
Reborn As A Divine Saiyan

Cryptic_werelord · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
7 Chs

Awkward Beginning!!

"Waaah waah waahh" a child cried as he awoke in a pod full of green fluid. Swish, tap tap tap. The smooth sound of a electric door opening, and footsteps coming in quickly emerged in the room. "Hmm which one of you is causing the massive fluctuations" a women wondered out loud, As she entered the room. She then looked for the pod with the whining child. She soon found the child, in his pod. She checked his power level through the machine interface. She was shocked to see the machine couldn't calculate his power.

"What, there is something wrong with this young saiyan. I must tell lord pik." The women said as she quickly left the room. Just as she was leaving two people were entering the pod room. The woman immediately recognized them as the parents of the child she just observed. With an obscene amount of power. The women immediately brushed passed them in a hurry. The two parents immediately entered the room and went to the same pod. Only to be shocked by looking at the machine. With numbers insanely bouncing up, and down.

"Chokeet what does this mean?" The women said to the man next to her. "Chilip our son must be taken away from here now. That women was one of lord pik's officers. She obviously was going to alert him of something. When she left here." Chokeet hurriedly said with a worried tone. As he immediately opened the pod and took his son into his arms. "We must leave now, before it's too late" Chokeet said domineeringly as he prepared to leave the room. Before they could leave a man, and a women walked into the pod room. It was lord Pik, and his officer Onice. "Hand over the child Chokeet, and you will be rewarded. With a higher position and more resources." Lord Pik demanded. "Lord Pik you've known me for so long now, do you really think I would take such an offer." Chokeet said as he handed his son over to his mother. " leave now Chilip, take good care of our son." Chokeet yelled as he fired a ball of energy at the wall destroying it. Chilip did as he said an left. "What are you doing Chokeet?" Asked lord Pik with an astonished look on his face. "Something I should have done a long time ago." Chokeet said as he rushed forward towards lord Pik. Throwing a punch only for it to be blocked by Onice.

Onice then punched Chokeet in the chest. Launching him through the hole he created. "Why do you stop me Onice he is a terrible leader." Chokeet said questioning her motives. "Because you can't stop him or the empire." Onice said indifferently.

She then immediately rushed forward to attack him. With a ki blast charging in her hand. When Onice was about to hit Chokeet. He moved his arms really quickly. Grabbing her forearm, and elbow. Then with some power pushed her arm back. Causing her to hit herself in the face. Sending her flying back into the pod room, and crashing through a few floors. Chokeet immediately flew away, While Onice was recovering. After sometime of flying Chokeet finally caught up to Chilip. "What are we going to do Chokeet?" Chilip asked her lip quivering as she cried a little. "We will head to one of the outer city's" Chokeet said Bluntly. "We need to get Belirad into a stasis pod immediately." Chokeet said as he was bewildered by his sons power level. It was constantly rising up and down. If left unchecked his body would probably implode from the energy levels.

…12 years later. In a small city on the outer part of the territory. Two People can be seen waiting patiently in a lobby of some sorts. "Mr., and Mrs. Zucchino please follow me?" A lady asked as she waved to the two people waiting. They immediately got up and followed a lady to a room. When they entered. Young Belirad now had a full head of glistening red, and white hair. His hair reached his shoulders. With a couple strands of hair one red one white. Crossing his forehead like bangs. The hair on the side, and top of his head spiked towards his back. With the down flowing spikey hair on the back of his head. Being in a bun, the hair had a red, and white cloth holding the hair together with the extra length of the cloth ends flowed down his back. His eyes were bright gold giving him a look of sincerity. His tail was all red.

Belirad was wearing a set of cloth battle armor. The upper part being more synthetic, and conformed to the body. While the pants were baggy around the legs but tight at the ankles, and waist, with a slit in the back for his tail to slide through. The colors were uniform with his hair. Making him give off an air of elegance, and power. "Come Belirad, it's your mom Chilip, and Your father Chokeet." The women that led the pair to the room said to Belirad. "Okay" Belirad said as he got up and walked over to Chilip first. Which Chilip then picked him up. "Are you ready to go home Belirad?" Asked Chilip. "Really I get to go home now?" Belirad questioned excitedly while looking at Chilip. With wide eyes gleaming in excitement. "Yes, we also have a training room. That I built just for us." Chokeet chimed in with pride. "Oooh I can't wait. Let's go now. Mom, and dad." Belirad said overjoyed. "Yes let's get going your sister is also there, and It will take some time to travel." Chilip said as she then left with Belirad, and Chokeet.

…one month later. Now in a dense jungle young Belirad, and his parents arrive at their home. After entering. Belirad sees his sister. She looks more like their parents. Black hair with red mixed in, with their tails being black. While wearing a similar suit of armor. "Dad why can't my scanner tell brothers power level?" The little girl asked feeling dejected. From her brothers power level being unreadable by the scouter. "Idk Okri" Chokeet said bewildered himself. She then turned to Belirad, and said. "We should spar brother." Okri said as she tried to pull her brother to the training room. But okri couldn't even pull Belirad from his spot. Belirad pulled his hand away.

"Not to be mean sister but I'd like to explain myself to everyone before we play." Belirad said with a kind smile. "I am a divine saiyan. Though I was born from mortals with only twenty five percent god ki in their body's. I was born with a majority of my ki. Being god ki. God ki isn't readable by any technology." Belirad said excitedly. "Also I am a soul from another multiverse, with knowledge about our race, and others. I also know of ways to get extremely powerful." Belirad said foaming at the mouth with excitement. "I'm ready to have a great adventure with you as my family." Belirad finished. "Honey are you ok?" Chilip ask worried something may have happened to him. "I'm fine mother. This is a big shock Ik. But it's true." Belirad said with a little displeasure plainly displayed on his face. "Ok son if you say so. We'll see about you being a divine saiyan." Chokeet said playfully gesturing for a spar….