeen, her parents suddenly engaged her to the Emperor of Valeria and they were to wed once she turned eighteen.

Sheltered and clueless as she was, Arabella tried to run away with Prince Andrew despite not ever going out of the Lobelius Palace without all her guards before.

Her parents easily found her since she didn't even think of disguising herself.

She was clueless about her portraits which were widely distributed everywhere due to her beauty.

The King and Queen of Lobelius were furious and threatened Arabella that they would declare war on the Kingdom of Lahar if she and Andrew insisted on their relationship.

Thus, the two had no choice but to end their relationship despite their love for each other. Her parents were strict and from her experience, they would truly do what they said they would.

"You are already engaged to the Emperor of Valeria. Do you think he would forgive it if the wedding was canceled? He would kill Prince Andrew and burn down all of Lahar. He might hunt for our heads as well and hang them on his palace gates. Haven't I educated you enough? Think about the consequences of your actions," her mother scolded her.

"Emperor Ferdinand is the most powerful man in the world. What more would you look for? He would be able to protect you and your children. If he learned that you tried to run away with Prince Andrew, who had far less power than he has, he would feel immensely insulted. You better behave yourself and never say a word about your attempt at eloping or not wanting to marry him."

Arabella got scolded for hours even as she wept.

It was the first time in her life she disobeyed her parents and she almost caused the death of her beloved Andrew.

Not wanting to cause harm for Andrew and the Lahar Kingdom, she resolved to marry the Emperor of Valeria.

To her surprise, Emperor Ferdinand was not hideous as the rumors say.

He was rather very much good-looking. Probably even better than Andrew. But of course, she still preferred Andrew but didn't dare say it.

Emperor Ferdinand had silver-colored long hair tied in a ponytail while some bangs were left cascading down his face to his chin's level.

Ferdinand had good facial features. He had beautiful green eyes, thick brows, a sharp nose, kissable lips, and a strong jawline.

But Arabella easily figured out why Ferdinand was said to have a scary appearance.

Just one glance and anyone could tell that he oozed with so much danger. Just getting close to him might make her pass out.

He looked so moody and gloomy too that it was like a dark sinister aura was always around him.

His eyes always looked like it was always hunting for some prey.

He was also tall and had a huge muscular body compared to hers. He could probably strangle her to death with one hand.

She felt like a small harmless rabbit hunted by a scary silver wolf. Or a dragon. Dragon suited him much better. He looked like he might roar any minute and spew fire.

Ferdinand was completely different from Andrew who had an energetic and youthful charm.

His was totally the cold and aloof type. He was too scary to adore even if he was handsome.

He was also a man of few words so it was even harder to get along with him. Unlike Andrew who spoke a lot so it was easy to speak and get close to him.

'This is going to be my husband?' Arabella thought in horror the first time she met him.

The way his eyes looked at her seemed like he was planning to kill her as soon as no one else was around.

She recalled the rumors saying he had become crazy after all the wars he had fought. He was said to kill several people at least once a day to satisfy his bloodlust.

Arabella shivered. She didn't want to get married to him at all. She'd rather jump down the window of her room and fall to her death than be killed by him in her wedding dress.

. . .

After meeting with Ferdinand once to make the engagement official, Arabella was at her wit's end.

She thought about killing herself but she was too scared to do it. She walked to the open window of her room and thought of jumping below.

But she recalled Andrew's words when they parted.

"Arabella, my beloved, if we are meant to be, we will meet again. If destiny wills it, I will be yours and you will be mine," he said with a smile and kissed the back of her hand for the last time.

Arabella clung to such hope. She always believed she and Andrew were meant to be.

She prayed to the goddess of love every single day to increase the chances of her wish getting heard.

It was said that the goddess of love was merciful and grants the wish of those whose wishes were strong enough to reach her.

But just two months after she was separated from Andrew, news that he had wed a princess from another kingdom spread throughout the continent.

Arabella was shocked and heartbroken. She couldn't believe her beloved Andrew would betray her.

She wrote him a letter every single day asking why he married someone else.

But, not a single response came until she threatened him.

She said she would commit suicide and leave a note saying it was his fault so her fiancé would hunt him. Only then, did Andrew finally send a reply.

She was dumbfounded as she read the letter.


Dear Princess Arabella:



I am deeply sorry for not responding to your letters earlier. I was busy with my honeymoon and newlywed life.

I promise I was sincere with my feelings for you when we were together. I loved you so dearly to the point I felt like I might die after we parted.

However, after wallowing in sorrow because you were engaged to another man, I met someone who healed my wounds and mended my broken heart.

It seems fate had different plans for us.

I am in love with my wife now and plan to cherish her for the rest of my life.

I hope you find it in your heart to forgive me.

Your fated one must be your fiancé. We must have been torn apart to be able to be with the one who's truly meant for us.

I wish you all the happiness and love that you deserve.

May destiny weave you a blessed and healthy life.





Prince Andrew Lahar

First chapter done!

Poor Arabella. Did you pray to the right goddess?

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