Going to a single school for more than six years is so tiring. "Did you just agree to that ?" try 12 years and you will see more than tires. ..." what if I could make him like me?" I thought " maybe when he does, I'll break his heart and show his mum, that feelings can't be controlled easily, then she'll realize for blaming me all this why for any live affair in school" Join Daisy in her experience with Yash in the presence of his mother. Actually a female lead but also realistic fiction
I am Daisy, some people call me coco and this is my story, I'm gonna be really snappy about these episodes then will begin to go into details, N.B: It's not a love story, not an adventurous one, just the thoughts of a little girl out there. I hope I can satisfy those who love to hear about thoughts.😅😅
This is my first day in primary school. My parents decided to change my school which I have no problem with. I have to write some exams to get into school and all.
I'm excited and scared about it, so I hold on to my elder sister which is with me but then I meet the invigilator and then she comes off as harsh and scary by saying "Am I going to live with her forever?"
As a normal six-year-old obviously that would have been super frightening which is why I make up my mind, "I'm not going to this school."
After the exam which I passed I meet the school owner and then I don't want to leave the school again like one minute I'm all no go and the second I'm like "yeah why not". KIDS!😅
My real first day was a blur, mind you, I was an A grade girl in my former school but here, mehhh! I wasn't close to that, the only prize I got at the end of the session was star pupil, can you visualise that, I bet you can now.
I liked my teacher to the extent that I wanted to go to his house one night, I told my mum I wasn't living with her anymore and I packed my load and put it at the front door, she thought I was joking till stepped out. (Don't think too far readers, I was stopped AND reported..... to my teacher of course; no biggie I wasn't pained.)
First-year went in a blur and I was soon promoted to Year 2, I had to write an external exam to move to the next year so we were drilled for it I had 3 new mates then, one a comedian, the other a scientist and the last one errr, the girl everyone EXCEPT me wants to be, or something like that,🥴 nevermind.
I fell ill during this year, had chickenpox, passed it to a few of my mates(which I'll explain the important ones later). I stayed home, my mum and sister took care of me and my brother ran away, funny thing; the moment I was healed he got it too🤣, Karma is a bitch but people fail to realize that.
I passed the exam with no idea how I did it but I did regardless and sorry guys, no gift for little Daisy this time. Moved on to Year 3.
Year 3 was really fun we had the best and only real tea party in our school, mind you this is coming from someone who has spent 11 years in a school. That day was fun we made our little tea hats ourselves and ate till we could eat no more. Miss those years.
(Gonna brush through the fourth year just so it doesn't look like I skipped it)
Year 4 was kinda okay, Our teacher was pregnant so we had a new teacher. In this class, I had the most creative teachers and this built my interest in art, you should have guessed it already but I'm still going to say it, I got the best in art and that was my only gift😁.
Funny thing I never liked reading in my early days, I had my sister to explain things to me but this was the year she went to University, I only saw her once a year(one month) for 5 years since then: painful but I survived.
I got to year 5 and the real trouble began, I started getting in trouble in school. In class I was gentle but trouble always found me either way.
The first term went smoothly but the second term, I was tricked by my friend, he wasn't my friend, or was he?, I guess we'll never know, his name was Ben he was related to the director's wife(she is his aunt).
One day he collected something from me but I didn't mind because, you know boys, they will come around sometime, never failed once. (sorry I didn't tell you, I did karate in school,)so we went down for karate and while changing he called me out to come to check something in the boy's changing room, I went and then I saw my classmate (the scientist; yeah, he's a guy), in a vest, he's dark, no racism attached because I'm also kind of dark but I laughed and went back to the girl's changing room, minutes later the scary teacher from year one came and she slapped me, she said: "Is that what I came to school to do?"
I was ashamed of myself and I was almost whipped on assembly the next day but I was kind of saved, I came after assembly😅. This was the genesis of trouble for me, I always got into trouble after then.
Fast forward to the end of the term we were preparing for graduation presentation and I was really mad this day, unfortunately, I was beside Ben and he was moving and you know talking to other boys and he mistakenly stepped on my foot, I looked at him and I told him to watch it, which he replied" what are you going to do, I will slap you" and then I said, "slap me first and you'll see what I can do".
He did, well no one knew and I slapped mine back and the whole class became silent, Ben literarily turned into a tomato, he was on the brink of tears, I said sorry but, I don't think I meant it, Sof(the girl everyone wants to be) his best friend was very mad, she looked like an overblown balloon, I was going to laugh but I knew better😉, I told him sorry again after seeing her and that he slapped me first. things went well after that incident but everyone knew not to mess with me😁.
I went to the final year with only one classmate left it is an experience for ...(of course another chapter).😁
😂 See ya, love ya.