
Rebirth as a monster

Drake a criminal who after years of criminal.life finnaly understood what kind of life was he leading during his lifetime.By spending his last days of life before execution he was in deep thought.What did happen that made me do all these things couldnt i simply live my life differently and get family not start doing all the things i did. as he spent these days finaly the guards arrived and took him to the excecution grounds. Drake a person who reggrets all that he did during his life avakens floating in void and meeting something.The thing says to him ill give you a chance to transmigrate but it will be unusual so have fun... follow him as he changes his new life and from criminal rises a hero The art doesnt belong to me if you want it taken down please contact me :)

Erlands_Erls · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
28 Chs

Ch 24

The 3 newly formed brothers were sitting around Veldora's prison and chatting.

"So elder brother Veldora what happened how did you got stuck in this strange barrier ? " Rimuru asked.

"Muhaha it happened 300 years ago when i was more rambunctious and crazy i accidentally after having a huge argument with the queen of dragons in rage burned down a medium town, while hero was passing by and using her unique ability [Arachnids Imprisonment] she defeated me and sealed me in here. " Veldora answered while laughing loudly.

"Hero seriously there are heroes in this world that sounds familiar ".

Said Drake while reminiscing of his past life and a certain wannabe hero that using his scientific bow to chase and try to catch him when he was still active .

"Elder brother Veldora u have been stuck here for 300 years" Rimuru exclaimed shocked.

"Yeah that somehow happened u two are the first beings that i can converse is seriously boring here ".

"Veldora did that so called hero had a name, thanks to my unique skill i might have to encounter him/her and is he/her still alive" Drake asked since his quests in this world might force him to encounter this hero

"I kinda don't want to say her name loudly, I'm kinda afraid that she will appear here but since you need it so much i might say it.

Her name is Black Widow,I still remember our encounter and the way she beat me up brrr"

Veldora said and turned to check his brothers but what he saw made him dumbfounded

"Guys are you okay" He asked.

Rimuru had a large exclamation mark on his slimy body while Drake was sitting there like a statue his eyes completely staring in space .

Rimuru managed to get his thoughts back to normal and asked "Hey Big bro do you know here real name not her hero name " He asked in a little shaky voice while looking at Veldora completely focused .

"Hmm nat- nit- ne" Veldora tried to remember but suddenly an absent-minded voice sounded.

"Natasha Romanoff am i right "

"Yeah thats how it was " Veldora answered wondering how did he now.

Drake smiled weakly hearing his new brothers answer "So you are in this world" he muttered quietly while a powerful memory appeared in front of his eyes.

Small boy is standing in his apartment's

kitchen covered in blood while clutching a bloody knife in his hand, while a small redhead girl was clutching his leg and looking at the scene in front of them.

"Elder brother Drake what happened to Mom and Dad why are they lying there and why are you covered in blood. The small girl asked while whimpering.

"Little Nat please don't look everything is gonna be alright your elder brother will always protect you ." Drake said while looking at his mother's corpse filled with bullet wounds while tears started dripping down his cheeks .

his eyes went to rage when he turned to his father's corpse that was riddled with knife cuts.

"Dad how could you kill Mom " He quietly muttered remembering his parents argument and seeing his father shooting multiple times.Rage overwhelming him and grabbing a knife and smashing it in his father's body multiple times .

As the memory faded Drake got out of his trance and turned to Rimuru and said "Rimuru since you reacted so strongly to the heroes name i can assume that you're from my world i hope you dont hate me when i tell you this,

My full name is Drake Romanoff "

Rimuru's slimy eyes widened completely and he kept staring at Drake and said "Ddddrake Romanoff as the most feared serial killer that killed hundreds of corrupted politicians all around the world are you serious,

Wait that means that Natasha is your sister but how did she reincarnate like us .

Drake hearing Rimuru's reaction turned to Veldora and said "Big brother you said that you met the hero 300 years ago is she still here."

