
The History Of Ancient Dragons


We were served not only delicious looking and expansive looking cake, but also cookies, expensive tea, and other snacks served over the plate. Helga was left shocked by seeing the products here. Apparently cake was something even more expensive for dwarves, who lacked wheat because it couldn't grow properly in here and therefore all wheat had to be imported from the outside, often done by the Goldsand Confederation. Only nobles had the privilege of enjoying such meals, I guess.

"Come on, eat to your heart's content. People as strong as you I'm sure you're able to make ten times the money this cake costs in just a minute of hunting a high ranked monster." Laughed the lady.

"T-Then… Thank you for the meal!" I said, everybody with me quickly began eating everything. The twins had come with us as well, so they were having fun eating the sweets, which they had in very little quantities back home.
