
Chapter 1 The Story Before

"Grandpa granpa come here fast sit here the last movie of Naruto will begin" asked a 7 years old boy to his granpa "alright kid I'll sit then" answer Sam who loved his grandson so much. Sometimes after the movie "grandpa can you tell me a tale about your life in the war" asked his grandson "are you sure you want to hear it little guy?" aske Sam back at his grandson "yes yes grandpa" with his nod "alright kid here sleep while I tell my story to you".

Sam Phil when 20 years old, his country got to go war against neighboring country, in his mid twentieth got to go to war against another country to serve his own country, at the age of 30 he got to meet his lover, she was a nurse in the camp and he felt fall in love in the first sight, and he asked her to go to a date, and year after the first date they married, when they married their country already winning the war and he got a silver medal for serving the country, live was good for Sam, they got 2 sons and their sons growing up so fast, until their country go to war again against another neighboring country.

Unfortunately Sam at the age of 50 got to go again as a commander after all he is a veteran, another 5 year past and the war almost end and his country almost winning, the enemies sent a missile to Sam as a struggle at the end Sam got hurt from the missile but his soldier trapped in the base camp ruin, Sam ran without thinking of his own life and somehow managed to save his soldier but with his leg got hurt and crippled. In the end Sam become a hero who save so many of his soldier, from the missile, from the war, and his family.

"That's it Paul that's all of my story I hope you can learn a lesson from my experience" said Sam to the little Paul "yes grandpa when I grow up I will protect all of people that I held dearest" said little Paul with a nod and get a nod back from grandpa Sam. "alright Paul it's time to sleep now go to sleep" said Sam and giving a kiss in his grandson's forehead and leaving him alone in his room,

"now it's time for me to rest" said Sam to his self, and walk to his room. When he already made to his room and already done brushing his teeth, he go back to his bed and ready for sleep "ugh what a day" said Sam while giving a low sighing.

When he ready to sleep he feel his heart hurting like hell and the he finally passing away with a smile in his mouth.

hey newbie author here, finally after read sooo much fanfic, i've decide to write my own hope you guys can enjoy it

Peace =)

RABScreators' thoughts