"Yes her unique skill Is responsible for it as long as someone is trapped in her prison that same prison slowly drains the prisoners life force and gives it to her rejuvenating her"

Drake hearing Veldora's answer smirked and started laughing loudly "Yeah little Nat has always been smart ahahaha can't wait to meet her she'll freak out when she sees my state"

Suddenly Rimuru turned towards Drake and asked "Elder brother what happened to you why did you started that crazy killing what made you do this? "

Drake was deep in thought should he answer the question, he took a deep breath and started speaking. "Our father's name was Vladimir Romanoff he was a high ranking politician in our home country Russia. While our Mother was an ex hacker, going during her prime days as Shadow.

From what i heard and learned father one day forget his laptop at home and he received a strange email my mother accidentally noticed it and got curious using her skills she hacked and got to father's secret files. "

Drake took a deep breath and continued "From those files she understood that my bastard father was involved in child trafficking and other illegal stuff, and that faithful day she confronted him they had a huge argument during that time i was hiding behind the corner and witnessed how my father pulled out a gun and loaded a lot of bullets in my mother in rage i grabbed the largest kitchen knife and stabbed him so many times that i couldn't remember.

When i finished i was covered in his blood and huffing loudly when i stood up i heard a cheerful voice as my sister appeared.

I still remember my sister's voice as she is crying and asking questions about our parents lying there dead.

From that day onward i started completely despise politics and corruption. Both of us were tossed around a lot of orphanages until someone posing as our uncle appeared and took both of us in but both of us got dragged in a strange organization that trains assassins.

Both of us got separated and next time i met my sister was when we both got trained and both left the Organization.

I started my killing spree while my sister became a good person and a hero ,

Her death was the thing that made me surrender thats how i ended up here "

As Drake finished his reminiscing huge tears were falling and both Rimuru and Veldora were quiet trying to process the information.

"That was a different life i forgive you now we are brothers " Rimuru said trying to cheer Drake up.

"Yeah i agree we are brothers here so stop sulking Drake by the way u said that because of your unique skill u will still be forced to meet her what's that supposed to mean "

Veldora asked.

"Thanks u two" Drake said "My unique ability is quite special since it gives me missions that im forced to accomplish while one of them is to become a Demon Lord i doubt a hero will be able to ignore a new demon lord.

By the way Veldora can you explain were are we currently and how to become a demon lord in this world and are there any powerful demon lords in this world??? " Drake asked.

"Well overall becoming a demon lord is not hard but cruel you need 50000 living souls to absorb and recreate your body to awaken demonice powers " Veldora said

"Living souls what is that?" Rimuru asked.

"Basically u need to kill 50000 living beings and gather their souls " When Veldora answered both Rimuru and Drake paled.

"So now im forced to slaughter " Drake smirked and decided to put it behind him.

"What about the demon lords are there any powerful ones " Drake asked again.

"Hahh if speaking from my knowledge there are three that you shouldn't mess around with.

This cave is almost in the middle of the forest that's called Great forest of Jura south of here Armed nation of Dwargon is located but deeper behind it is the land of death called Great Tomb of Nazarick, their leader is Demon lord Ainz ooal gown an incredibly powerful necromancer and nobody knows what is his unique ability so i suggest not to mess with him.

East is Kingdom of Balmuth but deeper behind it is the Land of Dragons from where i come from in there are the two remaining demon lords that you should be careful of.

First is the Princess of land of dragons Milim Belserion known for her monstrous strength and second is her mother.

Known as the queen of Dragons Irene Belserion also known as the mage of the beginning she is the strongest mage known in this world and one of the reasons I'm stuck in this prison. "Veldora took a deep breath after finishing his explanation.

"Aaaaaahhhhhh" Suddenly Rimuru released a loud scream and said "Big brother Veldora, my unique ability just said that by using my skill Predator i can consume you and with its help i might analyze it and release you from here"

Both Drake and Veldora were staring at Rimuru and suddenly smiled.

"ROOOOOOAAAARRRR lets do it I'll do anything to get out of here " Veldora released a huge roar and allowed it.

Rimuru's slimy body suddenly enlarged and covered Veldora's body together with the barrier devoured him what left was Rimuru.

Drake witnessing this stared dumbfounded "Well that ability is really usefull" He said

Meanwhile deep in lands of death a figure that was dressed in completely black suddenly raised her head and muttered "hoh the pesky lizard managed to get away from my prison interesting ".The figure smiled and slowly turned around slowly moving towards the Great forest of Jura.

A/N enjoy