
Chapter 121- A Grim Story Part 2

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Warning: This chapter contains a gory scene that might be disturbing, read at your own risk!




Living such a life wasn't unsustainable in the long term. Even if they had grown and become much more experienced, they were still children in the end. The tower was a cruel and unforgiving place. Even for adults and even regulars, it was no different.

Although they could survive for some time, at some point sooner or later, they would be unable to handle the ever-increasing difficulty of surviving with no real abilities in the middle area, where many regulars always stayed and loitered around, making the place even more dangerous for the hapless children.

The regulars weren't exactly the kindest people. They had been through much more ruthless and cruel trials than the common residents in the tower in order to climb the tower. Because of that, most of them didn't care about the abandoned children.

Adori couldn't remember exactly when it was, but at some point, only a few of them had left as more of them continued to die. At that time, everything had become very hard for them.

Their conditions were very extremely bad as their bodies worsened day by day as they found that getting food was getting harder and harder since their expulsion.

Not to mention, they had a hard time finding a decent shelter without getting under the skin of the local residents.

At this point, they were slowly dying as they had become too weak to find any food. Even Adori, who usually was the most tenacious, admitted that she also couldn't bear the extreme hunger. It was simply too painful and unbearable even for them.

As their fate already seemed extremely bleak, it quickly spiraled out of control into absolute madness.

Unable to resist the slow and painful death, and not resigned to such fate, one of them took the matters into his own hands.

Growing in such a harsh environment, their minds were inevitably influenced by their circumstances, and under such a desperate situation, he decided to secretly kill one of his friends, someone that was akin to his very own family member.

He defiled their body and consumed their very own flesh to sustain his life.

Adori had noticed the sudden disappearance of the murdered child but since many of them had previously suddenly disappeared or died, she didn't think much of it and only thought that they were simply kidnapped or killed.

However, in just a few days another one of them suddenly disappeared as well.

This time, it had unnerved Adori. In the past, even if some of them disappeared, except in the beginning, it was never this quick.

After all, they had adapted to live in such a harsh environment. None of them would make such a beginner mistake to end up disappearing twice in a row in just the span of a few days.

Because of this, Adori became warier and decided to keep a rusty knife in her person at any time to protect herself.

A few days later, she was incredibly emaciated, and when the boy asked her to join forces to steal food, although wary, she didn't have any choice to accept it.

It was all normal in the beginning.

The boy led her through the usual passageways that they frequent to commute, and he showed no suspicious body language and signs, making her somewhat relaxed.

At the sharp turn in the passageway, he suddenly sped up, making Adori lost her sight of him and instinctively quickened her pace to try to catch up to him.

Suddenly, she felt her legs hit something hard, and her vision abruptly changed to look at the dirty ground as her body tumbled forward, freely falling headfirst into the hard ground.

Adori couldn't react, and her forehead slammed hard into the ground, dazing her as blood began to slowly trickle from it.

However, she didn't even have the time to recover from her fall as suddenly, she felt a strong pressure on her neck that restrained her and made it hard for her to breathe.

Finding herself in such a situation, Adori panicked. She started to struggle from the constriction as her eyes turned to the side, trying to see who was the culprit.

She had a strong guess who it was but she didn't want to believe it.

However, the evidence in front of her eyes was clear. It was the boy, the one who had shared his happy memories together with her. One of her own family members.

Did he the one who make the others suddenly disappear?

Was he the one who killed them?

Thinking about this, Adori felt a surge of anger as her body was invigorated, making her struggled harder to freed herself out of the chokehold.

She really tried her best, but no matter what she did, he kept his ground and continue his chokehold, making her struggle become weaker and weaker with every second.

As Adori felt that she couldn't breathe anymore, she thought that it was finally her time. She had survived thus far with her wits but was also mostly due to luck.

If not, she certainly wouldn't survive for far longer than her friends. But now, she was going to die in the hands of her friend that she considered her own family.

Feeling the lightheadedness, her vision started to darken.

Adori didn't know why, but at this moment, she didn't think of anything and let her body move on its own.

Fueled with her extreme desire to survive, her strength had suddenly exploded!

Adori didn't care about the chokehold anymore, instead, she used all her power to rock her elbow at his ribs. The boy winced in pain and loosened his grip on her neck, he didn't expect her to still have enough power to retaliate!

Freed from the chokehold, Adori immediately bashed her head at his nose, creating a cracking noise as the boy grunted in pain.

The boy instinctively used his hand to cover her bloody nose, forgetting to keep his chokehold altogether.

Using this moment, Adori turned her body around and took her rusty knife hidden inside her pocket.

Without any hesitation, she lunged at him and fiercely stabbed her knife in one of his eyes. Feeling the immense pain, the boy let out a long and loud, painful scream.

However, Adori didn't stop, she knew well she couldn't afford to. So, she continued to drive her knife into his face again and again.

Akin to being possessed, Adori continued to drive her knife down, ignoring the pleas and screams that reverberated in her ears. Her eyes were dull and hollow as she repeatedly and mechanically stabbed her knife.

She stabbed her bloody knife.

She continued to stab.

And stabbed.

Your powerstones please and thanks!

Heavenly_Ravencreators' thoughts