
Realm Reclaimed: Chronicles of the Magical Russia

"When the entire Russian Federation is mysteriously transported to a fantastical realm, they find themselves amidst a world ruled by magical and backward kingdoms that look down upon them with arrogance. In a struggle for survival and dominance, the Russians, led by a determined group of leaders, embark on a journey to reclaim their identity and build the formidable Russian Empire in this new magical land. As they face mythical creatures, navigate treacherous alliances, and harness the latent magical potential within themselves, the Russians strive to overcome prejudice and establish their might. Chronicles of the Russia is an epic tale of resilience, magic, and the audacious rise of a once-modern nation as it endeavors to forge a powerful empire in the face of fantastical adversity." This is a AI Generated Novel and I don't have total control of this :)

ImmqrtaEmperor · แฟนตาซี
6 Chs

Chapter 4 - The Great Divide

In the weeks following their unexpected arrival in the unfamiliar land of Moskovia, Vladimir Putin and his band of loyal followers were granted refuge in a small village just outside the capital city of Maskva. They were given simple lodgings and the benevolent Czarina Anastasia provided them with food and other basic supplies.

Despite Anastasia's initial warm welcome, it soon became painfully clear that her people looked upon Putin's Russians as outsiders and interlopers. They were viewed by the locals as uncultured and unmannered compared to the genteel citizens of Moskovia.

Whispers, suspicious glances, and disdain followed Putin's men whenever they ventured into the capital. Greedy shopkeepers charged them excessively for goods and inns regularly turned them away from rooms.

At Putin's urging, his people tried their best to integrate by adopting local styles of dress and speech. Yet no matter how much effort they put in, the shadow of prejudice and distrust dogged their every step.

Tensions finally came to a head during the lively Summer Solstice festival, when those from the outlying villages were allowed into the capital city for celebration. There, a roving gang of local youths began harassing and ridiculing Putin's soldiers, calling them derogatory names and questioning their manhood.

When one audacious youth snatched the fur hat from a Russian soldier's head, a violent brawl quickly erupted. More Moskovian citizens readily joined in against the perceived foreign rabble, severely beating several of Putin's outnumbered men.

Enraged by this unprovoked assault, Putin immediately demanded an urgent audience with the Czarina Anastasia. "Your people attack and mock us without cause!" he angrily accused. "We came to your lands in good faith seeking refuge, yet in return face only hostility and violence."

The Czarina frowned, her gentle face growing stern. "While I allowed you into my kingdom, I cannot fully control the interactions between commoners. Your people will receive no special treatment or preference here."

"We seek only fairness, dignity, and respect," Putin insisted, refusing to back down. But the resolute Czarina would not be moved.

Returning to his village, Putin knew matters could not continue this way. It was now clear their cultures were fundamentally incompatible. If they wished to survive and prosper, they would have to take their fate fully into their own hands.

He gathered his most trusted advisors in secret council. "The time has come for bold action," Putin declared. "We must establish our own sovereign realm here in this strange new land, separate and apart from Moskovia. This place will be called Rossiya and I shall be its rightful Tsar."

His hardened advisors nodded grimly. They knew it would be difficult, but understood this was the only viable path forward now. If they were to have a future, they would need to unite and forge their own destiny in this unfamiliar realm. They would make sure Russia rose again.