
Chapter 1: Return to Gaming

Early in the morning, I look out the train window. Sighing, I think to myself, 'Should I get one of them gaming cabins?' Passing through the forest I feel a bit melancholic. Sighing I shake my head as tears go down my face, 'I don't really want to play any vr game without my friend. However she is no longer here.'

Arriving at the station, on a screen there is a commercial for a new upcoming game. As I wait for the next train, something catches my eyes on the screen. Looking up I see a person go into the character creation. What is the most interesting about the character creation is the fact that you can mix and match the different racial attributes from the different bloodlines to get a play style you want.

Ever since Snow had passed I haven't felt like playing games. But wouldn't it be wonderful to be able to play this game. A tear runs down my face, would be even better if you were still here. We could both play it.

Stopping by the game store I walk up to the counter, "Welcome, what can I do for you today?"

Before I can answer, a man walks down the stairs and says, "Espiana nice to see you once again, to think you'd come here after all that time. After the death of your friend."

Nodding my head, I follow the man up the stairs. Inside his office he says, "So the Princess of Carnage is going to make her return is she?"

"You've seen the trailer right?" I tilt my head as I sit down on the chair.

"Ahhh, Yes. Realms of Bereilium. I can see how that could make you want to get back into gaming, after what happened," he sighs at the end.

"Well then when is the earliest you can get me a virtual cabin set up?" I smile. Grabbing a cup of tea.

"Give us the address and I'll send someone over right away," he smiles.

"Are you going to play the game yourself Hashim?" I ask.

"Possibly. But I don't have the time to figure out the best bloodline attributes for a blacksmith," Hashim replies.

"Well I can do so for you then. I don't want to use some other blacksmith that doesn't even reach half of your ability," I stand up and place the cup down.

"Thank you for the compliment. That would be very kind of you to do so," he smiles at me.

"Others may not know, but you do. They only saw me and Snow, but never the hidden members. Without our blacksmith and others that worked with you, we wouldn't have made it as big as we did," I laugh.

"No, no, no, no you've got it all wrong. We just supplied equipment that synergized well with your skills and abilities. I did nothing spectacular," he looks down.

"You are so very modest. The equipment you crafted was beyond everyone else. When I sold all the equipment they asked who made it," I stretch with a laugh.

"They just don't know how to find good crafters," he chuckles.

"More like those crafters are only after money and even their best crafters fell short. They didn't know how you all made such grand equipment," I chuckle heading out the door.

Paying for the game cabin, I walk out of the store and take the long way home through the park.. 'I need to get nutrients for it as well. However most aren't that good. Can't let myself become frail because I used the low level stuff. But I also can't go without them.'

Shaking my head, 'Well then I guess that means I should develop my own. All because I lack the connections to get the top quality stuff anymore, ever since Snow died.'

Arriving at my house I see the game cabin located right where I want it. I go into my personal gym, with a smile. Where others think I might have stopped training they would be wrong. I've seen the headlines of when I first left the professional scene ten years ago. They went to bash me, and my choice to leave the professional scene. They once said I would not be able to ever return.

For a time I was content with my choice to leave. I mainly played to spend time with Snow. So them thinking that without her I wouldn't be as good, was understandable. However, little did they know; I kept up on my training. I may not have been as big into gaming as my friend. I was definitely into training my physical body all the time.

After finishing my evening routine, I go into my room and turn on my computer. For the first time in a decade, I go and read through some of the chats made by other players. Reading through the chats I see a lot of people excited for the game that is about to come out. Most are excited just to make characters that look however they wish. Some are excited to explore a new world.

A small minority are interested because of the mix and matching bloodlines for their play style. I post a message for the first time in a decade. Watching closely I see the views go up. I refresh a different window, and across it are people shocked by me posting something. I go read through the comments people are leaving about me posting.

"The Princess of Carnage posted something." Ditla says.

"Really where?" Aras asks.

"You sure?" Lama replies.

"You must be insane." Idom says.

"They're telling the truth." Aras says.

"But it's been ten years. A whole decade, why would she post a thing?" Idom says.

"You idiot just read it." Ditla says.

"Does she think she will still be that good after not playing for a decade? She is nothing without the Frozen Queen." Idom says.

"You all stop blabbering away. She only wants to experience Realms of Bareilium," Aras says.

"She didn't say she would come back professionally." Lama responds.

"You fools, how do you know what she has been doing for the past ten years?" Ditla asks.

"Not playing professionally." Idom says.

"Have any of you noticed that she is still as reserved as before? She doesn't care what we think." Ditla says.

"She has to care. Why else would she post anything? She showed that without the Frozen Queen she is nothing. Think about it ten years and she is just now getting back into gaming," Idom says.

"You all are being hysterical. She was always physically stronger than the Frozen Queen." Ditla says.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Lama asks.

"She has always trained her physical body more than the Frozen Queen." Ditla replies.

"So what? She still hasn't played in years." Idom says.

"You fools remember that time the Frozen Queen said, 'She trains her physical body daily for hours at a time.' If not then you all are forgetting how strong and fast The Princess of Carnage was. And how important are ones physical abilities for gaming nowadays?" Aras says.

"That was then, and we are in today." Lama says.

"Everyone we are all worked up about the Princess of Carnage. She left because as she stated, 'I was playing with my friend. I don't feel a desire to keep playing these without her.' You all have forgotten she hasn't been interested in gaming for a while. It isn't who she is. The fact that she posted about joining this game should mean something else." Ditla says.

"So what if it means something?" Idom says.

"You all fail to understand, she is just interested in what the game has to offer. She has never claimed to be coming back professionally. She might just try it, then leave. We haven't seen her even try another game since her friend's passing." Aras says.

"We are getting worked up for no reason." Ditla says.

"You all want to argue but mark my words. She will return. She will come back professionally. She will show us once more why she has the moniker of Princess of Carnage once more. Just you wait and see. There will be none to stop her raise. Further more she will have the best equipment once more." Agnignis says.

"You've just made a fool of yourself. She won't be that good. She is unable to compete with the likes of even the silver rankings anymore." Lama says.

"Her skill has deteriorated by far too much. She hasn't played any games for a decade. Why would we believe your words? The person said mark my words. Let us actually screenshot them. Then laugh and mock them when it is false." Idom says.

Reading that conversation I shake my head. 'Do they really think I've lost my skill?' Even though I haven't played games in a decade besides some from centuries ago. With how many games now rely on one's own skill set outside of the game as well, I am still as good as before.
